
## 蒙以养正类似句子,62句

1. **蒙以养正,诲以成章。**
> To nurture with ignorance and educate to perfection.

2. **蒙以养正,以文以武。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to cultivate both literature and martial arts.

3. **蒙以养正,道济天下。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to benefit the world with the Dao.

4. **蒙以养正,仁义为本。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to base oneself on benevolence and righteousness.

5. **蒙以养正,智勇双全。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be both intelligent and brave.

6. **蒙以养正,立德立言。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to establish virtue and words.

7. **蒙以养正,成人之美。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to complete the beauty of a person.

8. **蒙以养正,精进不息。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to constantly strive for excellence.

9. **蒙以养正,厚德载物。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be virtuous enough to carry all things.

10. **蒙以养正,知行合一。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to unite knowledge and action.

11. **蒙以养正,谦虚谨慎。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be humble and cautious.

12. **蒙以养正,戒骄戒躁。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to avoid arrogance and impatience.

13. **蒙以养正,乐善好施。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to enjoy doing good deeds and to be charitable.

14. **蒙以养正,博学多才。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be learned and talented.

15. **蒙以养正,志存高远。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to have lofty ambitions.

16. **蒙以养正,胸怀天下。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to embrace the world.

17. **蒙以养正,心存善念。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to have good thoughts in one's heart.

18. **蒙以养正,明辨是非。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be able to discern right from wrong.

19. **蒙以养正,仁爱包容。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be benevolent and tolerant.

20. **蒙以养正,坚韧不拔。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be tenacious and unyielding.

21. **蒙以养正,淡泊名利。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be indifferent to fame and fortune.

22. **蒙以养正,不骄不躁。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be neither arrogant nor impetuous.

23. **蒙以养正,心存敬畏。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to have a sense of awe.

24. **蒙以养正,修身养性。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to cultivate one's character and nature.

25. **蒙以养正,克己复礼。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to restrain oneself and return to propriety.

26. **蒙以养正,心存感激。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to have a grateful heart.

27. **蒙以养正,知足常乐。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be content with what one has.

28. **蒙以养正,以德服人。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to win over people with virtue.

29. **蒙以养正,以礼待人。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat others with courtesy.

30. **蒙以养正,以诚相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with sincerity.

31. **蒙以养正,以爱相伴。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to be accompanied by love.

32. **蒙以养正,以善相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with kindness.

33. **蒙以养正,以仁相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with benevolence.

34. **蒙以养正,以义相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with righteousness.

35. **蒙以养正,以智相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with wisdom.

36. **蒙以养正,以勇相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with courage.

37. **蒙以养正,以信相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with trustworthiness.

38. **蒙以养正,以和相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with harmony.

39. **蒙以养正,以爱相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with love.

40. **蒙以养正,以礼相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with courtesy.

41. **蒙以养正,以义相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with righteousness.

42. **蒙以养正,以智相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with wisdom.

43. **蒙以养正,以信相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with trustworthiness.

44. **蒙以养正,以和相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with harmony.

45. **蒙以养正,以仁相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with benevolence.

46. **蒙以养正,以爱相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with love.

47. **蒙以养正,以德相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with virtue.

48. **蒙以养正,以诚相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with sincerity.

49. **蒙以养正,以善相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with kindness.

50. **蒙以养正,以礼相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with courtesy.

51. **蒙以养正,以和相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with harmony.

52. **蒙以养正,以信相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with trustworthiness.

53. **蒙以养正,以智相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with wisdom.

54. **蒙以养正,以义相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with righteousness.

55. **蒙以养正,以仁相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with benevolence.

56. **蒙以养正,以爱相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with love.

57. **蒙以养正,以德相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with virtue.

58. **蒙以养正,以诚相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with sincerity.

59. **蒙以养正,以善相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with kindness.

60. **蒙以养正,以礼相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with courtesy.

61. **蒙以养正,以和相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with harmony.

62. **蒙以养正,以信相待。**
> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with trustworthiness.

## HTML 标签版


> To nurture with ignorance and educate to perfection.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to cultivate both literature and martial arts.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to benefit the world with the Dao.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to base oneself on benevolence and righteousness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be both intelligent and brave.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to establish virtue and words.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to complete the beauty of a person.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to constantly strive for excellence.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be virtuous enough to carry all things.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to unite knowledge and action.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be humble and cautious.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to avoid arrogance and impatience.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to enjoy doing good deeds and to be charitable.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be learned and talented.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to have lofty ambitions.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to embrace the world.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to have good thoughts in one's heart.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be able to discern right from wrong.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be benevolent and tolerant.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be tenacious and unyielding.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be indifferent to fame and fortune.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be neither arrogant nor impetuous.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to have a sense of awe.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to cultivate one's character and nature.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to restrain oneself and return to propriety.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to have a grateful heart.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be content with what one has.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to win over people with virtue.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat others with courtesy.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with sincerity.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to be accompanied by love.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with kindness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with benevolence.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with righteousness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with wisdom.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with courage.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with trustworthiness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with harmony.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with love.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with courtesy.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with righteousness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with wisdom.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with trustworthiness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with harmony.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with benevolence.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with love.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with virtue.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with sincerity.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with kindness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with courtesy.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with harmony.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with trustworthiness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with wisdom.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with righteousness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with benevolence.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with love.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with virtue.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with sincerity.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with kindness.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with courtesy.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with harmony.


> To nurture with ignorance, and to treat each other with trustworthiness.

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