
## 神气不足句子 (94句)

**1. 他走路时总是低着头,看起来一点神气都没有。**

He always walks with his head down, looking completely spiritless.

**2. 她本来很开朗,现在却变得沉默寡言,神气不足。**

She used to be so cheerful, but now she's become quiet and lacking in spirit.

**3. 他的脸上写满了疲惫,神气不足,似乎被生活压得喘不过气。**

His face was etched with fatigue, lacking in spirit, as if he were struggling to breathe under the weight of life.

**4. 虽然他嘴上说着不在乎,但眼神却透露着神气不足,显然是心虚了。**

Although he said he didn't care, his eyes revealed a lack of confidence, clearly indicating that he was guilty.

**5. 他的话语虽然铿锵有力,但眼神却闪烁不定,神气不足,让人怀疑他的真实意图。**

Although his words were strong and forceful, his eyes flickered and lacked conviction, making people doubt his true intentions.

**6. 他原本信心满满,但面对强劲的对手,却变得神气不足,信心动摇。**

He had been full of confidence, but facing a strong opponent, he became lacking in spirit and his confidence wavered.

**7. 他的语气中带着一丝无奈,神气不足,显然是遇到了什么棘手的事情。**

There was a hint of helplessness in his tone, lacking in spirit, clearly indicating that he had encountered something difficult.

**8. 她原本自信满满,但经历了挫折后,变得神气不足,失去了往日的活力。**

She had been brimming with confidence, but after experiencing setbacks, she became lacking in spirit and lost her former vitality.

**9. 他的步伐迟缓,神气不足,仿佛被什么东西束缚住了。**

His steps were slow and lacking in spirit, as if he were bound by something.

**10. 他的脸上写满了沮丧,神气不足,仿佛被世界遗弃了。**

His face was filled with disappointment, lacking in spirit, as if he had been abandoned by the world.

**11. 她原本活泼开朗,现在却变得沉默寡言,神气不足,让人担忧。**

She used to be lively and cheerful, but now she's become quiet and lacking in spirit, causing concern.

**12. 他的话语虽然充满自信,但眼神却闪烁不定,神气不足,让人怀疑他的真伪。**

Although his words were full of confidence, his eyes flickered and lacked conviction, making people doubt his authenticity.

**13. 他原本意气风发,但现在却变得神气不足,仿佛失去了斗志。**

He had been full of vigor, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had lost his fighting spirit.

**14. 他的表情显得有些僵硬,神气不足,让人觉得他并不真诚。**

His expression appeared somewhat stiff and lacking in spirit, making people feel that he was not sincere.

**15. 他的声音沙哑,神气不足,仿佛经历了一场漫长的战斗。**

His voice was hoarse and lacking in spirit, as if he had endured a long battle.

**16. 他原本自信满满,但现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被什么东西打败了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been defeated by something.

**17. 她原本充满活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛失去了所有的力量。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had lost all her strength.

**18. 他的脸上写满了倦怠,神气不足,仿佛被生活掏空了。**

His face was etched with weariness, lacking in spirit, as if he had been drained by life.

**19. 他原本精气神十足,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被什么东西吞噬了。**

He had been full of energy, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been swallowed by something.

**20. 她原本充满希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛失去了所有的梦想。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had lost all her dreams.

**21. 他的声音颤抖,神气不足,仿佛被恐惧所控制。**

His voice trembled, lacking in spirit, as if he were controlled by fear.

**22. 他原本英姿勃发,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被时间吞噬了。**

He had been full of vigor, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been consumed by time.

**23. 她原本充满热情,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实磨灭了。**

She used to be full of passion, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been extinguished by reality.

**24. 他的脸上写满了悲伤,神气不足,仿佛被悲伤所包围。**

His face was filled with sadness, lacking in spirit, as if he were surrounded by grief.

**25. 他原本意气风发,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被命运所捉弄。**

He had been full of vigor, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been played by fate.

**26. 她原本充满自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被压力所压垮了。**

She had been brimming with confidence, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been crushed by pressure.

**27. 他的声音嘶哑,神气不足,仿佛被病魔缠身了。**

His voice was hoarse and lacking in spirit, as if he were afflicted by illness.

**28. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被生活所拖垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been worn down by life.

**29. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击碎了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been shattered by reality.

**30. 他的脸上写满了失望,神气不足,仿佛被命运所抛弃了。**

His face was filled with disappointment, lacking in spirit, as if he had been abandoned by fate.

**31. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被挫折所击倒了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been knocked down by setbacks.

**32. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被时间所吞噬了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by time.

**33. 他的声音低沉,神气不足,仿佛被压抑了很久。**

His voice was low and lacking in spirit, as if it had been suppressed for a long time.

**34. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by reality.

**35. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被绝望所吞噬了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by despair.

**36. 他的脸上写满了痛苦,神气不足,仿佛被悲伤所折磨。**

His face was etched with pain, lacking in spirit, as if he were tormented by grief.

**37. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被失败所击垮了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by failure.

**38. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被病魔所缠绕了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she were entangled by illness.

**39. 他的声音沙哑,神气不足,仿佛被生活所磨损了。**

His voice was hoarse and lacking in spirit, as if it had been worn down by life.

**40. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被压力所压垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by pressure.

**41. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击碎了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been shattered by reality.

**42. 他的脸上写满了疲惫,神气不足,仿佛被生活所掏空了。**

His face was etched with weariness, lacking in spirit, as if he had been drained by life.

**43. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被挫折所击倒了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been knocked down by setbacks.

**44. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被时间所吞噬了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by time.

**45. 他的声音低沉,神气不足,仿佛被压抑了很久。**

His voice was low and lacking in spirit, as if it had been suppressed for a long time.

**46. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by reality.

**47. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被绝望所吞噬了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by despair.

**48. 他的脸上写满了痛苦,神气不足,仿佛被悲伤所折磨。**

His face was etched with pain, lacking in spirit, as if he were tormented by grief.

**49. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被失败所击垮了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by failure.

**50. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被病魔所缠绕了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she were entangled by illness.

**51. 他的声音沙哑,神气不足,仿佛被生活所磨损了。**

His voice was hoarse and lacking in spirit, as if it had been worn down by life.

**52. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被压力所压垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by pressure.

**53. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击碎了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been shattered by reality.

**54. 他的脸上写满了疲惫,神气不足,仿佛被生活所掏空了。**

His face was etched with weariness, lacking in spirit, as if he had been drained by life.

**55. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被挫折所击倒了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been knocked down by setbacks.

**56. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被时间所吞噬了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by time.

**57. 他的声音低沉,神气不足,仿佛被压抑了很久。**

His voice was low and lacking in spirit, as if it had been suppressed for a long time.

**58. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by reality.

**59. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被绝望所吞噬了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by despair.

**60. 他的脸上写满了痛苦,神气不足,仿佛被悲伤所折磨。**

His face was etched with pain, lacking in spirit, as if he were tormented by grief.

**61. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被失败所击垮了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by failure.

**62. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被病魔所缠绕了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she were entangled by illness.

**63. 他的声音沙哑,神气不足,仿佛被生活所磨损了。**

His voice was hoarse and lacking in spirit, as if it had been worn down by life.

**64. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被压力所压垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by pressure.

**65. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击碎了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been shattered by reality.

**66. 他的脸上写满了疲惫,神气不足,仿佛被生活所掏空了。**

His face was etched with weariness, lacking in spirit, as if he had been drained by life.

**67. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被挫折所击倒了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been knocked down by setbacks.

**68. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被时间所吞噬了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by time.

**69. 他的声音低沉,神气不足,仿佛被压抑了很久。**

His voice was low and lacking in spirit, as if it had been suppressed for a long time.

**70. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by reality.

**71. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被绝望所吞噬了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by despair.

**72. 他的脸上写满了痛苦,神气不足,仿佛被悲伤所折磨。**

His face was etched with pain, lacking in spirit, as if he were tormented by grief.

**73. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被失败所击垮了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by failure.

**74. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被病魔所缠绕了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she were entangled by illness.

**75. 他的声音沙哑,神气不足,仿佛被生活所磨损了。**

His voice was hoarse and lacking in spirit, as if it had been worn down by life.

**76. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被压力所压垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by pressure.

**77. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击碎了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been shattered by reality.

**78. 他的脸上写满了疲惫,神气不足,仿佛被生活所掏空了。**

His face was etched with weariness, lacking in spirit, as if he had been drained by life.

**79. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被挫折所击倒了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been knocked down by setbacks.

**80. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被时间所吞噬了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by time.

**81. 他的声音低沉,神气不足,仿佛被压抑了很久。**

His voice was low and lacking in spirit, as if it had been suppressed for a long time.

**82. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by reality.

**83. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被绝望所吞噬了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by despair.

**84. 他的脸上写满了痛苦,神气不足,仿佛被悲伤所折磨。**

His face was etched with pain, lacking in spirit, as if he were tormented by grief.

**85. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被失败所击垮了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by failure.

**86. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被病魔所缠绕了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she were entangled by illness.

**87. 他的声音沙哑,神气不足,仿佛被生活所磨损了。**

His voice was hoarse and lacking in spirit, as if it had been worn down by life.

**88. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被压力所压垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by pressure.

**89. 她原本充满了希望,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击碎了。**

She had been full of hope, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been shattered by reality.

**90. 他的脸上写满了疲惫,神气不足,仿佛被生活所掏空了。**

His face was etched with weariness, lacking in spirit, as if he had been drained by life.

**91. 他原本充满了自信,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被挫折所击倒了。**

He had been brimming with confidence, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been knocked down by setbacks.

**92. 她原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被时间所吞噬了。**

She used to be full of life, but now she's become lacking in spirit, as if she had been consumed by time.

**93. 他的声音低沉,神气不足,仿佛被压抑了很久。**

His voice was low and lacking in spirit, as if it had been suppressed for a long time.

**94. 他原本充满了活力,现在却变得神气不足,仿佛被现实所击垮了。**

He had been full of life, but now he's become lacking in spirit, as if he had been crushed by reality.

以上就是关于神气不足句子94句(神气不足句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
