
## 葬礼祝福句子,81句,附英文翻译


1. 愿逝者安息,天堂永享安宁。
> May the departed soul rest in peace and find eternal peace in heaven.

2. 沉痛悼念,愿您节哀顺变。
> Deepest condolences. May you find comfort and strength in this time of sorrow.

3. 在此艰难时刻,我们与您同在。
> We are with you in this difficult time.

4. 逝者已去,但他的精神将永远留存。
> The departed may be gone, but their spirit will forever remain.

5. 愿您的回忆带给您慰藉。
> May your memories bring you comfort.

6. 愿您在悲伤中找到力量。
> May you find strength in your sorrow.

7. 请接受我们最深切的慰问。
> Please accept our deepest condolences.

8. 愿您在未来的日子里充满希望。
> May you find hope in the days to come.

9. 您的离去带给我们巨大的悲伤。
> Your departure has brought us immense sadness.

10. 我们永远不会忘记您。
> We will never forget you.


11. 他/她是一位充满爱心、善良的人,我们会永远怀念他/她。
> He/She was a loving and kind person, and we will always cherish their memory.

12. 他/她是一位杰出的人,他的/她的贡献将永远被铭记。
> He/She was an outstanding individual, and his/her contributions will be remembered forever.

13. 他/她的生活充满了意义和成就。
> His/Her life was full of meaning and achievements.

14. 他/她总是那么乐观、积极,我们都从他/她身上学到了很多。
> He/She was always so optimistic and positive, and we all learned so much from him/her.

15. 他/她是一位朋友、一位导师、一位榜样。
> He/She was a friend, a mentor, a role model.

16. 我们永远不会忘记他/她的笑声、他的/她的智慧、他的/她的善良。
> We will never forget his/her laughter, his/her wisdom, his/her kindness.

17. 他/她是一位充满生命力的人,他/她的精神将永远激励着我们。
> He/She was a person full of life, and his/her spirit will forever inspire us.

18. 他/她永远活在我们心中。
> He/She will always live in our hearts.

19. 他的/她的离开给我们留下了巨大的空白。
> His/Her departure has left a huge void in our lives.

20. 他的/她的名字将永远被铭记。
> His/Her name will be forever remembered.


21. 我们会陪伴您走过这段艰难的时期。
> We will be with you through this difficult time.

22. 我们会尽一切努力来帮助您。
> We will do everything we can to help you.

23. 请不要犹豫向我们寻求帮助。
> Please do not hesitate to ask for our help.

24. 我们会一直支持您。
> We will always be here for you.

25. 您不是一个人在面对这些。
> You are not alone in facing this.

26. 我们与您同悲。
> We share your grief.

27. 我们会以您需要的方式来支持您。
> We will support you in any way you need.

28. 请不要担心,我们会照顾好一切。
> Don't worry, we will take care of everything.

29. 我们会为您祈祷。
> We will pray for you.

30. 我们会想念您。
> We will miss you.


31. 他/她现在在天堂,安息吧!
> He/She is now in heaven, rest in peace!

32. 他/她的灵魂已经升入天堂。
> His/Her soul has ascended to heaven.

33. 他/她永远活在我们心中,也永远活在天堂。
> He/She will always live in our hearts and also in heaven.

34. 他/她在天堂会过得很好。
> He/She will be fine in heaven.

35. 愿他/她在天堂安好。
> May he/she rest in peace in heaven.

36. 他/她已经回到了永恒的光明中。
> He/She has returned to the eternal light.

37. 他/她的灵魂将永远与我们同在。
> His/Her spirit will always be with us.

38. 我们坚信他/她现在在一个更美好的地方。
> We are certain that he/she is now in a better place.

39. 他/她永远不会被遗忘。
> He/She will never be forgotten.

40. 他/她的生命虽然短暂,但充满意义。
> His/Her life, though short, was full of meaning.


41. 我们会永远珍惜与他/她的美好时光。
> We will always cherish the good times we had with him/her.

42. 他/她的记忆将永远激励着我们。
> His/Her memory will forever inspire us.

43. 他/她永远活在我们心中。
> He/She will forever live in our hearts.

44. 我们会以他/她的名字继续生活。
> We will continue to live in his/her name.

45. 他/她永远不会被遗忘。
> He/She will never be forgotten.

46. 我们会永远怀念他/她。
> We will always miss him/her.

47. 他/她的生命教会了我们很多。
> His/Her life taught us a lot.

48. 他/她的精神将永远激励着我们。
> His/Her spirit will forever inspire us.

49. 我们会永远铭记他/她对我们的爱和关怀。
> We will forever remember his/her love and care for us.

50. 他的/她的生命虽然短暂,但充满意义。
> His/Her life, though short, was full of meaning.


51. 愿他/她在天堂安息。
> May he/she rest in peace in heaven.

52. 愿他/她的灵魂得到安宁。
> May his/her soul find peace.

53. 愿他的/她的精神永远与我们同在。
> May his/her spirit forever be with us.

54. 我们会带着他的/她的精神继续前进。
> We will carry his/her spirit forward with us.

55. 他/她的生命虽然结束了,但他的/她的精神将永远留存。
> His/Her life may have ended, but his/her spirit will forever remain.

56. 我们会永远怀念他/她。
> We will always miss him/her.

57. 我们会永远铭记他/她。
> We will forever remember him/her.

58. 他/她的离开给我们留下了巨大的空白。
> His/Her departure has left a huge void in our lives.

59. 我们会永远珍惜与他/她的美好时光。
> We will always cherish the good times we had with him/her.

60. 我们会永远记得他/她。
> We will always remember him/her.


61. 愿您在悲伤中找到力量。
> May you find strength in your sorrow.

62. 请记住,您不是一个人在面对这些。
> Remember, you are not alone in facing this.

63. 愿您找到治愈悲伤的方法。
> May you find a way to heal from your grief.

64. 请相信时间可以治愈一切。
> Please believe that time heals all wounds.

65. 愿您在悲伤中找到希望。
> May you find hope in your sorrow.

66. 请不要放弃希望,未来充满光明。
> Do not give up hope, the future is bright.

67. 愿您找到慰藉和力量。
> May you find comfort and strength.

68. 请相信,您会克服这段艰难的时期。
> Please believe that you will overcome this difficult time.

69. 您会从悲伤中走出来的。
> You will get through this grief.

70. 请照顾好自己。
> Please take care of yourself.


71. 愿天堂赐予您慰藉。
> May heaven grant you comfort.

72. 愿上帝赐予您力量。
> May God give you strength.

73. 愿您在悲伤中找到安宁。
> May you find peace in your sorrow.

74. 愿您在未来的日子里找到希望。
> May you find hope in the days to come.

75. 愿您在未来的日子里充满光明。
> May you find light in the days to come.

76. 愿您在未来的日子里充满幸福。
> May you find happiness in the days to come.

77. 愿您的心得到慰藉。
> May your heart find comfort.

78. 愿您在悲伤中找到爱和支持。
> May you find love and support in your sorrow.

79. 愿您在未来的日子里找到平静。
> May you find peace in the days to come.

80. 愿您在未来的日子里找到快乐。
> May you find joy in the days to come.

81. 愿您在未来的日子里充满爱。
> May you find love in the days to come.

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May the departed soul rest in peace and find eternal peace in heaven.


Deepest condolences. May you find comfort and strength in this time of sorrow.


We are with you in this difficult time.


The departed may be gone, but their spirit will forever remain.


May your memories bring you comfort.


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