
## 神策二字句子,70句:

**1. 策马扬鞭** (Ride a horse and whip)
**2. 运筹帷幄** (Plan and strategize)
**3. 纵横捭阖** (Move freely and skillfully)
**4. 举重若轻** (Lift heavy as if it were light)
**5. 出奇制胜** (Win by surprise tactics)
**6. 攻城掠地** (Attack cities and seize territory)
**7. 临危不乱** (Remain calm in danger)
**8. 随机应变** (Adapt to changing circumstances)
**9. 沉着冷静** (Calm and composed)
**10. 勇往直前** (Go forward bravely)
**11. 励精图治** (Strive to govern well)
**12. 厚德载物** (Carry heavy things with great virtue)
**13. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全** (Rather be a shattered jade than an intact tile)
**14. 知己知彼,百战不殆** (Know yourself and your enemy, and you will win every battle)
**15. 海纳百川,有容乃大** (The sea embraces a hundred rivers, it is vast because it is inclusive)
**16. 天时地利人和** (Favorable time, place, and people)
**17. 万事俱备,只欠东风** (Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing)
**18. 功成名就** (Achieve success and fame)
**19. 胸怀大志** (Have great ambitions)
**20. 励精图强** (Strive to be strong)
**21. 功败垂成** (Fail at the point of success)
**22. 功亏一篑** (Fail to complete a task at the last moment)
**23. 心悦诚服** (Be sincerely convinced)
**24. 举世无双** (Unique in the world)
**25. 功德无量** (Infinite merit)
**26. 功败垂成** (Fail at the point of success)
**27. 居安思危** (Be prepared for danger in times of peace)
**28. 卧薪尝胆** (Lie on firewood and taste gall - to endure hardship)
**29. 忍辱负重** (Bear humiliation and heavy burdens)
**30. 不屈不挠** (Unyielding and unbending)
**31. 奋发图强** (Strive to be strong)
**32. 披荆斩棘** (Clear a path through thorns and brambles)
**33. 逆流而上** (Swim against the current)
**34. 锲而不舍** (Persevere without giving up)
**35. 励精图治** (Strive to govern well)
**36. 励精图强** (Strive to be strong)
**37. 同舟共济** (Sail in the same boat and help each other)
**38. 众志成城** (The will of the people is like a fortress)
**39. 肝胆相照** (Be as close as liver and gallbladder)
**40. 精诚团结** (Unite with sincerity and loyalty)
**41. 万众一心** (One mind, one heart)
**42. 万众一心,众志成城** (One mind, one heart, the will of the people is like a fortress)
**43. 运筹帷幄,决胜千里** (Plan and strategize, win a victory thousands of miles away)
**44. 运筹帷幄,决胜千里之外** (Plan and strategize, win a victory thousands of miles away)
**45. 精益求精** (Strive for perfection)
**46. 力求完美** (Strive for perfection)
**47. 精雕细琢** (Carve and polish with great care)
**48. 精益求精,力求完美** (Strive for perfection, strive for perfection)
**49. 百折不挠** (Unyielding and unbending)
**50. 一往无前** (Go forward without hesitation)
**51. 矢志不渝** (Unwavering determination)
**52. 锲而不舍** (Persevere without giving up)
**53. 百折不挠,矢志不渝** (Unyielding and unbending, unwavering determination)
**54. 精忠报国** (Serve one's country with utmost loyalty)
**55. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已** (Devote oneself wholeheartedly to the cause until death)
**56. 舍生取义** (Sacrifice one's life for righteousness)
**57. 精忠报国,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已** (Serve one's country with utmost loyalty, devote oneself wholeheartedly to the cause until death)
**58. 任重道远** (The responsibility is heavy and the road is long)
**59. 任重道远,责无旁贷** (The responsibility is heavy and the road is long, the responsibility cannot be shirked)
**60. 任重道远,责无旁贷,义不容辞** (The responsibility is heavy and the road is long, the responsibility cannot be shirked, it is a duty that cannot be declined)
**61. 矢志不渝,精忠报国** (Unwavering determination, serve one's country with utmost loyalty)
**62. 任重道远,矢志不渝,精忠报国** (The responsibility is heavy and the road is long, unwavering determination, serve one's country with utmost loyalty)
**63. 艰苦奋斗** (Strive hard and fight bravely)
**64. 勇攀高峰** (Courageously climb to the peak)
**65. 开拓创新** (Pioneer and innovate)
**66. 精益求精,开拓创新** (Strive for perfection, pioneer and innovate)
**67. 与时俱进** (Keep pace with the times)
**68. 开拓进取** (Pursue progress and development)
**69. 继往开来** (Carry on the past and open up the future)
**70. 开拓进取,继往开来** (Pursue progress and development, carry on the past and open up the future)

## 英文翻译:

1. Ride a horse and whip

2. Plan and strategize

3. Move freely and skillfully

4. Lift heavy as if it were light

5. Win by surprise tactics

6. Attack cities and seize territory

7. Remain calm in danger

8. Adapt to changing circumstances

9. Calm and composed

10. Go forward bravely

11. Strive to govern well

12. Carry heavy things with great virtue

13. Rather be a shattered jade than an intact tile

14. Know yourself and your enemy, and you will win every battle

15. The sea embraces a hundred rivers, it is vast because it is inclusive

16. Favorable time, place, and people

17. Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing

18. Achieve success and fame

19. Have great ambitions

20. Strive to be strong

21. Fail at the point of success

22. Fail to complete a task at the last moment

23. Be sincerely convinced

24. Unique in the world

25. Infinite merit

26. Fail at the point of success

27. Be prepared for danger in times of peace

28. Lie on firewood and taste gall - to endure hardship

29. Bear humiliation and heavy burdens

30. Unyielding and unbending

31. Strive to be strong

32. Clear a path through thorns and brambles

33. Swim against the current

34. Persevere without giving up

35. Strive to govern well

36. Strive to be strong

37. Sail in the same boat and help each other

38. The will of the people is like a fortress

39. Be as close as liver and gallbladder

40. Unite with sincerity and loyalty

41. One mind, one heart

42. One mind, one heart, the will of the people is like a fortress

43. Plan and strategize, win a victory thousands of miles away

44. Plan and strategize, win a victory thousands of miles away

45. Strive for perfection

46. Strive for perfection

47. Carve and polish with great care

48. Strive for perfection, strive for perfection

49. Unyielding and unbending

50. Go forward without hesitation

51. Unwavering determination

52. Persevere without giving up

53. Unyielding and unbending, unwavering determination

54. Serve one's country with utmost loyalty

55. Devote oneself wholeheartedly to the cause until death

56. Sacrifice one's life for righteousness

57. Serve one's country with utmost loyalty, devote oneself wholeheartedly to the cause until death

58. The responsibility is heavy and the road is long

59. The responsibility is heavy and the road is long, the responsibility cannot be shirked

60. The responsibility is heavy and the road is long, the responsibility cannot be shirked, it is a duty that cannot be declined

61. Unwavering determination, serve one's country with utmost loyalty

62. The responsibility is heavy and the road is long, unwavering determination, serve one's country with utmost loyalty

63. Strive hard and fight bravely

64. Courageously climb to the peak

65. Pioneer and innovate

66. Strive for perfection, pioneer and innovate

67. Keep pace with the times

68. Pursue progress and development

69. Carry on the past and open up the future

70. Pursue progress and development, carry on the past and open up the future

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