
## 神探夏洛克句子 (60句)

**1. “笨蛋才会相信自己的眼睛,而我,我相信的是事实。”**

"Only a fool would believe their eyes. I believe in facts."

**2. “你以为你很聪明,但你不过是习惯了用旧模式思考而已。”**

"You think you're clever, but you're just used to thinking in old patterns."

**3. “我讨厌平庸,你明白我的意思吗?世界充满着无趣,但偶尔也会出现一些奇迹。”**

"I detest mediocrity. You understand, don't you? The world is full of the banal, but occasionally something miraculous occurs."

**4. “我是一个天才,我承认,但这不是我的错。”**

"I'm a genius, I admit it, but it's not my fault."

**5. “无聊的事情,就应该让无聊的人去做。”**

"Boring things should be left to boring people."

**6. “我不是冷酷无情,我只是善于观察。”**

"I'm not heartless, I'm just observant."

**7. “我更喜欢挑战,越难越有趣。”**

"I prefer challenges, the harder the better."

**8. “我是一个逻辑学家,我不是心理学家。”**

"I'm a logician, not a psychologist."

**9. “我讨厌无趣的人,他们就像白开水一样。”**

"I hate boring people. They're like plain water."

**10. “我总是能找到答案,因为我总是先知道答案。”**

"I always find the answer because I always know it in advance."

**11. “你以为你是谁?你是谁不重要,重要的是你能做什么。”**

"Who do you think you are? Who you are doesn't matter, what you can do does."

**12. “我讨厌谎言,因为谎言总是会被人揭穿。”**

"I hate lies, because they always get found out."

**13. “我是一个艺术家,我用我的智慧来创作。”**

"I'm an artist. I use my intellect to create."

**14. “你以为你在和我玩游戏?不,你在和我玩命。”**

"You think you're playing games with me? No, you're playing for your life."

**15. “我不会害怕死亡,我害怕无聊。”**

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of boredom."

**16. “我相信逻辑,因为逻辑是唯一的真理。”**

"I believe in logic because logic is the only truth."

**17. “我讨厌庸俗,我渴望非凡。”**

"I hate mediocrity. I crave the extraordinary."

**18. “我是一个孤独的狼,我更喜欢独自作战。”**

"I'm a lone wolf. I prefer to fight alone."

**19. “我总是能找到你的弱点,因为每个人都有弱点。”**

"I can always find your weakness because everyone has one."

**20. “你以为你能逃脱?你永远也逃脱不了我的追捕。”**

"You think you can escape? You'll never escape me."

**21. “我是一个观察者,我观察一切。”**

"I'm an observer. I observe everything."

**22. “我讨厌无知,因为无知是罪恶的根源。”**

"I hate ignorance. It's the root of all evil."

**23. “我是一个侦探,我寻找真相。”**

"I'm a detective. I search for the truth."

**24. “我讨厌浪费时间,因为时间是最宝贵的资源。”**

"I hate wasting time. It's the most valuable resource."

**25. “我是一个谜,一个永远无法被解开的谜。”**

"I'm a mystery, an enigma that will never be solved."

**26. “我总是能找到答案,因为我总是能看到别人看不到的东西。”**

"I always find the answer because I always see what others don't."

**27. “你以为你很聪明?你不过是一只被驯服的猴子。”**

"You think you're clever? You're just a trained monkey."

**28. “我讨厌虚伪,因为虚伪是最大的谎言。”**

"I hate hypocrisy, it's the biggest lie of all."

**29. “我是一个天才,我是一个怪物,我是一个传奇。”**

"I'm a genius, I'm a monster, I'm a legend."

**30. “我讨厌无能,因为无能是失败的根源。”**

"I hate incompetence. It's the root of all failure."

**31. “你以为你在玩游戏?不,你是在玩火。”**

"You think you're playing games? No, you're playing with fire."

**32. “我是一个谜,一个永远无法被解开的谜。”**

"I'm a mystery, an enigma that will never be solved."

**33. “我讨厌谎言,因为谎言总是会被人揭穿。”**

"I hate lies, because they always get found out."

**34. “我是一个艺术家,我用我的智慧来创作。”**

"I'm an artist. I use my intellect to create."

**35. “你以为你在和我玩游戏?不,你在和我玩命。”**

"You think you're playing games with me? No, you're playing for your life."

**36. “我不会害怕死亡,我害怕无聊。”**

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of boredom."

**37. “我相信逻辑,因为逻辑是唯一的真理。”**

"I believe in logic because logic is the only truth."

**38. “我讨厌庸俗,我渴望非凡。”**

"I hate mediocrity. I crave the extraordinary."

**39. “我是一个孤独的狼,我更喜欢独自作战。”**

"I'm a lone wolf. I prefer to fight alone."

**40. “我总是能找到你的弱点,因为每个人都有弱点。”**

"I can always find your weakness because everyone has one."

**41. “你以为你能逃脱?你永远也逃脱不了我的追捕。”**

"You think you can escape? You'll never escape me."

**42. “我是一个观察者,我观察一切。”**

"I'm an observer. I observe everything."

**43. “我讨厌无知,因为无知是罪恶的根源。”**

"I hate ignorance. It's the root of all evil."

**44. “我是一个侦探,我寻找真相。”**

"I'm a detective. I search for the truth."

**45. “我讨厌浪费时间,因为时间是最宝贵的资源。”**

"I hate wasting time. It's the most valuable resource."

**46. “我是一个谜,一个永远无法被解开的谜。”**

"I'm a mystery, an enigma that will never be solved."

**47. “我总是能找到答案,因为我总是能看到别人看不到的东西。”**

"I always find the answer because I always see what others don't."

**48. “你以为你很聪明?你不过是一只被驯服的猴子。”**

"You think you're clever? You're just a trained monkey."

**49. “我讨厌虚伪,因为虚伪是最大的谎言。”**

"I hate hypocrisy, it's the biggest lie of all."

**50. “我是一个天才,我是一个怪物,我是一个传奇。”**

"I'm a genius, I'm a monster, I'm a legend."

**51. “我讨厌无能,因为无能是失败的根源。”**

"I hate incompetence. It's the root of all failure."

**52. “你以为你在玩游戏?不,你是在玩火。”**

"You think you're playing games? No, you're playing with fire."

**53. “我是一个观察者,我观察一切,但只有我感兴趣的东西。”**

"I'm an observer. I observe everything, but only what interests me."

**54. “我讨厌浪费时间,但有时不得不浪费,因为有趣。”**

"I hate wasting time, but sometimes I have to, because it's interesting."

**55. “我是一个侦探,但不是传统的侦探,我更像是一个艺术家。”**

"I'm a detective, but not a traditional one. I'm more like an artist."

**56. “我讨厌平庸,但我必须承认,世界上大多数人都是平庸的。”**

"I detest mediocrity, but I must admit, most people in the world are mediocre."

**57. “我是一个天才,但不是万能的,我也有犯错的时候。”**

"I'm a genius, but I'm not infallible. I make mistakes too."

**58. “我是一个孤独的狼,但我不是独行侠,我需要我的助手。”**

"I'm a lone wolf, but I'm not a lone ranger. I need my sidekick."

**59. “我讨厌谎言,但有时谎言是必要的,为了保护真相。”**

"I hate lies, but sometimes they are necessary, to protect the truth."

**60. “我是一个谜,一个永远无法被解开的谜,除非你想解开它。”**

"I'm a mystery, an enigma that will never be solved, unless you want to solve it."

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