
## 公本对象句子,52句,中英文对照**1. 他是一个公正无私的人,无论遇到什么情况,都坚持原则,秉公办事。**

He is a fair and impartial person, who sticks to his principles and acts justly no matter what the circumstances.

**2. 这个公证人非常有名,他处理过许多棘手的案件,都获得了公正的解决。**

This notary is very famous, he has handled many difficult cases, all of which have been resolved fairly.

**3. 公平公正的竞争是社会进步的动力,我们应该反对任何不公正的行为。**

Fair and just competition is the driving force of social progress, we should oppose any unfair behavior.

**4. 公正的法律是维护社会秩序的基础,我们应该认真遵守法律法规。**

Just laws are the foundation of maintaining social order, we should abide by laws and regulations seriously.

**5. 他是一个公正严明的领导,对工作要求严格,对下属要求公平公正。**

He is a just and strict leader who is demanding in his work and fair to his subordinates.

**6. 公正的判决是正义的体现,我们要相信法律的公正性。**

A just verdict is a reflection of justice, we should believe in the fairness of the law.

**7. 公正无私是做人的基本准则,我们应该努力做到公正待人。**

Fairness and impartiality are the basic principles of being a good person, we should strive to be fair to others.

**8. 他始终坚持公正廉洁,不为私利所动,是一位值得尊敬的公务员。**

He has always adhered to fairness and integrity, never swayed by personal gain, he is a respectable civil servant.

**9. 公正的审判是维护社会公平正义的重要保证。**

A fair trial is an important guarantee of maintaining social fairness and justice.

**10. 他们以公正的原则来管理公司,所以深受员工的信赖。**

They manage the company with the principle of fairness, so they are trusted by their employees.

**11. 他的公正和正直赢得了大家的尊重。**

His fairness and integrity have earned him everyone's respect.

**12. 维护社会公正,是我们每个人的责任。**

Maintaining social justice is everyone's responsibility.

**13. 公正的评价是进步的动力。**

Fair evaluation is the driving force of progress.

**14. 他以公正的态度处理了这场纠纷,让双方都满意。**

He handled the dispute with a fair attitude, which satisfied both parties.

**15. 公正的分配是社会和谐的基础。**

Fair distribution is the foundation of social harmony.

**16. 他的公正立场赢得了许多人的支持。**

His just stance has won the support of many people.

**17. 我们应该以公正的态度对待每一个人。**

We should treat everyone with a fair attitude.

**18. 公正的裁决是维护社会秩序的关键。**

A just ruling is key to maintaining social order.

**19. 公正的对待,才能赢得人心。**

Fair treatment wins hearts.

**20. 公正的评判是进步的阶梯。**

Fair judgment is a step towards progress.

**21. 他以公正的眼光观察世界。**

He observes the world with a fair eye.

**22. 公正的竞争促进社会发展。**

Fair competition promotes social development.

**23. 公正的对待是成功的秘诀。**

Fair treatment is the secret to success.

**24. 公正的处理,才能化解矛盾。**

Fair handling can resolve contradictions.

**25. 公正的评价是前进的动力。**

Fair evaluation is the driving force of progress.

**26. 公正的原则,应贯穿于一切工作中。**

The principle of fairness should be applied in all work.

**27. 公正的监督是防止腐败的关键。**

Fair supervision is key to preventing corruption.

**28. 公正的分配是社会和谐的保障。**

Fair distribution is a guarantee of social harmony.

**29. 公正的待遇是赢得信任的基石。**

Fair treatment is the cornerstone of winning trust.

**30. 公正的裁判是体育精神的体现。**

A fair referee is a reflection of sportsmanship.

**31. 公正的制度是社会发展的重要保证。**

Fair institutions are an important guarantee of social development.

**32. 公正的法律是维护社会正义的利器。**

Just laws are a powerful tool for upholding social justice.

**33. 公正的选举是民主政治的基石。**

Fair elections are the cornerstone of democracy.

**34. 公正的评价是促进进步的有效手段。**

Fair evaluation is an effective means of promoting progress.

**35. 公正的管理是提高效率的保证。**

Fair management is a guarantee of efficiency.

**36. 公正的分配是实现社会公平的必要条件。**

Fair distribution is a necessary condition for achieving social justice.

**37. 公正的竞争是促进经济发展的有效手段。**

Fair competition is an effective means of promoting economic development.

**38. 公正的评价是激励员工的有效方法。**

Fair evaluation is an effective method of motivating employees.

**39. 公正的决策是企业发展的重要保证。**

Fair decision-making is an important guarantee of business development.

**40. 公正的处理是化解纠纷的有效途径。**

Fair handling is an effective way to resolve disputes.

**41. 公正的评价是提高产品质量的有效手段。**

Fair evaluation is an effective means of improving product quality.

**42. 公正的监督是防止事故发生的有效措施。**

Fair supervision is an effective measure to prevent accidents.

**43. 公正的评价是提升服务质量的有效手段。**

Fair evaluation is an effective means of improving service quality.

**44. 公正的处理是赢得客户信赖的有效途径。**

Fair handling is an effective way to win customer trust.

**45. 公正的管理是企业持续发展的关键。**

Fair management is the key to sustainable business development.

**46. 公正的评价是企业持续改进的动力。**

Fair evaluation is the driving force for continuous improvement in business.

**47. 公正的竞争是企业发展壮大的必要条件。**

Fair competition is a necessary condition for business growth and development.

**48. 公正的对待是赢得员工忠诚的有效方法。**

Fair treatment is an effective way to win employee loyalty.

**49. 公正的分配是企业激励员工的有效手段。**

Fair distribution is an effective means of motivating employees in business.

**50. 公正的管理是企业持续发展的基石。**

Fair management is the cornerstone of sustainable business development.

**51. 公正的评价是企业不断进步的动力。**

Fair evaluation is the driving force for continuous improvement in business.

**52. 公正的竞争是企业发展壮大的重要保证。**

Fair competition is an important guarantee of business growth and development.

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