
## 公鸡下蛋报幕句子**1.** 公鸡打鸣,母鸡下蛋,好兆头,好兆头!

The rooster crows, the hen lays an egg, a good omen, a good omen!

**2.** 咯咯哒,咯咯哒,公鸡下蛋,你咋啦?

Cluck, cluck, the rooster laid an egg, what's wrong with you?

**3.** 公鸡下蛋,天要下雨,快去收衣服!

The rooster laid an egg, it's going to rain, hurry and bring in the clothes!

**4.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡生娃,今天注定要发财!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen gave birth, you're destined to make a fortune today!

**5.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡跳舞,今天注定要好运!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen dances, you're destined for good luck today!

**6.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡开会,今天注定要成功!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen is holding a meeting, you're destined for success today!

**7.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡唱歌,今天注定要幸福!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen sings, you're destined for happiness today!

**8.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡打鸣,今天注定要开心!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen crows, you're destined for joy today!

**9.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡飞天,今天注定要自由!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen flies, you're destined for freedom today!

**10.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡游泳,今天注定要快乐!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen swims, you're destined for happiness today!

**11.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡画画,今天注定要创意!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen draws, you're destined for creativity today!

**12.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡写字,今天注定要灵感!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen writes, you're destined for inspiration today!

**13.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡做饭,今天注定要美味!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen cooks, you're destined for delicious food today!

**14.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡睡觉,今天注定要休息!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen sleeps, you're destined for rest today!

**15.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡聊天,今天注定要放松!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen chats, you're destined to relax today!

**16.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡旅行,今天注定要冒险!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen travels, you're destined for adventure today!

**17.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡购物,今天注定要收获!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen shops, you're destined for a harvest today!

**18.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡运动,今天注定要健康!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen exercises, you're destined for health today!

**19.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡学习,今天注定要进步!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen studies, you're destined for progress today!

**20.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡工作,今天注定要成就!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen works, you're destined for achievement today!

**21.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡看戏,今天注定要精彩!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen watches a play, you're destined for excitement today!

**22.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡种树,今天注定要繁荣!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen plants a tree, you're destined for prosperity today!

**23.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡养花,今天注定要美丽!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen grows flowers, you're destined for beauty today!

**24.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡读书,今天注定要智慧!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen reads, you're destined for wisdom today!

**25.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡跳舞,今天注定要快乐!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen dances, you're destined for happiness today!

**26.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡唱歌,今天注定要美好!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen sings, you're destined for beauty today!

**27.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡聊天,今天注定要友谊!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen chats, you're destined for friendship today!

**28.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡玩游戏,今天注定要轻松!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen plays games, you're destined for ease today!

**29.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡看电影,今天注定要放松!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen watches a movie, you're destined to relax today!

**30.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡做手工,今天注定要创意!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen crafts, you're destined for creativity today!

**31.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡打扫,今天注定要干净!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen cleans, you're destined for cleanliness today!

**32.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡做运动,今天注定要健康!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen exercises, you're destined for health today!

**33.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡听音乐,今天注定要享受!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen listens to music, you're destined to enjoy today!

**34.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡喝茶,今天注定要悠闲!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen drinks tea, you're destined for leisure today!

**35.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡晒太阳,今天注定要温暖!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen sunbathes, you're destined for warmth today!

**36.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡做梦,今天注定要梦想成真!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen dreams, you're destined for your dreams to come true today!

**37.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡爱上你,今天注定要浪漫!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen is in love with you, you're destined for romance today!

**38.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡送礼物,今天注定要惊喜!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen gives a gift, you're destined for a surprise today!

**39.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡出嫁,今天注定要喜庆!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen is getting married, you're destined for celebration today!

**40.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡生孩子,今天注定要幸福!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen gives birth, you're destined for happiness today!

**41.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡开派对,今天注定要热闹!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen throws a party, you're destined for a lively time today!

**42.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡去旅行,今天注定要精彩!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen goes on a trip, you're destined for excitement today!

**43.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡做生意,今天注定要成功!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen starts a business, you're destined for success today!

**44.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡开公司,今天注定要富贵!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen opens a company, you're destined for wealth and honor today!

**45.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡做慈善,今天注定要功德无量!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen does charity, you're destined for immeasurable merit today!

**46.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡得奖,今天注定要荣耀!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen wins an award, you're destined for glory today!

**47.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡上电视,今天注定要出名!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen is on TV, you're destined for fame today!

**48.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡写书,今天注定要成就!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen writes a book, you're destined for achievement today!

**49.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡演讲,今天注定要影响力!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen gives a speech, you're destined for influence today!

**50.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当老师,今天注定要桃李满天下!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a teacher, you're destined to have a world full of students today!

**51.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当医生,今天注定要救死扶伤!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a doctor, you're destined to heal the sick and save the injured today!

**52.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当科学家,今天注定要改变世界!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a scientist, you're destined to change the world today!

**53.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当艺术家,今天注定要创造奇迹!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes an artist, you're destined to create miracles today!

**54.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当政治家,今天注定要领导世界!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a politician, you're destined to lead the world today!

**55.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当企业家,今天注定要创造财富!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes an entrepreneur, you're destined to create wealth today!

**56.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当运动员,今天注定要创造纪录!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes an athlete, you're destined to break records today!

**57.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当作家,今天注定要名垂青史!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a writer, you're destined to be remembered in history today!

**58.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当音乐家,今天注定要传世之作!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a musician, you're destined to create a timeless masterpiece today!

**59.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当设计师,今天注定要引领潮流!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a designer, you're destined to set trends today!

**60.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当摄影师,今天注定要记录精彩!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a photographer, you're destined to capture amazing moments today!

**61.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当律师,今天注定要维护正义!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a lawyer, you're destined to uphold justice today!

**62.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当工程师,今天注定要创造未来!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes an engineer, you're destined to create the future today!

**63.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当老师,今天注定要教书育人!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a teacher, you're destined to teach and educate today!

**64.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当护士,今天注定要救死扶伤!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a nurse, you're destined to heal the sick and save the injured today!

**65.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当作家,今天注定要留下著作!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a writer, you're destined to leave behind your works today!

**66.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当艺术家,今天注定要创作艺术!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes an artist, you're destined to create art today!

**67.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当设计师,今天注定要设计作品!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a designer, you're destined to design works today!

**68.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当音乐家,今天注定要创作音乐!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a musician, you're destined to create music today!

**69.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当舞蹈家,今天注定要展现舞姿!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a dancer, you're destined to showcase your dance skills today!

**70.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当演员,今天注定要演绎角色!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes an actor, you're destined to portray a role today!

**71.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当歌手,今天注定要歌唱!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a singer, you're destined to sing today!

**72.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当模特,今天注定要展示美丽!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a model, you're destined to showcase your beauty today!

**73.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当主持人,今天注定要活跃舞台!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a host, you're destined to liven up the stage today!

**74.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当作家,今天注定要创作文字!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a writer, you're destined to create words today!

**75.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当画家,今天注定要描绘画卷!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a painter, you're destined to paint masterpieces today!

**76.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当雕塑家,今天注定要雕刻艺术!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a sculptor, you're destined to carve art today!

**77.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当编剧,今天注定要写剧本!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a screenwriter, you're destined to write scripts today!

**78.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当导演,今天注定要拍摄电影!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a director, you're destined to film movies today!

**79.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当摄影师,今天注定要捕捉画面!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a photographer, you're destined to capture images today!

**80.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当设计师,今天注定要设计服装!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a designer, you're destined to design clothes today!

**81.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当厨师,今天注定要烹饪美食!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a chef, you're destined to cook delicious food today!

**82.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当糕点师,今天注定要制作甜点!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a baker, you're destined to make desserts today!

**83.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当美容师,今天注定要美丽动人!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a beautician, you're destined to be beautiful and charming today!

**84.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当健身教练,今天注定要强健体魄!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a fitness trainer, you're destined to be strong and healthy today!

**85.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当心理医生,今天注定要心灵平静!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a psychologist, you're destined for peace of mind today!

**86.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当律师,今天注定要维护公平!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a lawyer, you're destined to uphold fairness today!

**87.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当法官,今天注定要主持正义!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a judge, you're destined to administer justice today!

**88.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当警官,今天注定要维护秩序!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a police officer, you're destined to maintain order today!

**89.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当消防员,今天注定要保护人民!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a firefighter, you're destined to protect the people today!

**90.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当医生,今天注定要救死扶伤!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a doctor, you're destined to heal the sick and save the injured today!

**91.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当护士,今天注定要照顾病人!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a nurse, you're destined to care for the sick today!

**92.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当老师,今天注定要传授知识!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a teacher, you're destined to impart knowledge today!

**93.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当作家,今天注定要写出作品!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a writer, you're destined to write works today!

**94.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当画家,今天注定要创作画作!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a painter, you're destined to create paintings today!

**95.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当音乐家,今天注定要创作音乐!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a musician, you're destined to create music today!

**96.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当演员,今天注定要演绎角色!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes an actor, you're destined to portray a role today!

**97.** 公鸡下蛋,母鸡当歌手,今天注定要唱歌!

The rooster laid an egg, the hen becomes a singer, you're destined to sing today!

以上就是关于公鸡下蛋报幕句子97句(公鸡下蛋报幕句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
