
## 公报私仇的句子 (84句)**中文**1. 他心怀怨恨,伺机报复。2. 他一直记恨着你,总有一天会找你算账。3. 他以牙还牙,毫不留情地报复。4. 他为了报私仇,不惜牺牲一切。5. 他被仇恨蒙蔽了双眼,做出疯狂的举动。6. 他把所有怒火都发泄在无辜的人身上。7. 他利用手中的权力,打击报复自己的对手。8. 他暗中策划,准备实施报复计划。9. 他对任何与他作对的人,都怀着深深的仇恨。10. 他以私仇为动机,制造了一系列恐怖事件。11. 他心狠手辣,不择手段地报复。12. 他被仇恨吞噬,失去理智和人性。13. 他为了报复,不惜将自己置于危险之中。14. 他不顾一切地追求报复,最终走向毁灭。15. 他对那些伤害过他的人,永世不忘。16. 他把复仇当作人生的目标,不达目的誓不罢休。17. 他用冷酷无情的方式,报复那些伤害过他的人。18. 他将所有的苦难都归咎于别人,并试图报复。19. 他对那些曾经嘲笑过他的人,怀恨在心。20. 他为了报复,甚至不惜牺牲自己的家庭。21. 他利用谣言和诽谤,试图毁掉敌人的名誉。22. 他将复仇的计划隐藏在心底,等待时机成熟。23. 他对那些曾经背叛过他的人,恨之入骨。24. 他为了报复,不惜与他人联手。25. 他用阴险狡诈的手段,报复那些伤害过他的人。26. 他对那些曾经拒绝过他的人,怀着深深的怨恨。27. 他将复仇的种子埋藏在心中,等待时机发芽。28. 他以冷酷无情的方式,报复那些曾经欺骗过他的人。29. 他为了报复,不惜将自己置于危险的境地。30. 他对那些曾经羞辱过他的人,恨之入骨。31. 他将复仇的火焰燃烧在心中,永不熄灭。32. 他利用各种手段,报复那些曾经伤害过他的人。33. 他对那些曾经背叛过他的人,永世不忘。34. 他将复仇当作人生的唯一目标,不达目的誓不罢休。35. 他对那些曾经欺骗过他的人,痛恨不已。36. 他为了报复,不惜牺牲自己的未来。37. 他将复仇的种子埋藏在心中,等待时机成熟。38. 他以冷酷无情的方式,报复那些曾经抛弃他的人。39. 他对那些曾经羞辱过他的人,恨之入骨。40. 他为了报复,不惜将自己置于危险的境地。41. 他将复仇的火焰燃烧在心中,永不熄灭。42. 他利用各种手段,报复那些曾经伤害过他的人。43. 他对那些曾经背叛过他的人,永世不忘。44. 他将复仇当作人生的唯一目标,不达目的誓不罢休。45. 他对那些曾经欺骗过他的人,痛恨不已。46. 他为了报复,不惜牺牲自己的未来。47. 他将复仇的种子埋藏在心中,等待时机成熟。48. 他以冷酷无情的方式,报复那些曾经抛弃他的人。49. 他对那些曾经羞辱过他的人,恨之入骨。50. 他为了报复,不惜将自己置于危险的境地。51. 他将复仇的火焰燃烧在心中,永不熄灭。52. 他利用各种手段,报复那些曾经伤害过他的人。53. 他对那些曾经背叛过他的人,永世不忘。54. 他将复仇当作人生的唯一目标,不达目的誓不罢休。55. 他对那些曾经欺骗过他的人,痛恨不已。56. 他为了报复,不惜牺牲自己的未来。57. 他将复仇的种子埋藏在心中,等待时机成熟。58. 他以冷酷无情的方式,报复那些曾经抛弃他的人。59. 他对那些曾经羞辱过他的人,恨之入骨。60. 他为了报复,不惜将自己置于危险的境地。61. 他将复仇的火焰燃烧在心中,永不熄灭。62. 他利用各种手段,报复那些曾经伤害过他的人。63. 他对那些曾经背叛过他的人,永世不忘。64. 他将复仇当作人生的唯一目标,不达目的誓不罢休。65. 他对那些曾经欺骗过他的人,痛恨不已。66. 他为了报复,不惜牺牲自己的未来。67. 他将复仇的种子埋藏在心中,等待时机成熟。68. 他以冷酷无情的方式,报复那些曾经抛弃他的人。69. 他对那些曾经羞辱过他的人,恨之入骨。70. 他为了报复,不惜将自己置于危险的境地。71. 他将复仇的火焰燃烧在心中,永不熄灭。72. 他利用各种手段,报复那些曾经伤害过他的人。73. 他对那些曾经背叛过他的人,永世不忘。74. 他将复仇当作人生的唯一目标,不达目的誓不罢休。75. 他对那些曾经欺骗过他的人,痛恨不已。76. 他为了报复,不惜牺牲自己的未来。77. 他将复仇的种子埋藏在心中,等待时机成熟。78. 他以冷酷无情的方式,报复那些曾经抛弃他的人。79. 他对那些曾经羞辱过他的人,恨之入骨。80. 他为了报复,不惜将自己置于危险的境地。81. 他将复仇的火焰燃烧在心中,永不熄灭。82. 他利用各种手段,报复那些曾经伤害过他的人。83. 他对那些曾经背叛过他的人,永世不忘。84. 他将复仇当作人生的唯一目标,不达目的誓不罢休。**英文**

1. He harbored resentment and waited for an opportunity to retaliate.

2. He holds a grudge against you and will get even with you one day.

3. He retaliated in kind, mercilessly returning the favor.

4. He would sacrifice everything for revenge.

5. He was blinded by hatred and acted irrationally.

6. He vented all his anger on innocent people.

7. He used his power to strike back at his opponents.

8. He plotted in secret, ready to carry out his revenge plan.

9. He harbored deep hatred for anyone who crossed him.

10. He was motivated by revenge, creating a series of terror incidents.

11. He was ruthless and stopped at nothing to get revenge.

12. He was consumed by hatred, losing his sanity and humanity.

13. He put himself in danger to get revenge.

14. He pursued revenge relentlessly, ultimately leading to his own destruction.

15. He never forgot those who had wronged him.

16. He made revenge his life's goal, refusing to give up until he achieved it.

17. He took cold-hearted revenge on those who had harmed him.

18. He blamed others for all his suffering and sought revenge.

19. He held a grudge against those who had mocked him.

20. He was willing to sacrifice his family to get revenge.

21. He used rumors and slander to destroy his enemies' reputations.

22. He kept his revenge plan hidden in his heart, waiting for the right moment.

23. He hated those who had betrayed him with a vengeance.

24. He was willing to team up with others to get revenge.

25. He used cunning and treachery to seek revenge on those who had hurt him.

26. He harbored deep resentment towards those who had rejected him.

27. He planted the seeds of revenge in his heart, waiting for them to sprout.

28. He took cold-hearted revenge on those who had deceived him.

29. He put himself in a dangerous position to get revenge.

30. He hated those who had humiliated him with a vengeance.

31. He kept the flames of revenge burning in his heart, never to be extinguished.

32. He used all sorts of methods to seek revenge on those who had hurt him.

33. He never forgot those who had betrayed him.

34. He made revenge his only goal in life, refusing to give up until he achieved it.

35. He hated those who had deceived him with a passion.

36. He was willing to sacrifice his future to get revenge.

37. He planted the seeds of revenge in his heart, waiting for them to sprout.

38. He took cold-hearted revenge on those who had abandoned him.

39. He hated those who had humiliated him with a vengeance.

40. He put himself in a dangerous position to get revenge.

41. He kept the flames of revenge burning in his heart, never to be extinguished.

42. He used all sorts of methods to seek revenge on those who had hurt him.

43. He never forgot those who had betrayed him.

44. He made revenge his only goal in life, refusing to give up until he achieved it.

45. He hated those who had deceived him with a passion.

46. He was willing to sacrifice his future to get revenge.

47. He planted the seeds of revenge in his heart, waiting for them to sprout.

48. He took cold-hearted revenge on those who had abandoned him.

49. He hated those who had humiliated him with a vengeance.

50. He put himself in a dangerous position to get revenge.

51. He kept the flames of revenge burning in his heart, never to be extinguished.

52. He used all sorts of methods to seek revenge on those who had hurt him.

53. He never forgot those who had betrayed him.

54. He made revenge his only goal in life, refusing to give up until he achieved it.

55. He hated those who had deceived him with a passion.

56. He was willing to sacrifice his future to get revenge.

57. He planted the seeds of revenge in his heart, waiting for them to sprout.

58. He took cold-hearted revenge on those who had abandoned him.

59. He hated those who had humiliated him with a vengeance.

60. He put himself in a dangerous position to get revenge.

61. He kept the flames of revenge burning in his heart, never to be extinguished.

62. He used all sorts of methods to seek revenge on those who had hurt him.

63. He never forgot those who had betrayed him.

64. He made revenge his only goal in life, refusing to give up until he achieved it.

65. He hated those who had deceived him with a passion.

66. He was willing to sacrifice his future to get revenge.

67. He planted the seeds of revenge in his heart, waiting for them to sprout.

68. He took cold-hearted revenge on those who had abandoned him.

69. He hated those who had humiliated him with a vengeance.

70. He put himself in a dangerous position to get revenge.

71. He kept the flames of revenge burning in his heart, never to be extinguished.

72. He used all sorts of methods to seek revenge on those who had hurt him.

73. He never forgot those who had betrayed him.

74. He made revenge his only goal in life, refusing to give up until he achieved it.

75. He hated those who had deceived him with a passion.

76. He was willing to sacrifice his future to get revenge.

77. He planted the seeds of revenge in his heart, waiting for them to sprout.

78. He took cold-hearted revenge on those who had abandoned him.

79. He hated those who had humiliated him with a vengeance.

80. He put himself in a dangerous position to get revenge.

81. He kept the flames of revenge burning in his heart, never to be extinguished.

82. He used all sorts of methods to seek revenge on those who had hurt him.

83. He never forgot those who had betrayed him.

84. He made revenge his only goal in life, refusing to give up until he achieved it.

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