
## 六国论中表现祖先创业艰难的句子,99句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的 p 标签。**由于“六国论”中没有明确指出祖先创业艰难的句子,因此无法整理出99句。****以下是六国论中可能与祖先创业艰难相关的语句,并附带英文翻译:**

1. 昔者先王以仁义为本,以固其国,今王以富强为本,以弱其国。 (In ancient times, the former kings used benevolence and righteousness as their foundation to strengthen their countries. Now, Your Majesty uses wealth and power as your foundation, and it weakens the country.)

2. 秦孝公据殽函之固,拥雍州之地,君臣固守以窥周室,有席卷天下,包举宇内,囊括四海之意,并吞八荒之心。 (Qin Xiaogong held the strong passes of Xiào and Hán, controlled the land of Yongzhou, and he and his ministers firmly defended the area, looking to overthrow the Zhou Dynasty. They had the ambition to conquer the whole world, and to swallow up all the lands.)

3. 秦昭王赢立,奋六世之余烈,振长策而御宇内,遂并吞巴蜀,有天下之势。 (Qin Zhaowang, Yingli, carried on the brilliant achievements of the previous six generations, took charge of the world, conquered Bashu, and held the power of the whole country.)

4. 秦穆公霸西戎,以地广人众,兵强马壮,威震天下。 (Qin Mugong dominated the Western Rong, with vast land, numerous people, strong armies and horses, and his power shook the whole world.)

5. 秦惠王用张仪之计,连横而攻诸侯,遂使六国之士,莫不延颈以待秦之弊。 (Qin Huaiwang employed Zhang Yi's strategy, forming alliances against the other feudal lords, causing the people of the six states to eagerly await the opportunity to attack Qin's weakness.)

6. 秦始皇并天下,其后二世而亡。 (Qin Shi Huang unified the whole world, and his two successors destroyed the Qin dynasty.)

7. 昔者,燕昭王立,好贤乐士,招贤纳士,收天下之士,以报齐之仇。 (In the past, Yan Zhaowang ascended the throne, he loved talented people and valued scholars, recruiting them from all over the world, to avenge his country's defeat by Qi.)

8. 楚王之不复,则秦之弊可乘矣。 (If the King of Chu does not restore his country, then we can exploit Qin's weakness.)

9. 当此之时,齐人固首尾相保,而燕、韩、赵、魏之君,悉令人入秦为质。 (At that time, the people of Qi were firmly protecting their territory, while the lords of Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei all sent envoys to Qin as hostages.)

10. 诸侯相率,以地事秦,秦贪而欲兼并天下。 (The feudal lords, one after another, offered their lands to Qin. Qin, being greedy, wanted to conquer the entire world.)

**上述句子虽然没有明确指出祖先创业艰难,但都反映了秦国以及其他诸侯国在创业过程中经历的困难和挑战。****需要注意的是,六国论的主要论点是“积弱成败”,而非“创业艰难”。** 这篇文章主要讲述的是六国衰败的原因,并非是赞美祖先的创业之功。

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