
## 秘果沙漏旁句子(99句)及其英文翻译

以下为秘果沙漏旁的99句句子及其英文翻译,并使用 `

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1. 那一年,我17岁,你16岁。

That year, I was 17, and you were 16.

2. 阳光很暖,风很轻,我们并肩走在校园的林荫道上。

The sun was warm, the wind gentle, and we walked side by side along the tree-lined path of the campus.

3. 你说,你最喜欢吃草莓味的冰激凌。

You said, you love strawberry ice cream the most.

4. 我说,我更喜欢吃巧克力味的。

I said, I prefer chocolate.

5. 于是,我们一起去买了两种口味的冰激凌,一人一半。

So we went to buy two flavors of ice cream, half for each.

6. 你说,你喜欢看电影,尤其是爱情片。

You said you like watching movies, especially romances.

7. 我说,我更喜欢看科幻片。

I said I prefer science fiction movies.

8. 于是,我们一起去看了两部电影,一部爱情片,一部科幻片。

So we went to watch two movies, a romance and a science fiction film.

9. 你说,你喜欢听歌,尤其是流行歌曲。

You said you like listening to songs, especially pop music.

10. 我说,我更喜欢听古典音乐。

I said I prefer classical music.

11. 于是,我们一起去听了两场音乐会,一场流行音乐会,一场古典音乐会。

So we went to two concerts, a pop concert and a classical concert.

12. 你说,你喜欢画画,尤其是风景画。

You said you like drawing, especially landscapes.

13. 我说,我更喜欢画人物画。

I said I prefer portraits.

14. 于是,我们一起去画了两幅画,一幅风景画,一幅人物画。

So we went to draw two paintings, a landscape and a portrait.

15. 你说,你喜欢写诗,尤其是爱情诗。

You said you like writing poetry, especially love poems.

16. 我说,我更喜欢写叙事诗。

I said I prefer narrative poems.

17. 于是,我们一起去写了两首诗,一首爱情诗,一首叙事诗。

So we went to write two poems, a love poem and a narrative poem.

18. 你说,你喜欢跳舞,尤其是芭蕾舞。

You said you like dancing, especially ballet.

19. 我说,我更喜欢跳街舞。

I said I prefer street dance.

20. 于是,我们一起去跳了两支舞,一支芭蕾舞,一支街舞。

So we went to dance two dances, a ballet and a street dance.

21. 你说,你喜欢旅行,尤其是去海边。

You said you like traveling, especially going to the beach.

22. 我说,我更喜欢去山里。

I said I prefer going to the mountains.

23. 于是,我们一起去旅行了,一次去海边,一次去山里。

So we went traveling together, once to the beach, once to the mountains.

24. 你说,你喜欢读书,尤其是爱情小说。

You said you like reading, especially romance novels.

25. 我说,我更喜欢看侦探小说。

I said I prefer detective novels.

26. 于是,我们一起去读了两本书,一本爱情小说,一本侦探小说。

So we went to read two books, a romance novel and a detective novel.

27. 你说,你喜欢玩游戏,尤其是益智游戏。

You said you like playing games, especially puzzle games.

28. 我说,我更喜欢玩动作游戏。

I said I prefer action games.

29. 于是,我们一起去玩了两款游戏,一款益智游戏,一款动作游戏。

So we went to play two games, a puzzle game and an action game.

30. 你说,你喜欢吃水果,尤其是草莓。

You said you like eating fruits, especially strawberries.

31. 我说,我更喜欢吃苹果。

I said I prefer apples.

32. 于是,我们一起去吃了一些水果,一些草莓,一些苹果。

So we went to eat some fruits, some strawberries, some apples.

33. 你说,你喜欢喝饮料,尤其是果汁。

You said you like drinking beverages, especially juice.

34. 我说,我更喜欢喝茶。

I said I prefer tea.

35. 于是,我们一起去喝了一些饮料,一些果汁,一些茶。

So we went to drink some beverages, some juice, some tea.

36. 你说,你喜欢养宠物,尤其是猫。

You said you like raising pets, especially cats.

37. 我说,我更喜欢养狗。

I said I prefer dogs.

38. 于是,我们一起去看了猫,也看了狗。

So we went to see cats and dogs.

39. 你说,你喜欢做饭,尤其是西餐。

You said you like cooking, especially Western food.

40. 我说,我更喜欢做中餐。

I said I prefer Chinese food.

41. 于是,我们一起去做了两道菜,一道西餐,一道中餐。

So we went to cook two dishes, one Western and one Chinese.

42. 你说,你喜欢学语言,尤其是英语。

You said you like learning languages, especially English.

43. 我说,我更喜欢学法语。

I said I prefer French.

44. 于是,我们一起去学习了两种语言,英语和法语。

So we went to learn two languages, English and French.

45. 你说,你喜欢玩运动,尤其是篮球。

You said you like playing sports, especially basketball.

46. 我说,我更喜欢玩足球。

I said I prefer football.

47. 于是,我们一起去玩了两项运动,篮球和足球。

So we went to play two sports, basketball and football.

48. 你说,你喜欢看电视剧,尤其是爱情剧。

You said you like watching TV series, especially romances.

49. 我说,我更喜欢看悬疑剧。

I said I prefer mystery series.

50. 于是,我们一起去看了两部电视剧,一部爱情剧,一部悬疑剧。

So we went to watch two TV series, a romance and a mystery series.

51. 你说,你喜欢听广播,尤其是新闻广播。

You said you like listening to the radio, especially news programs.

52. 我说,我更喜欢听音乐广播。

I said I prefer music programs.

53. 于是,我们一起去听了两个广播节目,一个新闻节目,一个音乐节目。

So we went to listen to two radio programs, a news program and a music program.

54. 你说,你喜欢上网,尤其是看新闻。

You said you like going online, especially reading news.

55. 我说,我更喜欢玩游戏。

I said I prefer playing games.

56. 于是,我们一起去上网,看了新闻,也玩了游戏。

So we went online together, read news, and played games.

57. 你说,你喜欢逛街,尤其是买衣服。

You said you like shopping, especially buying clothes.

58. 我说,我更喜欢买书。

I said I prefer buying books.

59. 于是,我们一起去逛街,买了衣服,也买了书。

So we went shopping together, bought clothes, and bought books.

60. 你说,你喜欢参加聚会,尤其是朋友聚会。

You said you like attending parties, especially with friends.

61. 我说,我更喜欢参加同学聚会。

I said I prefer attending reunions with classmates.

62. 于是,我们一起去参加了两场聚会,一场朋友聚会,一场同学聚会。

So we went to two parties, one with friends, one with classmates.

63. 你说,你喜欢看展览,尤其是艺术展览。

You said you like going to exhibitions, especially art exhibitions.

64. 我说,我更喜欢看科技展览。

I said I prefer technology exhibitions.

65. 于是,我们一起去看了两个展览,一个艺术展览,一个科技展览。

So we went to two exhibitions, one art exhibition, one technology exhibition.

66. 你说,你喜欢做手工,尤其是折纸。

You said you like doing crafts, especially origami.

67. 我说,我更喜欢做木工。

I said I prefer woodworking.

68. 于是,我们一起去做了两件手工,一件折纸,一件木工。

So we went to make two crafts, one origami, one woodworking.

69. 你说,你喜欢去咖啡馆,尤其是喝咖啡。

You said you like going to coffee shops, especially drinking coffee.

70. 我说,我更喜欢喝奶茶。

I said I prefer drinking milk tea.

71. 于是,我们一起去咖啡馆,喝了咖啡,也喝了奶茶。

So we went to the coffee shop, drank coffee and milk tea.

72. 你说,你喜欢去图书馆,尤其是借书。

You said you like going to the library, especially borrowing books.

73. 我说,我更喜欢读书。

I said I prefer reading.

74. 于是,我们一起去图书馆,借了书,也读了书。

So we went to the library, borrowed books and read them.

75. 你说,你喜欢去公园,尤其是散步。

You said you like going to the park, especially taking walks.

76. 我说,我更喜欢跑步。

I said I prefer running.

77. 于是,我们一起去公园,散了步,也跑了步。

So we went to the park, took a walk and ran.

78. 你说,你喜欢去博物馆,尤其是看文物。

You said you like going to museums, especially seeing artifacts.

79. 我说,我更喜欢看艺术品。

I said I prefer seeing art.

80. 于是,我们一起去博物馆,看了文物,也看了艺术品。

So we went to the museum, saw artifacts and art.

81. 你说,你喜欢去动物园,尤其是看动物。

You said you like going to the zoo, especially seeing animals.

82. 我说,我更喜欢看植物。

I said I prefer seeing plants.

83. 于是,我们一起去动物园,看了动物,也看了植物。

So we went to the zoo, saw animals and plants.

84. 你说,你喜欢去游乐场,尤其是玩旋转木马。

You said you like going to amusement parks, especially riding the carousel.

85. 我说,我更喜欢玩过山车。

I said I prefer riding roller coasters.

86. 于是,我们一起去游乐场,玩了旋转木马,也玩了过山车。

So we went to the amusement park, rode the carousel and roller coasters.

87. 你说,你喜欢去电影院,尤其是看电影。

You said you like going to the cinema, especially watching movies.

88. 我说,我更喜欢看舞台剧。

I said I prefer watching plays.

89. 于是,我们一起去电影院,看了电影,也看了舞台剧。

So we went to the cinema, watched movies and plays.

90. 你说,你喜欢去音乐厅,尤其是听音乐会。

You said you like going to concert halls, especially listening to concerts.

91. 我说,我更喜欢听歌剧。

I said I prefer listening to operas.

92. 于是,我们一起去音乐厅,听了音乐会,也听了歌剧。

So we went to the concert hall, listened to concerts and operas.

93. 你说,你喜欢去体育场,尤其是看比赛。

You said you like going to stadiums, especially watching games.

94. 我说,我更喜欢参加比赛。

I said I prefer participating in competitions.

95. 于是,我们一起去体育场,看了比赛,也参加了比赛。

So we went to the stadium, watched games and participated in competitions.

96. 你说,你喜欢去美术馆,尤其是看画展。

You said you like going to art galleries, especially seeing art exhibitions.

97. 我说,我更喜欢看雕塑展。

I said I prefer seeing sculpture exhibitions.

98. 于是,我们一起去美术馆,看了画展,也看了雕塑展。

So we went to the art gallery, saw paintings and sculptures.

99. 你说,你喜欢去世界各地旅行,尤其是去充满异域风情的地方。

You said you like traveling all over the world, especially to exotic places.

100. 我说,我更喜欢去充满自然风光的地方。

I said I prefer going to places with natural scenery.

101. 于是,我们一起去旅行了,去过充满异域风情的地方,也去过充满自然风光的地方。

So we went traveling together, to exotic places and places with natural scenery.

以上就是关于秘果里面沙漏旁的句子99句(秘果里面沙漏旁的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
