
## 科音直播句子,92句 (带英文翻译和 HTML 标签)

1. 大家好,欢迎来到我的直播间! / Hello everyone, welcome to my livestream!

2. 今天我们来聊聊…… / Today, we'll be talking about…

3. 欢迎新来的朋友,记得点赞关注哦! / Welcome new friends, remember to like and follow!

4. 感谢大家的礼物,爱你们! / Thank you for the gifts, I love you all!

5. 我们今天要玩的游戏是…… / The game we're playing today is…

6. 今天想聊什么话题呢?欢迎留言互动! / What topic would you like to talk about today? Welcome to leave comments and interact!

7. 今天的直播内容有点长,大家记得多喝水! / The live stream today will be a bit long, remember to stay hydrated!

8. 今天的直播到此结束,我们下次再见! / That's the end of the livestream for today, see you next time!

9. 我真的太紧张了,大家多多包涵! / I'm really nervous, please bear with me!

10. 我觉得今天的状态还不错,大家觉得呢? / I think I'm doing pretty well today, what do you think?

11. 今天是第一次直播,有点不适应,希望大家多多支持! / This is my first live stream, I'm a little nervous, hope you all support me!

12. 直播间里都是我的宝贝们,爱你们! / My livestream is filled with my precious ones, I love you all!

13. 今天想分享一个…… / Today, I want to share a…

14. 今天想跟大家聊聊…… / Today, I want to chat with you all about…

15. 今天想和大家一起玩…… / Today, I want to play… with you all.

16. 今天想给大家推荐…… / Today, I want to recommend… to you all.

17. 今天想给大家表演…… / Today, I want to perform… for you all.

18. 今天想给大家讲一个…… / Today, I want to tell you a…

19. 今天想给大家展示…… / Today, I want to show you…

20. 今天想给大家解答…… / Today, I want to answer… for you all.

21. 今天想给大家介绍…… / Today, I want to introduce… to you all.

22. 今天想和大家一起…… / Today, I want to… with you all.

23. 我最近迷上了…… / I've been obsessed with… lately.

24. 我觉得……真的太棒了! / I think… is really amazing!

25. 我最近一直在…… / I've been… lately.

26. 我最近在学习…… / I've been learning… lately.

27. 我最近在练习…… / I've been practicing… lately.

28. 我最近在尝试…… / I've been trying… lately.

29. 我最近在关注…… / I've been paying attention to… lately.

30. 我最近在思考…… / I've been thinking about… lately.

31. 我最近在…… / I've been… lately.

32. 我想和大家分享一下我的…… / I want to share my… with you all.

33. 我想和大家聊聊我的…… / I want to chat with you all about my…

34. 我想和大家一起…… / I want to… with you all.

35. 我想给大家推荐…… / I want to recommend… to you all.

36. 我想给大家表演…… / I want to perform… for you all.

37. 我想给大家讲一个…… / I want to tell you a…

38. 我想给大家展示…… / I want to show you…

39. 我想给大家解答…… / I want to answer… for you all.

40. 我想给大家介绍…… / I want to introduce… to you all.

41. 我今天想…… / I want to… today.

42. 我今天想和大家一起…… / I want to… with you all today.

43. 我今天想给大家分享…… / I want to share… with you all today.

44. 我今天想给大家…… / I want to… for you all today.

45. 欢迎大家来到我的直播间,今天我将为大家…… / Welcome to my livestream, today I will… for you all.

46. 今天直播间的气氛真好,大家互动起来! / The atmosphere in the livestream is so good today, let's interact!

47. 今天直播有点卡,抱歉大家! / The live stream is lagging a bit today, I apologize!

48. 今天直播要结束了,大家记得关注我的下一次直播哦! / The live stream is ending today, remember to follow my next live stream!

49. 今天直播很开心,谢谢大家的支持! / I had a great time on the livestream today, thank you for your support!

50. 今天直播的内容有点偏……希望大家能理解! / The content of today's livestream is a bit… I hope you understand!

51. 今天直播有点冷清,大家可以多刷刷礼物哦! / The live stream is a bit quiet today, you can send some gifts!

52. 今天直播有点吵,大家可以调低音量! / The live stream is a bit noisy today, you can lower the volume!

53. 今天直播有点卡,大家可以切换一下网络! / The live stream is lagging a bit today, you can switch networks!

54. 今天直播有点慢,大家可以刷新一下页面! / The live stream is a bit slow today, you can refresh the page!

55. 今天直播有点模糊,大家可以调整一下画质! / The live stream is a bit blurry today, you can adjust the picture quality!

56. 今天直播有点黑,大家可以调高亮度! / The live stream is a bit dark today, you can increase the brightness!

57. 今天直播有点小,大家可以调大音量! / The live stream is a bit quiet today, you can increase the volume!

58. 今天直播有点大,大家可以调低音量! / The live stream is a bit loud today, you can lower the volume!

59. 今天直播有点快,大家可以调慢速度! / The live stream is a bit fast today, you can slow down the speed!

60. 今天直播有点慢,大家可以调快速度! / The live stream is a bit slow today, you can speed up the speed!

61. 今天直播有点乱,大家可以整理一下思路! / The live stream is a bit messy today, you can organize your thoughts!

62. 今天直播有点无聊,大家可以提提建议! / The live stream is a bit boring today, you can make some suggestions!

63. 今天直播有点难,大家可以一起努力! / The live stream is a bit difficult today, let's work together!

64. 今天直播有点简单,大家可以挑战一下! / The live stream is a bit easy today, you can challenge yourself!

65. 今天直播有点有趣,大家可以一起玩! / The live stream is a bit interesting today, let's play together!

66. 今天直播有点开心,大家可以一起笑! / The live stream is a bit happy today, let's laugh together!

67. 今天直播有点悲伤,大家可以一起加油! / The live stream is a bit sad today, let's cheer up together!

68. 今天直播有点生气,大家可以冷静一下! / The live stream is a bit angry today, let's calm down!

69. 今天直播有点紧张,大家可以放松一下! / The live stream is a bit nervous today, let's relax!

70. 今天直播有点兴奋,大家可以冷静一下! / The live stream is a bit excited today, let's calm down!

71. 今天直播有点无聊,大家可以聊聊天! / The live stream is a bit boring today, let's chat!

72. 今天直播有点热闹,大家可以安静一下! / The live stream is a bit lively today, let's quiet down!

73. 今天直播有点冷清,大家可以互动起来! / The live stream is a bit quiet today, let's interact!

74. 今天直播有点卡,大家可以刷刷礼物! / The live stream is a bit lagging today, you can send some gifts!

75. 今天直播有点慢,大家可以提提问题! / The live stream is a bit slow today, you can ask some questions!

76. 今天直播有点模糊,大家可以关注一下! / The live stream is a bit blurry today, you can pay attention!

77. 今天直播有点黑,大家可以调整一下灯光! / The live stream is a bit dark today, you can adjust the lights!

78. 今天直播有点小,大家可以调大音量! / The live stream is a bit quiet today, you can increase the volume!

79. 今天直播有点大,大家可以调低音量! / The live stream is a bit loud today, you can lower the volume!

80. 今天直播有点快,大家可以调整一下速度! / The live stream is a bit fast today, you can adjust the speed!

81. 今天直播有点慢,大家可以调整一下速度! / The live stream is a bit slow today, you can adjust the speed!

82. 今天直播有点乱,大家可以整理一下思路! / The live stream is a bit messy today, you can organize your thoughts!

83. 今天直播有点无聊,大家可以提提建议! / The live stream is a bit boring today, you can make some suggestions!

84. 今天直播有点难,大家可以一起努力! / The live stream is a bit difficult today, let's work together!

85. 今天直播有点简单,大家可以挑战一下! / The live stream is a bit easy today, you can challenge yourself!

86. 今天直播有点有趣,大家可以一起玩! / The live stream is a bit interesting today, let's play together!

87. 今天直播有点开心,大家可以一起笑! / The live stream is a bit happy today, let's laugh together!

88. 今天直播有点悲伤,大家可以一起加油! / The live stream is a bit sad today, let's cheer up together!

89. 今天直播有点生气,大家可以冷静一下! / The live stream is a bit angry today, let's calm down!

90. 今天直播有点紧张,大家可以放松一下! / The live stream is a bit nervous today, let's relax!

91. 今天直播有点兴奋,大家可以冷静一下! / The live stream is a bit excited today, let's calm down!

92. 今天直播有点无聊,大家可以聊聊天! / The live stream is a bit boring today, let's chat!

以上就是关于科音直播句子92句(科音直播句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
