
## 71句谁也指望不上的句子,并把内容翻译成英文


1. 天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由不得你。
2. 靠山山会倒,靠人人会跑。
3. 只有自己才是最终的依靠。
4. 命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。
5. 人生不如意事十之八九,谁也指望不上。
6. 靠自己,方能行稳致远。
7. 风雨过后,总会是彩虹,但那彩虹不是谁给的,是你自己撑起来的。
8. 人生如逆旅,我亦是行人,谁也不必指望,靠自己走下去。
9. 人生苦短,没时间指望别人,要学会自己强大。
10. 谁也不要指望,只有自己才能拯救自己。
11. 靠自己,不负韶华,不负自己。
12. 人生路上,你始终是孤独的行者,谁也帮不了你。
13. 别指望别人,你只有自己才能决定你的命运。
14. 命运掌握在自己手中,谁也帮不了你。
15. 自己才是最好的依靠,别指望别人。
16. 路是自己走的,没有人能替你走。
17. 生活是一场修行,谁也帮不了你。
18. 人生的坎坷,只有自己才能跨越。
19. 没有人能替你承担,你要学会独立。
20. 不要把希望寄托在别人身上,因为你可能永远都得不到。
21. 不要指望别人,要学会自己解决问题。
22. 别指望谁来拯救你,要学会自己强大。
23. 不要指望任何人,要学会独立思考。
24. 别指望别人能读懂你的心思,要学会表达。
25. 不要指望别人能一直陪伴你,要学会享受孤独。
26. 别指望别人能理解你,要学会包容。
27. 不要指望别人能给你幸福,要学会自己创造幸福。
28. 别指望谁会一直爱你,要学会爱自己。
29. 不要指望别人能给你安全感,要学会自己强大。
30. 别指望谁会一直迁就你,要学会独立。
31. 不要指望别人能给你帮助,要学会自立自强。
32. 别指望谁会一直照顾你,要学会照顾自己。
33. 不要指望别人能替你负责任,要学会承担责任。
34. 别指望谁会一直支持你,要学会自己努力。
35. 不要指望别人能给你答案,要学会自己思考。
36. 别指望谁会一直理解你,要学会沟通。
37. 不要指望别人能给你勇气,要学会自己勇敢。
38. 别指望谁会一直陪伴你,要学会享受孤独。
39. 不要指望别人能给你安慰,要学会自己疗伤。
40. 别指望谁会一直对你温柔,要学会坚强。
41. 不要指望别人能给你力量,要学会自己强大。
42. 别指望谁会一直相信你,要学会证明自己。
43. 不要指望别人能给你机会,要学会自己创造机会。
44. 别指望谁会一直帮助你,要学会自己成长。
45. 不要指望别人能给你幸福,要学会自己寻找幸福。
46. 别指望谁会一直理解你,要学会沟通。
47. 不要指望别人能给你爱,要学会爱自己。
48. 别指望谁会一直迁就你,要学会独立。
49. 不要指望别人能给你安全感,要学会自己强大。
50. 别指望谁会一直保护你,要学会保护自己。
51. 不要指望别人能给你答案,要学会自己思考。
52. 别指望谁会一直支持你,要学会自己努力。
53. 不要指望别人能给你希望,要学会自己寻找希望。
54. 别指望谁会一直陪伴你,要学会享受孤独。
55. 不要指望别人能给你安慰,要学会自己疗伤。
56. 别指望谁会一直对你温柔,要学会坚强。
57. 不要指望别人能给你力量,要学会自己强大。
58. 别指望谁会一直相信你,要学会证明自己。
59. 不要指望别人能给你机会,要学会自己创造机会。
60. 别指望谁会一直帮助你,要学会自己成长。
61. 不要指望别人能给你幸福,要学会自己寻找幸福。
62. 别指望谁会一直理解你,要学会沟通。
63. 不要指望别人能给你爱,要学会爱自己。
64. 别指望谁会一直迁就你,要学会独立。
65. 不要指望别人能给你安全感,要学会自己强大。
66. 别指望谁会一直保护你,要学会保护自己。
67. 不要指望别人能给你答案,要学会自己思考。
68. 别指望谁会一直支持你,要学会自己努力。
69. 不要指望别人能给你希望,要学会自己寻找希望。
70. 别指望谁会一直陪伴你,要学会享受孤独。
71. 不要指望别人能给你安慰,要学会自己疗伤。


1. It's gonna rain, and my daughter is gonna marry, none of your business.

2. If you rely on mountains, they will fall. If you rely on people, they will run away.

3. Only you can rely on yourself in the end.

4. If it is destined to be yours, you will eventually get it. If it is not meant to be, no matter how hard you try, you won't get it.

5. Nine out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory, you can't rely on anyone.

6. Rely on yourself, and you will go far.

7. There will always be a rainbow after the storm, but it is not given to you by anyone, it is what you build yourself.

8. Life is like a journey against the current, I am also a traveler, I don't need to rely on anyone, I will walk on my own.

9. Life is short, there is no time to rely on others, you must learn to be strong on your own.

10. Don't rely on anyone, only you can save yourself.

11. Rely on yourself, don't let your youth or yourself down.

12. On the road of life, you are always a lonely traveler, no one can help you.

13. Don't rely on others, only you can decide your destiny.

14. Your destiny is in your own hands, no one can help you.

15. You are your own best support, don't rely on others.

16. You walk your own path, no one can walk for you.

17. Life is a practice, no one can help you.

18. Only you can overcome the hardships of life.

19. No one can bear the burden for you, you need to learn to be independent.

20. Don't pin your hopes on others, because you may never get them.

21. Don't rely on others, learn to solve problems on your own.

22. Don't expect anyone to save you, learn to be strong on your own.

23. Don't rely on anyone, learn to think independently.

24. Don't expect others to read your mind, learn to express yourself.

25. Don't expect others to accompany you all the time, learn to enjoy loneliness.

26. Don't expect others to understand you, learn to be tolerant.

27. Don't expect others to give you happiness, learn to create your own happiness.

28. Don't expect anyone to love you forever, learn to love yourself.

29. Don't expect others to give you a sense of security, learn to be strong on your own.

30. Don't expect anyone to always accommodate you, learn to be independent.

31. Don't expect others to help you, learn to be self-reliant and strong.

32. Don't expect anyone to always take care of you, learn to take care of yourself.

33. Don't expect others to be responsible for you, learn to take responsibility.

34. Don't expect anyone to always support you, learn to work hard on your own.

35. Don't expect others to give you answers, learn to think for yourself.

36. Don't expect anyone to always understand you, learn to communicate.

37. Don't expect others to give you courage, learn to be brave on your own.

38. Don't expect others to always accompany you, learn to enjoy loneliness.

39. Don't expect others to comfort you, learn to heal yourself.

40. Don't expect anyone to always be gentle to you, learn to be strong.

41. Don't expect others to give you strength, learn to be strong on your own.

42. Don't expect anyone to always believe in you, learn to prove yourself.

43. Don't expect others to give you opportunities, learn to create opportunities for yourself.

44. Don't expect anyone to always help you, learn to grow on your own.

45. Don't expect others to give you happiness, learn to find happiness on your own.

46. Don't expect anyone to always understand you, learn to communicate.

47. Don't expect others to give you love, learn to love yourself.

48. Don't expect anyone to always accommodate you, learn to be independent.

49. Don't expect others to give you a sense of security, learn to be strong on your own.

50. Don't expect anyone to always protect you, learn to protect yourself.

51. Don't expect others to give you answers, learn to think for yourself.

52. Don't expect anyone to always support you, learn to work hard on your own.

53. Don't expect others to give you hope, learn to find hope on your own.

54. Don't expect others to always accompany you, learn to enjoy loneliness.

55. Don't expect others to comfort you, learn to heal yourself.

56. Don't expect anyone to always be gentle to you, learn to be strong.

57. Don't expect others to give you strength, learn to be strong on your own.

58. Don't expect anyone to always believe in you, learn to prove yourself.

59. Don't expect others to give you opportunities, learn to create opportunities for yourself.

60. Don't expect anyone to always help you, learn to grow on your own.

61. Don't expect others to give you happiness, learn to find happiness on your own.

62. Don't expect anyone to always understand you, learn to communicate.

63. Don't expect others to give you love, learn to love yourself.

64. Don't expect anyone to always accommodate you, learn to be independent.

65. Don't expect others to give you a sense of security, learn to be strong on your own.

66. Don't expect anyone to always protect you, learn to protect yourself.

67. Don't expect others to give you answers, learn to think for yourself.

68. Don't expect anyone to always support you, learn to work hard on your own.

69. Don't expect others to give you hope, learn to find hope on your own.

70. Don't expect others to always accompany you, learn to enjoy loneliness.

71. Don't expect others to comfort you, learn to heal yourself.

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