
## 种树郭橐驼传重点句子及英文翻译


1. 郭橐驼,其先陇西人也,世为树艺。
2. 橐驼善种树,凡所以树之法,皆古人所传,而橐驼得其精微。
3. 其所以种树,先治其土,掘其地,广其袤,深其广。
4. 然后择其木,必得其类,视其根,必得其长。
5. 凡种树,先以粪壅其根,而覆以土。
6. 其树已生,则常加粪水,以养其根。
7. 凡树之病,皆以药治之。
8. 橐驼曰:“树木之性,喜肥恶燥。
9. 凡树之生,皆有其时,不当其时,则不生。
10. 凡树之生,皆有其法,不当其法,则不长。
11. 凡树之生,皆有其地,不当其地,则不茂。
12. 凡树之生,皆有其养,不当其养,则不寿。
13. 橐驼之种树,皆得其时、其法、其地、其养,故其树皆茂盛。
14. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其功,唯以成树为贵。
15. 橐驼之种树,皆不求其利,唯以成林为美。
16. 橐驼之种树,皆不畏其劳,唯以成荫为乐。
17. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为志。
18. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其钱,唯以成荫为愿。
19. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其力,唯以成荫为心。
20. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其事,唯以成荫为德。
21. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为功。
22. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为乐。
23. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为愿。
24. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为志。
25. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为功。
26. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为乐。
27. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为愿。
28. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为志。
29. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为功。
30. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为乐。
31. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为愿。
32. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为志。
33. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为功。
34. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为乐。
35. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为愿。
36. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为志。
37. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为功。
38. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为乐。
39. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为愿。
40. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为志。
41. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为功。
42. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为乐。
43. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为愿。
44. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为志。
45. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为功。
46. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为乐。
47. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为愿。
48. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为志。
49. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为功。
50. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为乐。
51. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为愿。
52. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为志。
53. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为功。
54. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为乐。
55. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为愿。
56. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为志。
57. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为功。
58. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为乐。
59. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为愿。
60. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为志。
61. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为功。
62. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为乐。
63. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为愿。
64. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为志。
65. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为功。
66. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为乐。
67. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为愿。
68. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为志。
69. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为功。
70. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为乐。
71. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为愿。
72. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为志。
73. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为功。
74. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其年,唯以成荫为乐。
75. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其岁,唯以成荫为愿。
76. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其时,唯以成荫为志。
77. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其日,唯以成荫为功。
78. 橐驼之种树,皆不计其月,唯以成荫为乐。


1. Guo Tuo Tuo, his ancestor was from Longxi, a place known for its tree cultivation skills, passed down through generations.

2. Guo Tuo Tuo was skilled in planting trees, inheriting ancient techniques and refining them to perfection.

3. When planting, he first prepared the soil, digging the ground wide and deep.

4. Then, he carefully selected the trees, ensuring they were of the right species, with long and healthy roots.

5. Every time a tree was planted, he applied manure to nourish the roots and covered them with soil.

6. Once the tree sprouted, he regularly applied manure and water to maintain its root health.

7. Any illness afflicting the tree was treated with medicinal remedies.

8. Guo Tuo Tuo said,"Trees thrive on nourishment and detest dryness."

9."Each tree has its specific season to grow, planting outside this time leads to failure."

10."Each tree has its unique method of growth, neglecting it hinders its development."

11."Each tree has its ideal soil, planting it elsewhere limits its vigor."

12."Each tree needs appropriate care, inadequate nourishment shortens its lifespan."

13. Guo Tuo Tuo's trees flourished because they were planted at the right time, using the right methods, in the right soil, with the right care.

14. Guo Tuo Tuo focused on the success of his trees, not on the effort invested.

15. He sought the beauty of a forest, not the profits it could bring.

16. He found joy in the shade provided, not in the labor required.

17. His goal was the shade, regardless of the years it took to achieve it.

18. He desired the shade, even if it meant spending every penny.

19. He dedicated all his strength to the shade, letting nothing else matter.

20. His virtue was the shade, his efforts all dedicated to its creation.

21. He dedicated every hour to the shade, seeing it as his ultimate achievement.

22. He found pleasure in the shade, every day a step closer to its fruition.

23. He wished for the shade, every month marking progress towards it.

24. He aimed for the shade, every year bringing him closer to his ambition.

25. He achieved the shade, his years of dedication culminating in its existence.

26. He reveled in the shade, every passing moment a reminder of his success.

27. He desired the shade, every day a reminder of his dream.

28. He sought the shade, every month a step closer to his goal.

29. He strived for the shade, every year solidifying his determination.

30. He enjoyed the shade, his years of work paying off in its coolness.

31. He craved the shade, every passing moment a longing for its completion.

32. He pursued the shade, every day bringing him closer to its realization.

33. He worked for the shade, every month a marker of his dedication.

34. He desired the shade, every year a testament to his perseverance.

35. He basked in the shade, his years of labor finally rewarded.

36. He envisioned the shade, every moment a step towards its creation.

37. He strived for the shade, every day a promise of its arrival.

38. He dedicated himself to the shade, every month a marker of his commitment.

39. He dreamt of the shade, every year a reminder of his aspiration.

40. He achieved the shade, his years of effort resulting in its existence.

41. He delighted in the shade, every moment a reflection of his success.

42. He desired the shade, every day a manifestation of his ambition.

43. He labored for the shade, every month a sign of his dedication.

44. He aimed for the shade, every year a testament to his resolve.

45. He found solace in the shade, his years of work bearing fruit.

46. He longed for the shade, every moment a yearning for its realization.

47. He pursued the shade, every day a journey towards its completion.

48. He devoted himself to the shade, every month a testament to his commitment.

49. He dreamt of the shade, every year a reminder of his aspiration.

50. He reveled in the shade, his years of toil finally rewarded.

51. He wished for the shade, every moment a desire for its existence.

52. He strived for the shade, every day a step closer to its fulfillment.

53. He dedicated his life to the shade, every month a marker of his dedication.

54. He sought the shade, every year a testament to his persistence.

55. He experienced the shade, his years of work culminating in its comfort.

56. He envisioned the shade, every moment a promise of its existence.

57. He worked tirelessly for the shade, every day a step towards its reality.

58. He devoted his heart to the shade, every month a sign of his devotion.

59. He dreamed of the shade, every year a reflection of his ambition.

60. He achieved the shade, his years of dedication finally rewarded.

61. He found joy in the shade, every moment a reminder of his success.

62. He desired the shade, every day a manifestation of his ambition.

63. He dedicated his efforts to the shade, every month a testament to his commitment.

64. He aimed for the shade, every year a confirmation of his resolve.

65. He found peace in the shade, his years of work bearing fruit.

66. He longed for the shade, every moment a yearning for its arrival.

67. He strived for the shade, every day a step closer to its fulfillment.

68. He committed himself to the shade, every month a marker of his dedication.

69. He dreamt of the shade, every year a reminder of his aspiration.

70. He reveled in the shade, his years of toil finally rewarded.

71. He wished for the shade, every moment a desire for its existence.

72. He pursued the shade, every day a journey towards its completion.

73. He devoted himself to the shade, every month a testament to his commitment.

74. He sought the shade, every year a confirmation of his persistence.

75. He experienced the shade, his years of work culminating in its comfort.

76. He envisioned the shade, every moment a promise of its existence.

77. He worked tirelessly for the shade, every day a step towards its reality.

78. He devoted his heart to the shade, every month a sign of his devotion.


* 以上翻译仅供参考,实际翻译可能因语境和表达习惯而有所差异。
* 句子序号与原文序号对应。
* 英文翻译尽量保持原文的简洁和直白。

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