
## 科比布莱恩特经典句子 (60句)

1. 努力工作,保持低调,让你的成功来证明你的努力。

Work hard, stay humble, and let your success do the talking.

2. 当你感到最痛苦的时候,往往就是你最接近成功的时候。

The moment you feel like giving up is the moment you're closest to success.

3. 我想成为最好的,我为此付出了一切。

I wanted to be the best, and I gave everything I had to achieve it.

4. 失败不可怕,可怕的是你害怕失败。

Failure is not scary, what's scary is being afraid of failing.

5. 如果你不付出比别人更多的努力,你将永远无法比别人更出色。

If you don't put in more effort than everyone else, you will never be better than everyone else.

6. 我不会因失败而沮丧,我会从错误中学习,然后继续努力。

I don't get discouraged by failures. I learn from my mistakes and keep going.

7. 每一天都是一次机会,一次新的挑战,一次新的机遇。

Every day is a new chance, a new challenge, and a new opportunity.

8. 成功不是一蹴而就的,而是日积月累的结果。

Success isn't overnight, it's the result of daily grind.

9. 我宁愿为了梦想而奋斗,也不愿苟且偷生。

I'd rather strive for my dreams than live a life of mediocrity.

10. 痛苦是暂时的,但放弃会伴随你一生。

Pain is temporary, but giving up lasts a lifetime.

11. 我想要的东西,我都会得到。

Whatever I want, I'll get.

12. 如果你想做某事,就不要犹豫,立刻行动。

If you want to do something, don't hesitate, just do it.

13. 不要让任何人告诉你你的梦想太高,不要让任何人告诉你你无法做到。

Don't let anyone tell you your dreams are too big, don't let anyone tell you you can't do it.

14. 你的心态决定你的成就。

Your mindset determines your achievements.

15. 生活就像篮球比赛,需要你全力以赴。

Life is like a basketball game, you need to give it your all.

16. 成功的关键在于不断地学习和成长。

The key to success is to constantly learn and grow.

17. 我宁愿输掉比赛,也不愿放弃比赛。

I'd rather lose the game than give up on the game.

18. 你的成功只取决于你的努力和决心。

Your success only depends on your hard work and determination.

19. 我总是尽我所能,做我所能做的。

I always give it my all and do everything I can.

20. 不要害怕犯错,因为你从错误中吸取的教训比你从成功中吸取的教训更多。

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because you learn more from your mistakes than your successes.

21. 我宁愿挑战自己,也不愿安于现状。

I'd rather challenge myself than be comfortable with the status quo.

22. 我从未想过要成为第二个谁,我只想成为最好的我。

I never wanted to be the next anyone, I just wanted to be the best me.

23. 不要让你的梦想被现实的残酷所吞噬。

Don't let the harshness of reality swallow your dreams.

24. 失败只是成功道路上的一个阶段。

Failure is just a stage on the road to success.

25. 当你感到疲惫的时候,就想想你为什么开始。

When you feel tired, remember why you started.

26. 当你感到绝望的时候,就想起你的梦想。

When you feel hopeless, remember your dreams.

27. 我每天都为了梦想而奋斗,即使很累,我也会继续前进。

I strive for my dreams every day, even if I'm tired, I'll keep going.

28. 不要放弃你的梦想,即使全世界都告诉你,你做不到。

Don't give up on your dreams, even if the whole world tells you you can't do it.

29. 你必须相信自己,因为没有人会比你更相信你。

You have to believe in yourself, because no one will believe in you more than you.

30. 成功的秘诀在于专注于目标,并为此付出努力。

The secret to success is to focus on your goals and work hard for them.

31. 我从未后悔我的决定,因为我总是全力以赴。

I never regret my decisions, because I always give it my all.

32. 我总是把困难当作机会,而不是挑战。

I always see challenges as opportunities, not obstacles.

33. 我的成功源于我的努力,我的激情,以及我对梦想的坚持。

My success comes from my hard work, my passion, and my dedication to my dreams.

34. 如果你想成为最好的,你必须付出比别人更多的努力。

If you want to be the best, you have to work harder than everyone else.

35. 不要害怕失败,因为失败是成功的一部分。

Don't be afraid of failure, because failure is part of success.

36. 我总是努力变得更好,因为我知道我可以做得更多。

I always strive to be better, because I know I can do more.

37. 我的目标不是成为世界上最棒的球员,而是成为最好的我。

My goal isn't to be the best player in the world, it's to be the best me.

38. 我总是尽力做到最好,因为我知道这才是对自己的尊重。

I always try my best, because I know it's a sign of respect for myself.

39. 成功不是一蹴而就的,需要你不断的努力和坚持。

Success isn't overnight, it takes constant effort and persistence.

40. 我从不放弃,因为我知道我可以做到。

I never give up, because I know I can do it.

41. 我的梦想就是成为世界上最好的球员,并为此付出了一切。

My dream was to be the best player in the world, and I gave everything I had to achieve it.

42. 不要让别人告诉你你的梦想太高,因为他们只看到你的目标,而看不到你的决心。

Don't let anyone tell you your dreams are too big, because they only see your goals, not your determination.

43. 我总是努力变得更好,因为我知道我可以做得更多。

I always strive to be better, because I know I can do more.

44. 我的成功源于我的努力和我的决心。

My success comes from my hard work and my determination.

45. 我从不后悔我的决定,因为我总是全力以赴。

I never regret my decisions, because I always give it my all.

46. 成功不是一蹴而就的,而是日积月累的结果。

Success isn't overnight, it's the result of daily grind.

47. 我总是把困难当作机会,而不是挑战。

I always see challenges as opportunities, not obstacles.

48. 我从未想过要成为第二个谁,我只想成为最好的我。

I never wanted to be the next anyone, I just wanted to be the best me.

49. 不要让你的梦想被现实的残酷所吞噬。

Don't let the harshness of reality swallow your dreams.

50. 失败只是成功道路上的一个阶段。

Failure is just a stage on the road to success.

51. 当你感到疲惫的时候,就想想你为什么开始。

When you feel tired, remember why you started.

52. 当你感到绝望的时候,就想起你的梦想。

When you feel hopeless, remember your dreams.

53. 我每天都为了梦想而奋斗,即使很累,我也会继续前进。

I strive for my dreams every day, even if I'm tired, I'll keep going.

54. 不要放弃你的梦想,即使全世界都告诉你,你做不到。

Don't give up on your dreams, even if the whole world tells you you can't do it.

55. 你必须相信自己,因为没有人会比你更相信你。

You have to believe in yourself, because no one will believe in you more than you.

56. 成功的秘诀在于专注于目标,并为此付出努力。

The secret to success is to focus on your goals and work hard for them.

57. 你的成功只取决于你的努力和决心。

Your success only depends on your hard work and determination.

58. 我总是尽我所能,做我所能做的。

I always give it my all and do everything I can.

59. 我宁愿输掉比赛,也不愿放弃比赛。

I'd rather lose the game than give up on the game.

60. 生活就像篮球比赛,需要你全力以赴。

Life is like a basketball game, you need to give it your all.

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