
## 58句关于“谁人背后不说人”的句子及其英文翻译

1. 谁人背后不说人,谁人背后无人说。

Translation: No one speaks well of others behind their backs, and no one is free from being talked about behind their backs.

2. 人言可畏,背后议论,伤人于无形。

Translation: Gossip is a fearful thing. It can hurt people invisibly, especially when spoken behind their backs.

3. 己所不欲,勿施于人,背后议论,实为不智之举。

Translation: Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. Speaking ill of others behind their backs is truly an unwise act.

4. 恶语伤人六月寒,背后言语更伤人。

Translation: Harsh words can wound deeply, and words spoken behind someone's back are even more hurtful.

5. 口蜜腹剑,背后伤人,实为小人所为。

Translation: To speak sweetly but harbor malice in your heart, and to hurt others behind their backs, is the behavior of a villain.

6. 凡事要讲求证据,不要背后乱嚼舌根。

Translation: Everything should be based on evidence. Don't spread rumors and gossip behind someone's back.

7. 人无完人,每个人都有缺点,不要只盯着别人的缺点,也要看到别人的优点。

Translation: No one is perfect. Everyone has flaws. Don't just focus on other people's weaknesses, but also see their strengths.

8. 己过勿掩,他过勿扬,背后议论,实为不义之举。

Translation: Don't hide your own faults and don't expose others' faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs is a truly unjust act.

9. 积德行善,方得人心,背后议论,终将遭人唾弃。

Translation: Accumulate virtue and do good deeds to win people's hearts. Those who speak ill of others behind their backs will eventually be despised.

10. 善待他人,方能得到善待,背后议论,只会招致怨恨。

Translation: Treat others well, and you will be treated well. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only invite resentment.

11. 人言可畏,背后议论,往往会导致人际关系破裂。

Translation: Gossip is a fearful thing. Speaking ill of others behind their backs can often lead to broken relationships.

12. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空,背后议论,只会徒增烦恼。

Translation: Patience brings peace and quiet, while taking a step back can open up new possibilities. Speaking ill of others behind their backs only adds to your troubles.

13. 行善积德,方得善果,背后议论,只会徒增罪孽。

Translation: Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue leads to good consequences. Speaking ill of others behind their backs only adds to your sins.

14. 己所不欲,勿施于人,背后议论,只会让人心寒。

Translation: Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. Speaking ill of others behind their backs only chills people's hearts.

15. 人皆有其过,背后议论,只会暴露自己的狭隘。

Translation: Everyone has their faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs only reveals your own narrow-mindedness.

16. 沉默是金,背后议论,只会徒增是非。

Translation: Silence is golden. Speaking ill of others behind their backs only adds to trouble and strife.

17. 己过勿掩,他过勿扬,背后议论,只会让自己失去朋友。

Translation: Don't hide your own faults and don't expose others' faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends.

18. 善良是美德,背后议论,只会让人厌恶。

Translation: Kindness is a virtue. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make people disgusted with you.

19. 积德行善,方得善果,背后议论,只会让人心生恐惧。

Translation: Accumulate virtue and do good deeds to reap good rewards. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make people fear you.

20. 善待他人,方能得到善待,背后议论,只会让人对你失去信任。

Translation: Treat others well, and you will be treated well. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause people to lose trust in you.

21. 人言可畏,背后议论,往往会导致家庭矛盾。

Translation: Gossip is a fearful thing. Speaking ill of others behind their backs can often lead to family conflicts.

22. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空,背后议论,只会让自己的生活变得更加糟糕。

Translation: Patience brings peace and quiet, while taking a step back can open up new possibilities. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make your life worse.

23. 行善积德,方得善果,背后议论,只会让自己的内心变得更加阴暗。

Translation: Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue leads to good consequences. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make your heart darker.

24. 己所不欲,勿施于人,背后议论,只会让你失去快乐。

Translation: Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make you lose happiness.

25. 人皆有其过,背后议论,只会让你变得更加自私。

Translation: Everyone has their faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make you more selfish.

26. 沉默是金,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去爱情,失去一切。

Translation: Silence is golden. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose love, and lose everything.

27. 己过勿掩,他过勿扬,背后议论,只会让你失去善良,失去真诚,失去美德。

Translation: Don't hide your own faults and don't expose others' faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose kindness, lose sincerity, and lose virtue.

28. 善良是美德,背后议论,只会让你失去尊严,失去地位,失去一切。

Translation: Kindness is a virtue. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose dignity, lose status, and lose everything.

29. 积德行善,方得善果,背后议论,只会让你失去希望,失去未来,失去一切。

Translation: Accumulate virtue and do good deeds to reap good rewards. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose hope, lose your future, and lose everything.

30. 善待他人,方能得到善待,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Treat others well, and you will be treated well. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose family, and lose everything.

31. 人言可畏,背后议论,往往会导致事业失败。

Translation: Gossip is a fearful thing. Speaking ill of others behind their backs can often lead to career failures.

32. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空,背后议论,只会让你的事业陷入困境。

Translation: Patience brings peace and quiet, while taking a step back can open up new possibilities. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make your career stagnate.

33. 行善积德,方得善果,背后议论,只会让你的事业走向灭亡。

Translation: Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue leads to good consequences. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause your career to crumble.

34. 己所不欲,勿施于人,背后议论,只会让你失去客户,失去合作伙伴,失去一切。

Translation: Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose customers, lose partners, and lose everything.

35. 人皆有其过,背后议论,只会让你失去机会,失去资源,失去一切。

Translation: Everyone has their faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose opportunities, lose resources, and lose everything.

36. 沉默是金,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去客户,失去一切。

Translation: Silence is golden. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose customers, and lose everything.

37. 己过勿掩,他过勿扬,背后议论,只会让你失去信任,失去声誉,失去一切。

Translation: Don't hide your own faults and don't expose others' faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose trust, lose reputation, and lose everything.

38. 善良是美德,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去客户,失去一切。

Translation: Kindness is a virtue. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose customers, and lose everything.

39. 积德行善,方得善果,背后议论,只会让你失去机会,失去资源,失去一切。

Translation: Accumulate virtue and do good deeds to reap good rewards. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose opportunities, lose resources, and lose everything.

40. 善待他人,方能得到善待,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去客户,失去一切。

Translation: Treat others well, and you will be treated well. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose customers, and lose everything.

41. 人言可畏,背后议论,往往会导致家庭破裂。

Translation: Gossip is a fearful thing. Speaking ill of others behind their backs can often lead to family breakdowns.

42. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空,背后议论,只会让你的家庭陷入困境。

Translation: Patience brings peace and quiet, while taking a step back can open up new possibilities. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make your family life difficult.

43. 行善积德,方得善果,背后议论,只会让你的家庭走向灭亡。

Translation: Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue leads to good consequences. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause your family to crumble.

44. 己所不欲,勿施于人,背后议论,只会让你失去爱人,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose your loved one, lose your family, and lose everything.

45. 人皆有其过,背后议论,只会让你失去爱人,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Everyone has their faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose your loved one, lose your family, and lose everything.

46. 沉默是金,背后议论,只会让你失去爱人,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Silence is golden. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose your loved one, lose your family, and lose everything.

47. 己过勿掩,他过勿扬,背后议论,只会让你失去爱人,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Don't hide your own faults and don't expose others' faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose your loved one, lose your family, and lose everything.

48. 善良是美德,背后议论,只会让你失去爱人,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Kindness is a virtue. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose your loved one, lose your family, and lose everything.

49. 积德行善,方得善果,背后议论,只会让你失去爱人,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Accumulate virtue and do good deeds to reap good rewards. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose your loved one, lose your family, and lose everything.

50. 善待他人,方能得到善待,背后议论,只会让你失去爱人,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Treat others well, and you will be treated well. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose your loved one, lose your family, and lose everything.

51. 人言可畏,背后议论,往往会导致朋友反目成仇。

Translation: Gossip is a fearful thing. Speaking ill of others behind their backs can often lead to friends turning against each other.

52. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空,背后议论,只会让你的友谊陷入困境。

Translation: Patience brings peace and quiet, while taking a step back can open up new possibilities. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only make your friendships difficult.

53. 行善积德,方得善果,背后议论,只会让你的友谊走向破裂。

Translation: Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue leads to good consequences. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause your friendships to crumble.

54. 己所不欲,勿施于人,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose family, and lose everything.

55. 人皆有其过,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Everyone has their faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose family, and lose everything.

56. 沉默是金,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Silence is golden. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose family, and lose everything.

57. 己过勿掩,他过勿扬,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Don't hide your own faults and don't expose others' faults. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose family, and lose everything.

58. 善良是美德,背后议论,只会让你失去朋友,失去亲人,失去一切。

Translation: Kindness is a virtue. Speaking ill of others behind their backs will only cause you to lose friends, lose family, and lose everything.

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