
## 谁有都不如自己有,52句

**1. 谁有都不如自己有,靠天靠地不如靠自己。**

You have it better than anyone else, relying on heaven and earth is not as good as relying on yourself.

**2. 自己拥有的才是最宝贵的,不要总是羡慕别人的东西。**

What you own is the most precious, don't always envy other people's things.

**3. 有梦想就要自己去实现,不要指望别人帮你完成。**

If you have a dream, you have to realize it yourself, don't expect others to help you achieve it.

**4. 自己努力得来的成就,才最有价值,才能让你更有自信。**

The achievements you get through your own efforts are the most valuable, and they will make you more confident.

**5. 别人的帮助只能是暂时的,只有自己才能走得更远。**

Others' help can only be temporary, only you can go further.

**6. 想要什么就去努力争取,不要总是幻想别人会给你。**

If you want something, go and strive for it, don't always fantasize that others will give it to you.

**7. 自己动手丰衣足食,不要总是想着依赖别人。**

Be self-sufficient, don't always think about relying on others.

**8. 想要得到什么,就必须付出相应的努力。**

If you want to get something, you have to pay the corresponding effort.

**9. 只有自己才能真正了解自己,并做出最好的选择。**

Only you can truly understand yourself and make the best choices.

**10. 自己的幸福需要自己去创造,不要把希望寄托在别人身上。**

Your happiness needs to be created by yourself, don't place your hopes on others.

**11. 自己的人生要自己掌控,不要总是被别人左右。**

You have to control your own life, don't always be swayed by others.

**12. 别人的人生都是别人的,与你无关,不要总是去比较。**

Other people's lives are theirs, they have nothing to do with you, don't always compare.

**13. 不要总是想着依靠别人,要学会独立自主。**

Don't always think about relying on others, learn to be independent.

**14. 自己拥有的才是最真实的,不要被表面现象所迷惑。**

What you own is the most real, don't be deceived by surface phenomena.

**15. 自己的人生要自己负责,不要总是推卸责任。**

You are responsible for your own life, don't always shirk responsibility.

**16. 自己的选择要自己承担,不要总是后悔当初。**

You have to bear the consequences of your own choices, don't always regret it.

**17. 自己要学会坚强,不要总是依赖别人安慰。**

You have to learn to be strong, don't always rely on others for comfort.

**18. 自己要学会独立思考,不要总是人云亦云。**

You have to learn to think independently, don't always follow the crowd.

**19. 自己要学会面对现实,不要总是逃避问题。**

You have to learn to face reality, don't always avoid problems.

**20. 自己要学会宽容,不要总是计较得失。**

You have to learn to be tolerant, don't always care about gains and losses.

**21. 自己要学会感恩,不要总是抱怨命运。**

You have to learn to be grateful, don't always complain about fate.

**22. 自己要学会珍惜,不要总是浪费时间。**

You have to learn to cherish, don't always waste time.

**23. 自己要学会反省,不要总是犯同样的错误。**

You have to learn to reflect, don't always make the same mistakes.

**24. 自己要学会坚持,不要总是半途而废。**

You have to learn to persist, don't always give up halfway.

**25. 自己要学会创新,不要总是墨守成规。**

You have to learn to innovate, don't always stick to the rules.

**26. 自己要学会成长,不要总是停滞不前。**

You have to learn to grow, don't always stagnate.

**27. 自己要学会承担,不要总是推卸责任。**

You have to learn to take responsibility, don't always shirk responsibility.

**28. 自己要学会尊重,不要总是自以为是。**

You have to learn to respect, don't always think you are right.

**29. 自己要学会包容,不要总是斤斤计较。**

You have to learn to be inclusive, don't always be petty.

**30. 自己要学会自信,不要总是自卑。**

You have to learn to be confident, don't always feel inferior.

**31. 自己要学会乐观,不要总是悲观。**

You have to learn to be optimistic, don't always be pessimistic.

**32. 自己要学会勇敢,不要总是胆小。**

You have to learn to be brave, don't always be timid.

**33. 自己要学会自律,不要总是放纵。**

You have to learn to be self-disciplined, don't always indulge yourself.

**34. 自己要学会真诚,不要总是虚伪。**

You have to learn to be sincere, don't always be hypocritical.

**35. 自己要学会善良,不要总是冷漠。**

You have to learn to be kind, don't always be indifferent.

**36. 自己要学会爱护自己,不要总是伤害自己。**

You have to learn to care for yourself, don't always hurt yourself.

**37. 自己要学会珍惜时间,不要总是浪费光阴。**

You have to learn to cherish time, don't always waste time.

**38. 自己要学会感恩生活,不要总是抱怨命运。**

You have to learn to be grateful for life, don't always complain about fate.

**39. 自己要学会享受生活,不要总是为了生活而忙碌。**

You have to learn to enjoy life, don't always be busy for life.

**40. 自己要学会爱人,不要总是自私。**

You have to learn to love others, don't always be selfish.

**41. 自己要学会宽恕,不要总是记仇。**

You have to learn to forgive, don't always hold grudges.

**42. 自己要学会理解,不要总是误解别人。**

You have to learn to understand, don't always misunderstand others.

**43. 自己要学会尊重,不要总是歧视别人。**

You have to learn to respect, don't always discriminate against others.

**44. 自己要学会包容,不要总是排斥别人。**

You have to learn to be inclusive, don't always reject others.

**45. 自己要学会帮助别人,不要总是袖手旁观。**

You have to learn to help others, don't always stand by and watch.

**46. 自己要学会付出,不要总是索取。**

You have to learn to give, don't always take.

**47. 自己要学会珍惜友情,不要总是冷落朋友。**

You have to learn to cherish friendship, don't always neglect your friends.

**48. 自己要学会珍惜亲情,不要总是忽略家人。**

You have to learn to cherish family, don't always ignore your family.

**49. 自己要学会承担责任,不要总是逃避问题。**

You have to learn to take responsibility, don't always avoid problems.

**50. 自己要学会追求梦想,不要总是放弃希望。**

You have to learn to pursue your dreams, don't always give up hope.

**51. 自己要学会创造价值,不要总是消耗资源。**

You have to learn to create value, don't always consume resources.

**52. 自己要学会活出精彩,不要总是碌碌无为。**

You have to learn to live a wonderful life, don't always be mediocre.

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