
## 新开业的店宣传句子 (86句)

**1. 期待已久,终于开业啦!**

Long awaited, finally open!

**2. 盛大开业,惊喜不断!**

Grand opening, surprises abound!

**3. 邀您见证,新店启航!**

Invite you to witness, the new store sets sail!

**4. 开业大吉,好运连连!**

Grand opening, good fortune comes in waves!

**5. 精彩纷呈,不容错过!**

Full of excitement, don't miss out!

**6. 优惠多多,惊喜不断!**

Plenty of discounts, surprises galore!

**7. 诚邀品鉴,品质生活!**

Sincerely invite you to sample, quality living!

**8. 尽享优惠,开启美好!**

Enjoy the discounts, start a wonderful journey!

**9. 全城瞩目,盛大开业!**

Citywide focus, grand opening!

**10. 新品上市,精彩呈现!**

New products launched, exciting presentation!

**11. 匠心独运,品质保证!**

Unique craftsmanship, quality guaranteed!

**12. 优惠促销,火爆来袭!**

Discount promotion, hot and happening!

**13. 开业盛典,精彩无限!**

Grand opening celebration, endless excitement!

**14. 邀您共赏,美好时刻!**

Invite you to share, beautiful moments!

**15. 诚邀光临,体验非凡!**

Warmly welcome, experience the extraordinary!

**16. 开业狂欢,惊喜连连!**

Opening celebration, surprises galore!

**17. 全城狂欢,盛大开业!**

Citywide celebration, grand opening!

**18. 期待您的光临,开启美好旅程!**

Looking forward to your visit, start a beautiful journey!

**19. 您的到来,是我们最大的荣幸!**

Your arrival is our greatest honor!

**20. 精致生活,从这里开始!**

Fine living, starts here!

**21. 匠心打造,品质生活!**

Crafted with care, quality living!

**22. 品味生活,悦享美好!**

Savoring life, enjoying the good!

**23. 开启精彩,从此刻起!**

Start your exciting journey, from this moment!

**24. 诚意满满,惊喜不断!**

Full of sincerity, surprises galore!

**25. 优惠多多,惊喜连连!**

Plenty of discounts, surprises abound!

**26. 全城瞩目,期待您的到来!**

Citywide focus, looking forward to your arrival!

**27. 精彩无限,不容错过!**

Endless excitement, don't miss out!

**28. 邀您体验,品质生活!**

Invite you to experience, quality living!

**29. 尽享优惠,开启美好!**

Enjoy the discounts, start a wonderful journey!

**30. 新品上市,精彩纷呈!**

New products launched, full of excitement!

**31. 开业狂欢,精彩无限!**

Opening celebration, endless excitement!

**32. 邀您共赏,美好时刻!**

Invite you to share, beautiful moments!

**33. 诚邀光临,体验非凡!**

Warmly welcome, experience the extraordinary!

**34. 开启新篇章,精彩无限!**

Open a new chapter, endless excitement!

**35. 期待您的光临,开启精彩旅程!**

Looking forward to your visit, start an exciting journey!

**36. 您的到来,是我们最大的动力!**

Your arrival is our greatest motivation!

**37. 精致生活,从此刻开始!**

Fine living, starts now!

**38. 匠心打造,品质生活!**

Crafted with care, quality living!

**39. 品味生活,悦享美好!**

Savoring life, enjoying the good!

**40. 开启精彩,从这里起航!**

Start your exciting journey, set sail from here!

**41. 诚意满满,惊喜多多!**

Full of sincerity, surprises galore!

**42. 优惠多多,惊喜不断!**

Plenty of discounts, surprises abound!

**43. 全城瞩目,期待您的光临!**

Citywide focus, looking forward to your visit!

**44. 精彩无限,不容错过!**

Endless excitement, don't miss out!

**45. 邀您体验,非凡之旅!**

Invite you to experience, an extraordinary journey!

**46. 尽享优惠,开启美好生活!**

Enjoy the discounts, start a wonderful life!

**47. 新品上市,精彩无限!**

New products launched, endless excitement!

**48. 开业盛典,精彩不断!**

Grand opening celebration, surprises galore!

**49. 邀您共赏,美好时光!**

Invite you to share, beautiful moments!

**50. 诚邀光临,体验美好生活!**

Warmly welcome, experience a wonderful life!

**51. 开启美好,从这里开始!**

Start a beautiful journey, begin here!

**52. 期待您的光临,开启精彩!**

Looking forward to your visit, start something exciting!

**53. 您的到来,是我们最大的幸福!**

Your arrival is our greatest happiness!

**54. 精致生活,从这里启航!**

Fine living, sets sail from here!

**55. 匠心独运,品质保证!**

Unique craftsmanship, quality guaranteed!

**56. 品味生活,悦享人生!**

Savoring life, enjoying life!

**57. 开启美好生活,从此刻起!**

Start a wonderful life, from this moment!

**58. 诚意满满,惊喜不断!**

Full of sincerity, surprises abound!

**59. 优惠多多,精彩无限!**

Plenty of discounts, endless excitement!

**60. 全城瞩目,盛大开幕!**

Citywide focus, grand opening!

**61. 精彩无限,不容错过!**

Endless excitement, don't miss out!

**62. 邀您体验,非凡体验!**

Invite you to experience, an extraordinary experience!

**63. 尽享优惠,开启美好未来!**

Enjoy the discounts, start a wonderful future!

**64. 新品上市,精彩无限!**

New products launched, endless excitement!

**65. 开业盛典,精彩纷呈!**

Grand opening celebration, full of excitement!

**66. 邀您共赏,美好回忆!**

Invite you to share, beautiful memories!

**67. 诚邀光临,感受美好!**

Warmly welcome, feel the good!

**68. 开启新篇章,美好无限!**

Open a new chapter, endless good!

**69. 期待您的光临,开启美好生活!**

Looking forward to your visit, start a wonderful life!

**70. 您的到来,是我们最大的动力!**

Your arrival is our greatest motivation!

**71. 精致生活,从这里开始!**

Fine living, starts here!

**72. 匠心打造,品质保证!**

Crafted with care, quality guaranteed!

**73. 品味生活,悦享人生!**

Savoring life, enjoying life!

**74. 开启美好,从此刻起!**

Start a beautiful journey, from this moment!

**75. 诚意满满,惊喜不断!**

Full of sincerity, surprises abound!

**76. 优惠多多,精彩无限!**

Plenty of discounts, endless excitement!

**77. 全城瞩目,期待您的光临!**

Citywide focus, looking forward to your visit!

**78. 精彩无限,不容错过!**

Endless excitement, don't miss out!

**79. 邀您体验,非凡生活!**

Invite you to experience, an extraordinary life!

**80. 尽享优惠,开启美好未来!**

Enjoy the discounts, start a wonderful future!

**81. 新品上市,精彩呈现!**

New products launched, exciting presentation!

**82. 开业盛典,精彩无限!**

Grand opening celebration, endless excitement!

**83. 邀您共赏,美好时光!**

Invite you to share, beautiful moments!

**84. 诚邀光临,体验美好生活!**

Warmly welcome, experience a wonderful life!

**85. 开启美好,从这里开始!**

Start a beautiful journey, begin here!

**86. 期待您的光临,开启精彩!**

Looking forward to your visit, start something exciting!

以上就是关于新开业的店宣传句子86句(新开业的店宣传句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。

