
## 新号码请惠存,64句,附英文翻译


1. 新号码请惠存,方便联系,期待与您保持联系!
2. 这是我的新号码,请您保存好,方便以后联系。
3. 为了方便联系,特此告知您我的新号码,请您保存。
4. 为了及时联系,请您将我的新号码存入您的手机,谢谢!
5. 联系方式更新啦,我的新号码是……,请您留存一下。
6. 我的号码最近更新了,方便您随时联系我,请您记下。
7. 我的手机号码已更换,新号码是……,请您记下。
8. 为了方便联系,请您将我的新号码添加至您的通讯录。
9. 以后请用这个新号码联系我,谢谢您的理解。
10. 新号码正式启用,请您将旧号码删除,并将新号码保存。
11. 新号码已更新,期待您的来电!
12. 为了方便以后联系,请您将我的新号码保存好。
13. 以后请用我的新号码联系我,谢谢配合!
14. 我的新号码已经更新,请您及时更新您的通讯录。
15. 为了方便沟通,我的新号码是……,请您记下。
16. 我的新号码是……,请您留存,方便日后联系。
17. 联系方式发生改变,我的新号码是……,请您更新。
18. 新号码已正式启用,请您将新号码保存好,方便联系。
19. 我的新号码已更新,请您及时添加至您的通讯录。
20. 新号码请您惠存,方便您随时联系我。
21. 新号码发布,请您记下,期待与您保持联系!
22. 为了方便以后联系,新号码已更新,请您及时保存。
23. 我的新号码是……,请您保存,方便日后联系。
24. 联系方式已变更,我的新号码是……,请您更新。
25. 我的新号码是……,方便您联系我,请您保存。
26. 新号码已更新,请您将旧号码删除,并将新号码添加。
27. 新号码已生效,请您及时更新您的通讯录,方便联系。
28. 我的新号码是……,为了方便联系,请您记下。
29. 为了方便您联系我,我的新号码已更新,请您保存。
30. 新号码正式启用,请您将新号码添加至您的通讯录。
31. 为了方便日后联系,我的新号码已更新,请您保存。
32. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码保存至您的通讯录。
33. 为了方便联系,我的新号码是……,请您记下。
34. 我的手机号码已更新,新号码是……,请您添加。
35. 为了方便联系,我的新号码已更新,请您及时更新。
36. 新号码已更新,请您添加至您的通讯录,方便联系。
37. 我的新号码是……,请您保存,方便以后联系。
38. 新号码正式启用,请您将新号码添加,方便联系。
39. 我的新号码是……,请您记下,方便以后联系。
40. 为了方便联系,我的新号码已更新,请您记下。
41. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码存入您的手机。
42. 新号码已更新,请您将旧号码删除,并将新号码保存。
43. 我的新号码是……,请您保存至您的通讯录,方便联系。
44. 新号码已更新,请您添加至您的通讯录,期待您的来电!
45. 为了方便沟通,我的新号码是……,请您及时保存。
46. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码添加至您的通讯录。
47. 新号码已发布,请您将新号码存入您的手机,方便联系。
48. 联系方式发生变化,我的新号码是……,请您及时更新。
49. 新号码已生效,请您将新号码保存至您的通讯录。
50. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码添加至您的通讯录。
51. 新号码已更新,请您及时保存,方便日后联系。
52. 我的新号码是……,为了方便联系,请您添加至您的通讯录。
53. 新号码已更新,请您将新号码保存,方便日后联系。
54. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码存入您的手机,方便联系。
55. 新号码已发布,请您将新号码保存,方便日后联系。
56. 为了方便联系,我的新号码已更新,请您及时添加至您的通讯录。
57. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码保存至您的手机,期待您的来电!
58. 联系方式已变更,我的新号码是……,请您将新号码保存。
59. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码添加至您的通讯录,方便联系。
60. 新号码已更新,请您将新号码保存至您的手机,方便以后联系。
61. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码存入您的手机,期待与您保持联系!
62. 新号码已生效,请您将新号码保存至您的手机,方便日后联系。
63. 为了方便以后联系,我的新号码是……,请您及时更新您的通讯录。
64. 我的新号码是……,请您将新号码添加至您的通讯录,方便日后联系。


1. Please save my new number for easy contact, looking forward to staying in touch with you!

2. This is my new number, please save it for easy contact in the future.

3. For convenient contact, I would like to inform you of my new number, please save it.

4. For timely contact, please save my new number to your phone, thank you!

5. Contact information has been updated, my new number is..., please save it.

6. My number has been updated recently, it will be convenient for you to contact me anytime, please take a note.

7. My mobile phone number has been changed, the new number is..., please take a note.

8. For convenient contact, please add my new number to your contacts.

9. Please use this new number to contact me in the future, thank you for your understanding.

10. The new number is officially in use, please delete the old number and save the new number.

11. The new number has been updated, looking forward to your call!

12. For convenient contact in the future, please save my new number.

13. Please use my new number to contact me in the future, thank you for your cooperation!

14. My new number has been updated, please update your contact list in time.

15. For convenient communication, my new number is..., please take a note.

16. My new number is..., please save it for future contact.

17. Contact information has changed, my new number is..., please update it.

18. The new number has been officially put into use, please save the new number for easy contact.

19. My new number has been updated, please add it to your contact list in time.

20. Please save my new number for your convenience to contact me anytime.

21. The new number is released, please take a note, looking forward to staying in touch with you!

22. For convenient contact in the future, the new number has been updated, please save it in time.

23. My new number is..., please save it for future contact.

24. Contact information has changed, my new number is..., please update it.

25. My new number is..., it's convenient for you to contact me, please save it.

26. The new number has been updated, please delete the old number and add the new number.

27. The new number has taken effect, please update your contact list in time for easy contact.

28. My new number is..., for easy contact, please take a note.

29. For your convenience to contact me, my new number has been updated, please save it.

30. The new number is officially in use, please add the new number to your contact list.

31. For convenient contact in the future, my new number has been updated, please save it.

32. My new number is..., please save the new number to your contact list.

33. For easy contact, my new number is..., please take a note.

34. My mobile phone number has been updated, the new number is..., please add it.

35. For easy contact, my new number has been updated, please update it in time.

36. The new number has been updated, please add it to your contact list for easy contact.

37. My new number is..., please save it for future contact.

38. The new number is officially in use, please add the new number for easy contact.

39. My new number is..., please take a note for future contact.

40. For easy contact, my new number has been updated, please take a note.

41. My new number is..., please save the new number to your phone.

42. The new number has been updated, please delete the old number and save the new number.

43. My new number is..., please save it to your contact list for easy contact.

44. The new number has been updated, please add it to your contact list, looking forward to your call!

45. For convenient communication, my new number is..., please save it in time.

46. My new number is..., please add the new number to your contact list.

47. The new number has been released, please save the new number to your phone for easy contact.

48. Contact information has changed, my new number is..., please update it in time.

49. The new number has taken effect, please save the new number to your contact list.

50. My new number is..., please add the new number to your contact list.

51. The new number has been updated, please save it in time for future contact.

52. My new number is..., for easy contact, please add it to your contact list.

53. The new number has been updated, please save the new number for future contact.

54. My new number is..., please save the new number to your phone for easy contact.

55. The new number has been released, please save the new number for future contact.

56. For easy contact, my new number has been updated, please add it to your contact list in time.

57. My new number is..., please save the new number to your phone, looking forward to your call!

58. Contact information has changed, my new number is..., please save the new number.

59. My new number is..., please add the new number to your contact list for easy contact.

60. The new number has been updated, please save the new number to your phone for future contact.

61. My new number is..., please save the new number to your phone, looking forward to staying in touch with you!

62. The new number has taken effect, please save the new number to your phone for future contact.

63. For convenient contact in the future, my new number is..., please update your contact list in time.

64. My new number is..., please add the new number to your contact list for future contact.

以上就是关于新号码请惠存的好句子64句(新号码请惠存的好句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
