
## 78句很酷很洒脱的句子及其英文翻译**1. 人生苦短,及时行乐。**

Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

**2. 洒脱的人生,不负韶华。**

A carefree life, not wasting time.

**3. 做自己,别活在别人的眼光里。**

Be yourself, don't live in the eyes of others.

**4. 勇敢追梦,不留遗憾。**

Chase your dreams bravely, leave no regrets.

**5. 逆风而行,自强不息。**

Go against the wind, strive for self-improvement.

**6. 跌倒了,爬起来继续走。**

If you fall, get up and keep going.

**7. 命运掌握在自己手中。**

Fate is in your own hands.

**8. 活出精彩,活出自我。**

Live your life to the fullest, live your true self.

**9. 我的人生,由我掌控。**

My life, I control.

**10. 勇敢尝试,不惧失败。**

Try bravely, don't fear failure.

**11. 洒脱的人生,不为琐事所累。**

A carefree life, not burdened by trivial matters.

**12. 活出自己的精彩,别模仿他人。**

Live your own brilliance, don't imitate others.

**13. 我行我素,随心所欲。**

I do what I want, as I please.

**14. 做一个洒脱的人,活得自在。**

Be a carefree person, live freely.

**15. 人生如梦,及时珍惜。**

Life is like a dream, cherish it while you can.

**16. 不管未来怎样,我都会微笑面对。**

No matter what the future holds, I will face it with a smile.

**17. 勇敢追寻梦想,不负此生。**

Brave pursuit of dreams, live a life without regrets.

**18. 人生短暂,要活出精彩。**

Life is short, live it to the fullest.

**19. 洒脱的人生,无需解释。**

A carefree life needs no explanation.

**20. 做最好的自己,活得精彩。**

Be the best version of yourself, live your life to the fullest.

**21. 我不完美,但我真实。**

I'm not perfect, but I'm real.

**22. 我的人生,我做主。**

My life, I'm in charge.

**23. 努力奋斗,创造奇迹。**

Strive hard, create miracles.

**24. 活出自我,不负韶华。**

Live your true self, don't waste time.

**25. 我的人生,由我自己定义。**

I define my own life.

**26. 不管未来如何,我都会勇敢前行。**

No matter what the future holds, I will move forward bravely.

**27. 我的人生,我做主,我的人生,我精彩。**

My life, I'm in charge, my life, I'm brilliant.

**28. 不负韶华,活出精彩。**

Don't waste time, live your life to the fullest.

**29. 人生短暂,何必在意他人眼光。**

Life is short, why care about the eyes of others.

**30. 做最真实的自己,活出精彩。**

Be your true self, live your life to the fullest.

**31. 洒脱的人生,不为过去所困。**

A carefree life is not bound by the past.

**32. 勇敢追梦,不惧风险。**

Chase your dreams bravely, don't fear risk.

**33. 人生苦短,何必自寻烦恼。**

Life is short, why create your own troubles.

**34. 洒脱的人生,不为世俗所累。**

A carefree life is not burdened by worldly concerns.

**35. 我的人生,我说了算。**

My life, I call the shots.

**36. 努力活出自己,不负此生。**

Strive to live your own life, live a life without regrets.

**37. 人生短暂,何必在意得失。**

Life is short, why care about gains and losses.

**38. 洒脱的人生,不为名利所惑。**

A carefree life is not tempted by fame and fortune.

**39. 做自己,活出精彩。**

Be yourself, live your life to the fullest.

**40. 我的人生,我掌控,我的人生,我精彩。**

My life, I control, my life, I'm brilliant.

**41. 勇敢追寻梦想,不负韶华。**

Brave pursuit of dreams, don't waste time.

**42. 我的人生,我定义,我的人生,我精彩。**

I define my own life, I'm brilliant.

**43. 不管未来如何,我都会微笑面对。**

No matter what the future holds, I will face it with a smile.

**44. 洒脱的人生,不为世俗所缚。**

A carefree life is not bound by worldly constraints.

**45. 我的人生,我主宰,我的人生,我精彩。**

My life, I rule, my life, I'm brilliant.

**46. 勇敢追梦,不留遗憾。**

Chase your dreams bravely, leave no regrets.

**47. 洒脱的人生,不为他人所束缚。**

A carefree life is not bound by others.

**48. 做自己,活得洒脱,活得精彩。**

Be yourself, live freely, live your life to the fullest.

**49. 我的人生,我书写,我的人生,我精彩。**

I write my own life, I'm brilliant.

**50. 洒脱的人生,不为压力所困。**

A carefree life is not burdened by pressure.

**51. 勇敢追梦,不惧挑战。**

Chase your dreams bravely, don't fear challenges.

**52. 我的人生,我选择,我的人生,我精彩。**

I choose my own life, I'm brilliant.

**53. 洒脱的人生,不为得失所累。**

A carefree life is not burdened by gains and losses.

**54. 勇敢追寻梦想,不负青春。**

Brave pursuit of dreams, don't waste your youth.

**55. 我的人生,我掌控,我的人生,我自由。**

My life, I control, my life, I am free.

**56. 洒脱的人生,不为世俗所定义。**

A carefree life is not defined by worldly standards.

**57. 勇敢追寻梦想,不负韶华。**

Brave pursuit of dreams, don't waste time.

**58. 我的人生,我创造,我的人生,我精彩。**

I create my own life, I'm brilliant.

**59. 洒脱的人生,不为他人所评判。**

A carefree life is not judged by others.

**60. 勇敢追梦,不负初心。**

Chase your dreams bravely, stay true to your heart.

**61. 我的人生,我主宰,我的人生,我精彩。**

My life, I rule, my life, I'm brilliant.

**62. 洒脱的人生,不为烦恼所困。**

A carefree life is not burdened by worries.

**63. 勇敢追梦,不负此生。**

Chase your dreams bravely, live a life without regrets.

**64. 我的人生,我书写,我的人生,我精彩。**

I write my own life, I'm brilliant.

**65. 洒脱的人生,不为世俗所拘束。**

A carefree life is not bound by worldly restrictions.

**66. 勇敢追梦,不负青春。**

Brave pursuit of dreams, don't waste your youth.

**67. 我的人生,我定义,我的人生,我精彩。**

I define my own life, I'm brilliant.

**68. 洒脱的人生,不为他人所左右。**

A carefree life is not influenced by others.

**69. 勇敢追寻梦想,不负此生。**

Brave pursuit of dreams, live a life without regrets.

**70. 我的人生,我主宰,我的人生,我精彩。**

My life, I rule, my life, I'm brilliant.

**71. 洒脱的人生,不为压力所累。**

A carefree life is not burdened by pressure.

**72. 勇敢追梦,不惧风险。**

Chase your dreams bravely, don't fear risk.

**73. 我的人生,我选择,我的人生,我精彩。**

I choose my own life, I'm brilliant.

**74. 洒脱的人生,不为得失所困。**

A carefree life is not burdened by gains and losses.

**75. 勇敢追寻梦想,不负青春。**

Brave pursuit of dreams, don't waste your youth.

**76. 我的人生,我掌控,我的人生,我自由。**

My life, I control, my life, I am free.

**77. 洒脱的人生,不为世俗所定义。**

A carefree life is not defined by worldly standards.

**78. 勇敢追寻梦想,不负韶华。**

Brave pursuit of dreams, don't waste time.

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