
## 一步错步步错经典句子,98句**中文**1. 一步错,步步错,悔之晚矣。2. 失之毫厘,谬以千里。3. 积羽沉舟,群轻折轴。4. 堤溃蚁穴,气泄针芒。5. 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。6. 祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺。7. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。8. 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。9. 前功尽弃,悔不当初。10. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。11. 覆水难收,追悔莫及。12. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。13. 一失足成千古恨,再回头是百年身。14. 错过了,就是错过了,再也回不去了。15. 错过了花期,便再无春色。16. 机不可失,时不再来。17. 错过了太阳,你便失去了光明;错过了月亮,你便失去了夜晚。18. 错过了爱情,你便失去了幸福;错过了友情,你便失去了温暖。19. 错过了机会,你便失去了希望;错过了时间,你便失去了未来。20. 错过了人生,你便失去了所有。21. 一念之差,悔恨终身。22. 纵有千般悔恨,也换不回昨日。23. 错过了,就让它过去吧,不要再为它停留。24. 错过了,就当是人生的一种历练。25. 错过了,就让它成为过去,去拥抱未来的美好。26. 错过了,并不代表失去了所有,还有更美好的未来在等着你。27. 错了,就改正,不要一错再错。28. 错了,就吸取教训,不要再犯同样的错误。29. 错了,就勇敢地承认,不要逃避责任。30. 错了,就不要再执迷不悟,要及时回头。31. 错过了,就当是人生的一种成长。32. 错过了,就当是人生的一种考验。33. 错过了,就当是人生的一种磨砺。34. 错过了,就当是人生的一种收获。35. 错过了,就当是人生的一种财富。36. 错过了,就当是人生的一种感悟。37. 错过了,就当是人生的一种警示。38. 错过了,就当是人生的一种教训。39. 错过了,就当是人生的一种经历。40. 错过了,就当是人生的一种体验。41. 错过了,就当是人生的一种回忆。42. 错过了,就当是人生的一种故事。43. 错过了,就当是人生的一种风景。44. 错过了,就当是人生的一种缘分。45. 错过了,就当是人生的一种安排。46. 错过了,就当是人生的一种考验。47. 错过了,就当是人生的一种磨练。48. 错过了,就当是人生的一种收获。49. 错过了,就当是人生的一种财富。50. 错过了,就当是人生的一种感悟。51. 错过了,就当是人生的一种警示。52. 错过了,就当是人生的一种教训。53. 错过了,就当是人生的一种经历。54. 错过了,就当是人生的一种体验。55. 错过了,就当是人生的一种回忆。56. 错过了,就当是人生的一种故事。57. 错过了,就当是人生的一种风景。58. 错过了,就当是人生的一种缘分。59. 错过了,就当是人生的一种安排。60. 错过了,就当是人生的一种考验。61. 错过了,就当是人生的一种磨练。62. 错过了,就当是人生的一种收获。63. 错过了,就当是人生的一种财富。64. 错过了,就当是人生的一种感悟。65. 错过了,就当是人生的一种警示。66. 错过了,就当是人生的一种教训。67. 错过了,就当是人生的一种经历。68. 错过了,就当是人生的一种体验。69. 错过了,就当是人生的一种回忆。70. 错过了,就当是人生的一种故事。71. 错过了,就当是人生的一种风景。72. 错过了,就当是人生的一种缘分。73. 错过了,就当是人生的一种安排。74. 错过了,就当是人生的一种考验。75. 错过了,就当是人生的一种磨练。76. 错过了,就当是人生的一种收获。77. 错过了,就当是人生的一种财富。78. 错过了,就当是人生的一种感悟。79. 错过了,就当是人生的一种警示。80. 错过了,就当是人生的一种教训。81. 错过了,就当是人生的一种经历。82. 错过了,就当是人生的一种体验。83. 错过了,就当是人生的一种回忆。84. 错过了,就当是人生的一种故事。85. 错过了,就当是人生的一种风景。86. 错过了,就当是人生的一种缘分。87. 错过了,就当是人生的一种安排。88. 错过了,就当是人生的一种考验。89. 错过了,就当是人生的一种磨练。90. 错过了,就当是人生的一种收获。91. 错过了,就当是人生的一种财富。92. 错过了,就当是人生的一种感悟。93. 错过了,就当是人生的一种警示。94. 错过了,就当是人生的一种教训。95. 错过了,就当是人生的一种经历。96. 错过了,就当是人生的一种体验。97. 错过了,就当是人生的一种回忆。98. 错过了,就当是人生的一种故事。**英文**

1. One wrong step leads to many wrong steps, and it is too late to regret.

2. A miss by a hair's breadth, a miss by a thousand miles.

3. Accumulated feathers sink a ship, and a group of light things can break an axle.

4. The embankment collapses from an ant hole, and the air leaks from the tip of a needle.

5. A thousand-mile embankment can collapse from an ant hole.

6. Calamities often arise from small things, and the wise and brave are often trapped by what they are used to.

7. Do not do good things because they are small, and do not do evil things because they are small.

8. A small hole not patched will cause a big hole to suffer.

9. All previous efforts are wasted, and one regrets not doing it in the first place.

10. It is not too late to mend the sheepfold after the sheep have been lost.

11. Spilled water is hard to retrieve, and regret is useless.

12. A wise old man loses his horse, but how do we know it's not a blessing?

13. One slip of the foot causes a thousand years of regret, and a second look back is a hundred years of life.

14. If you miss it, you miss it, and you can't go back.

15. If you miss the flowering season, there will be no spring colors.

16. Opportunity is lost, time is no longer there.

17. If you miss the sun, you lose the light; if you miss the moon, you lose the night.

18. If you miss love, you lose happiness; if you miss friendship, you lose warmth.

19. If you miss the opportunity, you lose hope; if you miss time, you lose the future.

20. If you miss life, you lose everything.

21. A wrong thought, a lifetime of regret.

22. Even with a thousand regrets, you can't go back to yesterday.

23. If you miss it, let it go, don't stay for it anymore.

24. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

25. If you miss it, let it become the past, and embrace the future.

26. Missing it doesn't mean losing everything, there's a brighter future waiting for you.

27. If you're wrong, correct it, don't make more mistakes.

28. If you're wrong, learn from it, don't make the same mistake again.

29. If you're wrong, admit it bravely, don't evade responsibility.

30. If you're wrong, don't be stubborn, turn back in time.

31. If you miss it, consider it a life growth.

32. If you miss it, consider it a life test.

33. If you miss it, consider it a life tempering.

34. If you miss it, consider it a life harvest.

35. If you miss it, consider it a life treasure.

36. If you miss it, consider it a life realization.

37. If you miss it, consider it a life warning.

38. If you miss it, consider it a life lesson.

39. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

40. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

41. If you miss it, consider it a life memory.

42. If you miss it, consider it a life story.

43. If you miss it, consider it a life scenery.

44. If you miss it, consider it a life fate.

45. If you miss it, consider it a life arrangement.

46. If you miss it, consider it a life test.

47. If you miss it, consider it a life tempering.

48. If you miss it, consider it a life harvest.

49. If you miss it, consider it a life treasure.

50. If you miss it, consider it a life realization.

51. If you miss it, consider it a life warning.

52. If you miss it, consider it a life lesson.

53. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

54. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

55. If you miss it, consider it a life memory.

56. If you miss it, consider it a life story.

57. If you miss it, consider it a life scenery.

58. If you miss it, consider it a life fate.

59. If you miss it, consider it a life arrangement.

60. If you miss it, consider it a life test.

61. If you miss it, consider it a life tempering.

62. If you miss it, consider it a life harvest.

63. If you miss it, consider it a life treasure.

64. If you miss it, consider it a life realization.

65. If you miss it, consider it a life warning.

66. If you miss it, consider it a life lesson.

67. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

68. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

69. If you miss it, consider it a life memory.

70. If you miss it, consider it a life story.

71. If you miss it, consider it a life scenery.

72. If you miss it, consider it a life fate.

73. If you miss it, consider it a life arrangement.

74. If you miss it, consider it a life test.

75. If you miss it, consider it a life tempering.

76. If you miss it, consider it a life harvest.

77. If you miss it, consider it a life treasure.

78. If you miss it, consider it a life realization.

79. If you miss it, consider it a life warning.

80. If you miss it, consider it a life lesson.

81. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

82. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

83. If you miss it, consider it a life memory.

84. If you miss it, consider it a life story.

85. If you miss it, consider it a life scenery.

86. If you miss it, consider it a life fate.

87. If you miss it, consider it a life arrangement.

88. If you miss it, consider it a life test.

89. If you miss it, consider it a life tempering.

90. If you miss it, consider it a life harvest.

91. If you miss it, consider it a life treasure.

92. If you miss it, consider it a life realization.

93. If you miss it, consider it a life warning.

94. If you miss it, consider it a life lesson.

95. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

96. If you miss it, consider it a life experience.

97. If you miss it, consider it a life memory.

98. If you miss it, consider it a life story.

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