
## 新型大国关系句子 (57 句)


1. 中美两国作为世界最大的两个经济体,构建新型大国关系对于维护世界和平与稳定至关重要。
2. 新型大国关系的构建,需要双方坚持相互尊重、平等互利、合作共赢的原则。
3. 在竞争中求合作,在合作中谋共赢,是新型大国关系的应有之义。
4. 中美两国应加强沟通与对话,增进相互理解,管控分歧,避免冲突。
5. 中美两国应在气候变化、疫情防控、反恐等全球性问题上加强合作,共同应对挑战。
6. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方共同努力,需要时间的积累和考验。
7. 中国致力于构建新型大国关系,为世界和平与发展贡献力量。
8. 新型大国关系的构建,需要双方摒弃冷战思维和零和博弈的旧模式。
9. 中国愿与美国共同构建不冲突、不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的新型大国关系。
10. 中美两国应该在平等互利的基础上开展合作,共同维护国际秩序。
11. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方加强战略沟通,建立有效机制,防止误解和误判。
12. 中美两国应在经贸、科技、文化等领域加强交流与合作,促进共同发展。
13. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方坚持相互尊重主权、领土完整和政治制度。
14. 中国致力于维护世界和平,不寻求霸权,愿与各国共同打造人类命运共同体。
15. 中美两国应加强在多边机制中的协调合作,共同维护国际公平正义。
16. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方坚持对话协商,和平解决争端。
17. 中国愿与世界各国共同构建人类命运共同体,共建更加美好的未来。
18. 中美两国应在全球治理体系改革中加强合作,共同维护国际秩序的公平正义。
19. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方共同维护国际法和国际秩序,反对单边主义和保护主义。
20. 中国愿与世界各国共同推动构建人类命运共同体,实现全球可持续发展。
21. 中美两国应加强人文交流,增进相互理解和信任。
22. 中国愿与美国共同构建更加稳定、更加平衡、更加积极的双边关系。
23. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方加强军事安全领域的沟通与合作,避免误判和误解。
24. 中美两国应在反恐、网络安全等领域加强合作,共同应对全球性挑战。
25. 中国愿与美国共同努力,推动全球经济治理体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。
26. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方共同维护世界和平与安全,反对恐怖主义和极端主义。
27. 中美两国应在科技创新、绿色发展等领域加强合作,共同促进人类进步。
28. 中国愿与美国共同努力,维护世界贸易组织的权威,反对贸易保护主义。
29. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方加强文化交流,增进相互理解和友谊。
30. 中国愿与美国共同努力,构建更加公平合理的国际秩序。
31. 中美两国应在应对气候变化、生物多样性保护等全球性挑战上加强合作。
32. 中国愿与美国共同努力,推动全球经济复苏,实现共同发展。
33. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方坚持和平发展,反对霸权主义和强权政治。
34. 中美两国应在全球治理体系改革中发挥积极作用,维护国际公平正义。
35. 中国愿与美国共同努力,推动全球可持续发展,实现人类命运共同体。
36. 中美两国应加强在教育、医疗、文化等领域的交流与合作,促进民心相通。
37. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方坚持相互尊重、平等互利、合作共赢的原则。
38. 中国愿与美国共同努力,构建更加公正合理的国际政治经济秩序。
39. 中美两国应加强在多边机制中的协调合作,维护国际法和国际秩序。
40. 中国愿与美国共同努力,推动全球治理体系朝着更加公平合理的方向发展。
41. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方共同维护世界和平与安全,反对恐怖主义和极端主义。
42. 中美两国应加强在科技创新、绿色发展等领域加强合作,共同促进人类进步。
43. 中国愿与美国共同努力,维护世界贸易组织的权威,反对贸易保护主义。
44. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方加强文化交流,增进相互理解和友谊。
45. 中国愿与美国共同努力,构建更加公平合理的国际秩序。
46. 中美两国应在应对气候变化、生物多样性保护等全球性挑战上加强合作。
47. 中国愿与美国共同努力,推动全球经济复苏,实现共同发展。
48. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方坚持和平发展,反对霸权主义和强权政治。
49. 中美两国应在全球治理体系改革中发挥积极作用,维护国际公平正义。
50. 中国愿与美国共同努力,推动全球可持续发展,实现人类命运共同体。
51. 中美两国应加强在教育、医疗、文化等领域的交流与合作,促进民心相通。
52. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方坚持相互尊重、平等互利、合作共赢的原则。
53. 中国愿与美国共同努力,构建更加公正合理的国际政治经济秩序。
54. 中美两国应加强在多边机制中的协调合作,维护国际法和国际秩序。
55. 中国愿与美国共同努力,推动全球治理体系朝着更加公平合理的方向发展。
56. 新型大国关系的构建需要双方共同维护世界和平与安全,反对恐怖主义和极端主义。
57. 中美两国应加强在科技创新、绿色发展等领域加强合作,共同促进人类进步。


1. As the world's two largest economies, China and the United States play a crucial role in maintaining global peace and stability by building a new type of major-country relationship.

2. To build a new type of major-country relationship, both sides need to uphold the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation.

3. Seeking cooperation amidst competition, and achieving win-win outcomes through cooperation, is the inherent meaning of a new type of major-country relationship.

4. China and the United States should strengthen communication and dialogue, enhance mutual understanding, manage differences, and avoid conflicts.

5. China and the United States should strengthen cooperation on global issues such as climate change, pandemic control, and counter-terrorism to jointly address challenges.

6. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires joint efforts from both sides and needs to be tested and nurtured over time.

7. China is committed to building a new type of major-country relationship and contributing to world peace and development.

8. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to abandon Cold War mentality and the old model of zero-sum games.

9. China is willing to work with the United States to build a new type of major-country relationship characterized by non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation.

10. China and the United States should engage in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, jointly maintaining the international order.

11. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to strengthen strategic communication, establish effective mechanisms, and prevent misunderstanding and misjudgment.

12. China and the United States should enhance exchanges and cooperation in areas such as trade, science and technology, and culture to promote common development.

13. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to uphold mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political systems.

14. China is committed to maintaining world peace, does not seek hegemony, and is willing to work with all countries to build a community of shared future for mankind.

15. China and the United States should strengthen coordination and cooperation within multilateral mechanisms to jointly uphold international fairness and justice.

16. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to adhere to dialogue and consultation and to peacefully resolve disputes.

17. China is willing to work with all countries in the world to build a community of shared future for mankind and create a better future together.

18. China and the United States should strengthen cooperation in reforming the global governance system to jointly safeguard the fairness and justice of the international order.

19. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to jointly uphold international law and the international order, and to oppose unilateralism and protectionism.

20. China is willing to work with all countries in the world to promote the building of a community of shared future for mankind and achieve global sustainable development.

21. China and the United States should strengthen people-to-people exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and trust.

22. China is willing to work with the United States to build a more stable, more balanced, and more positive bilateral relationship.

23. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to strengthen communication and cooperation in the field of military security to avoid misjudgment and misunderstanding.

24. China and the United States should strengthen cooperation in areas such as counter-terrorism and cybersecurity to jointly address global challenges.

25. China is willing to work with the United States to promote the development of the global economic governance system in a more just and equitable direction.

26. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to jointly maintain world peace and security and oppose terrorism and extremism.

27. China and the United States should strengthen cooperation in areas such as scientific and technological innovation and green development to jointly promote human progress.

28. China is willing to work with the United States to uphold the authority of the World Trade Organization and oppose trade protectionism.

29. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to strengthen cultural exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and friendship.

30. China is willing to work with the United States to build a more just and equitable international order.

31. China and the United States should strengthen cooperation in addressing global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity conservation.

32. China is willing to work with the United States to promote global economic recovery and achieve common development.

33. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to adhere to peaceful development and oppose hegemonism and power politics.

34. China and the United States should play an active role in reforming the global governance system to maintain international fairness and justice.

35. China is willing to work with the United States to promote global sustainable development and realize a community of shared future for mankind.

36. China and the United States should strengthen exchanges and cooperation in areas such as education, healthcare, and culture to promote people-to-people connections.

37. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to uphold the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation.

38. China is willing to work with the United States to build a more just and equitable international political and economic order.

39. China and the United States should strengthen coordination and cooperation within multilateral mechanisms to uphold international law and the international order.

40. China is willing to work with the United States to promote the development of the global governance system in a more just and equitable direction.

41. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to jointly maintain world peace and security and oppose terrorism and extremism.

42. China and the United States should strengthen cooperation in areas such as scientific and technological innovation and green development to jointly promote human progress.

43. China is willing to work with the United States to uphold the authority of the World Trade Organization and oppose trade protectionism.

44. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to strengthen cultural exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and friendship.

45. China is willing to work with the United States to build a more just and equitable international order.

46. China and the United States should strengthen cooperation in addressing global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity conservation.

47. China is willing to work with the United States to promote global economic recovery and achieve common development.

48. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to adhere to peaceful development and oppose hegemonism and power politics.

49. China and the United States should play an active role in reforming the global governance system to maintain international fairness and justice.

50. China is willing to work with the United States to promote global sustainable development and realize a community of shared future for mankind.

51. China and the United States should strengthen exchanges and cooperation in areas such as education, healthcare, and culture to promote people-to-people connections.

52. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to uphold the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation.

53. China is willing to work with the United States to build a more just and equitable international political and economic order.

54. China and the United States should strengthen coordination and cooperation within multilateral mechanisms to uphold international law and the international order.

55. China is willing to work with the United States to promote the development of the global governance system in a more just and equitable direction.

56. The building of a new type of major-country relationship requires both sides to jointly maintain world peace and security and oppose terrorism and extremism.

57. China and the United States should strengthen cooperation in areas such as scientific and technological innovation and green development to jointly promote human progress.

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