
## 新娘说辞幽默句子 (88句)


1. 今天我终于嫁给了一个人,他愿意跟我一起吃一辈子外卖!
2. 我终于找到一个愿意和我一起分享薯片的人了!
3. 我知道他不是完美的,但是他是我心目中最完美的那个不完美。
4. 我要感谢我的父母,因为他们把我养育成人,并且最终把我嫁给了这个家伙。
5. 我爱他,虽然他偶尔会像个孩子一样任性。
6. 从今天起,我们就是一家人了,他再也不能用"单身狗"来嘲笑我啦!
7. 他可能不是最帅的,但他绝对是最爱我的!
8. 虽然我可能嫁给了一个傻瓜,但至少他是一个帅气的傻瓜!
9. 我从来没想过我会嫁给一个比我还爱吃的人!
10. 从今天起,我再也不用一个人看电影,一个人吃饭,一个人睡觉了,因为我已经找到了我的“另一半”。
11. 他可能是一个游戏迷,但他也是一个爱我的游戏迷。
12. 他总说我爱买衣服,但是他忘了我的衣服都是为了他买的!
13. 他可能不会记得我的生日,但他会记得我喜欢的口味!
14. 他可能不会给我浪漫的惊喜,但他会给我最踏实的依靠!
15. 我知道我们以后的生活不会总是一帆风顺,但我会永远陪在他的身边,一起面对所有的风雨。
16. 他是我最好的朋友,我的爱人,我的亲人,我这一生的幸福!
17. 我终于可以名正言顺地叫他“老公”了!
18. 我想感谢所有参加婚礼的朋友和家人,你们的祝福和陪伴,让我更加坚信,我选择了他,没有错!
19. 今天,我终于可以穿上这件美丽的白纱,嫁给我的白马王子了!
20. 虽然我以前一直以为我应该嫁给一个王子,但现在我发现,我的王子其实一直都在身边!
21. 他可能不是王子,但他却拥有王子般的心!
22. 从今天起,我们就是世界上最幸福的夫妻了!
23. 我希望我们的婚姻就像一杯美酒,越陈越香!


24. 我终于找到一个比我还爱自拍的人了!
25. 我终于找到了一个比我还爱吃的人!
26. 我终于找到了一个比我还爱玩游戏的人!
27. 我终于找到了一个比我还爱看电影的人!
28. 我终于找到了一个比我还爱买衣服的人!
29. 我终于找到了一个比我还爱旅行的人!
30. 其实,我并不想嫁给任何人,我只是想找到一个比我还爱我的人!
31. 我一直以为我是一个很独立的人,直到我遇到了他,我才发现,原来我一直都在等他!
32. 我很高兴能成为他的妻子,我更高兴能成为他的“另一半”!
33. 从今天起,我将不再是一个“单身狗”,我将成为一个幸福的“已婚人士”!
34. 今天,我终于可以不用再为相亲而烦恼了!
35. 今天,我终于可以不用再被父母催婚了!
36. 今天,我终于可以不用再一个人过生日了!
37. 今天,我终于可以不用再一个人看电影了!
38. 今天,我终于可以不用再一个人吃饭了!
39. 今天,我终于可以不用再一个人睡觉了!
40. 我很高兴能成为他人生中的“女主角”!


41. 我们两个人,就像两颗流星,在浩瀚的宇宙中相遇,并且擦出了爱情的火花!
42. 我们两个人,就像两朵玫瑰,在爱情的海洋中相遇,并且绽放出最美的爱情!
43. 爱情,就像是一杯美酒,越品越香!
44. 爱情,就像是一场旅行,有风景,有故事,还有你!
45. 爱情,就像是一首歌曲,让我们的人生充满了欢笑和感动!
46. 爱情,就像是一本书,让我们的人生充满了精彩和浪漫!
47. 爱情,就像是一场梦,让我们的人生充满了甜蜜和幸福!
48. 爱情,让我们的人生充满了意义和价值!
49. 我们相爱,我们结婚,我们共同创造属于我们的幸福!
50. 我们的爱情,是世界上最美好的爱情!
51. 我相信,我们的爱情会永远持续下去!
52. 我愿意用我的一生去呵护我们的爱情!


53. 从今天起,我们将会共同书写人生的下一章!
54. 我期待着和他在未来的日子里,一起创造更多美好的回忆!
55. 我相信,我们的未来会充满阳光和希望!
56. 我相信,我们的未来会充满挑战和机遇!
57. 我相信,我们的未来会充满爱和幸福!
58. 我期待着和他在未来的日子里,一起迎接人生的挑战!
59. 我期待着和他在未来的日子里,一起享受人生的快乐!
60. 我期待着和他在未来的日子里,一起创造人生的奇迹!
61. 我相信,我们的爱情会像红酒一样,越陈越香!


62. 我要感谢所有参加婚礼的朋友和家人,你们的到来,让我们的婚礼更加热闹!
63. 我要感谢我的伴娘,她们在我的婚礼上给了我最大的帮助!
64. 我要感谢我的伴郎,他们是我的好兄弟,我永远不会忘记他们的陪伴!
65. 我要感谢我的父母,他们给了我生命,并且一直支持我的选择!
66. 我要感谢我的公公婆婆,他们给了我温暖和爱!
67. 我要感谢所有为我们的婚礼付出辛劳的人,你们的努力,让我们的婚礼更加完美!
68. 今天,我们将会用最隆重的仪式,来庆祝我们爱情的结晶!
69. 今天,我们将用最美好的祝福,来开启我们人生的新篇章!
70. 今天,我们将用最真诚的承诺,来许下我们对彼此的爱!
71. 今天,我们将用最热烈的激情,来燃烧我们对彼此的爱情!


72. 从今天起,我们就是一家人了!
73. 从今天起,我们将会一起面对人生的风风雨雨!
74. 从今天起,我们将会一起分享人生的酸甜苦辣!
75. 从今天起,我们将会一起创造属于我们的人生奇迹!
76. 从今天起,我们将会一起走过人生的每一步!
77. 我们将会用爱,来创造一个充满幸福的家!
78. 我们将会用爱,来孕育一个充满爱的家庭!
79. 我们将会用爱,来构建一个充满温暖的家!
80. 我们将会用爱,来守护我们的爱情,守护我们的家庭!


81. 我终于可以不用再一个人过节了!
82. 我终于可以不用再一个人过生日了!
83. 我终于可以不用再一个人看电影了!
84. 我终于可以不用再一个人吃饭了!
85. 我终于可以不用再一个人睡觉了!
86. 我终于可以不用再一个人旅行了!
87. 我终于可以不用再一个人玩游戏了!
88. 我终于可以不用再一个人自拍啦!

## 英文翻译


1. Today I finally married someone who's willing to eat takeout with me for the rest of our lives!

2. I finally found someone who's willing to share my chips with me!

3. I know he's not perfect, but he's the most perfect imperfection for me.

4. I want to thank my parents for raising me and eventually getting me to marry this guy.

5. I love him, even though he can be a bit of a child sometimes.

6. From today on, we're family, and he can't call me a"single dog" anymore!

7. He may not be the most handsome, but he's definitely the one who loves me the most!

8. While I may have married a fool, at least he's a handsome one!

9. I never thought I'd marry someone who loves to eat more than I do!

10. From today on, I don't have to watch movies alone, eat alone, or sleep alone anymore because I've found my"other half."

11. He might be a gamer, but he's also a gamer who loves me.

12. He always says I love buying clothes, but he forgets I buy all these clothes for him!

13. He might not remember my birthday, but he'll remember my favorite flavors!

14. He might not give me romantic surprises, but he'll give me the most reliable support!

15. I know our life together won't always be smooth sailing, but I'll be by his side forever, facing all the storms together.

16. He's my best friend, my lover, my family, the happiness of my life!

17. I can finally call him"husband" officially!

18. I want to thank all the friends and family who came to the wedding, your blessings and companionship made me even more certain that I made the right choice in choosing him!

19. Today, I can finally put on this beautiful white dress and marry my prince charming!

20. Even though I always thought I should marry a prince, I now realize my prince has been right beside me all along!

21. He may not be a prince, but he has a heart of a prince!

22. From today on, we're the happiest couple in the world!

23. I hope our marriage will be like a fine wine, getting better with age!


24. I finally found someone who loves to take selfies more than I do!

25. I finally found someone who loves to eat more than I do!

26. I finally found someone who loves to play games more than I do!

27. I finally found someone who loves to watch movies more than I do!

28. I finally found someone who loves to buy clothes more than I do!

29. I finally found someone who loves to travel more than I do!

30. Actually, I didn't want to marry anyone, I just wanted to find someone who loves me more than I love myself!

31. I always thought I was a very independent person until I met him. I realized I've been waiting for him all along!

32. I'm happy to be his wife, and I'm even happier to be his"other half"!

33. From today on, I'm no longer a"single dog", I'm a happy"married person"!

34. Today, I can finally stop worrying about blind dates!

35. Today, I can finally stop being nagged by my parents to get married!

36. Today, I can finally stop celebrating my birthday alone!

37. Today, I can finally stop watching movies alone!

38. Today, I can finally stop eating alone!

39. Today, I can finally stop sleeping alone!

40. I'm happy to be the"leading lady" in his life!


41. We two, like two shooting stars, met in the vast universe and sparked the flame of love!

42. We two, like two roses, met in the ocean of love and bloomed the most beautiful love!

43. Love, like a fine wine, becomes more fragrant with each sip!

44. Love, like a journey, has scenery, stories, and you!

45. Love, like a song, fills our lives with laughter and emotion!

46. Love, like a book, fills our lives with excitement and romance!

47. Love, like a dream, fills our lives with sweetness and happiness!

48. Love, fills our lives with meaning and value!

49. We love each other, we marry each other, and we create our own happiness together!

50. Our love is the most beautiful love in the world!

51. I believe our love will last forever!

52. I'm willing to spend my life cherishing our love!


53. From today on, we'll write the next chapter of our lives together!

54. I look forward to creating more beautiful memories with him in the days to come!

55. I believe our future will be filled with sunshine and hope!

56. I believe our future will be filled with challenges and opportunities!

57. I believe our future will be filled with love and happiness!

58. I look forward to facing life's challenges with him in the days to come!

59. I look forward to enjoying life's joys with him in the days to come!

60. I look forward to creating miracles in life with him in the days to come!

61. I believe our love will be like red wine, getting better with age!


62. I want to thank all the friends and family who came to the wedding, your presence made our wedding even more lively!

63. I want to thank my bridesmaids, they gave me the biggest help at my wedding!

64. I want to thank my groomsmen, they're my good brothers, and I'll never forget their companionship!

65. I want to thank my parents, they gave me life and have always supported my choices!

66. I want to thank my father-in-law and mother-in-law, they have given me warmth and love!

67. I want to thank everyone who worked hard for our wedding, your efforts made our wedding even more perfect!

68. Today, we'll celebrate the crystallization of our love with the most grand ceremony!

69. Today, we'll start a new chapter in our lives with the best blessings!

70. Today, we'll make our promises of love for each other with the most sincere commitment!

71. Today, we'll burn our love for each other with the most passionate enthusiasm!


72. From today on, we're family!

73. From today on, we'll face life's storms together!

74. From today on, we'll share life's joys and sorrows together!

75. From today on, we'll create our own life's miracles together!

76. From today on, we'll walk every step of life together!

77. We'll create a home filled with happiness with love!

78. We'll nurture a family filled with love with love!

79. We'll build a warm home with love!

80. We'll guard our love, guard our family with love!


81. I can finally stop celebrating holidays alone!

82. I can finally stop celebrating my birthday alone!

83. I can finally stop watching movies alone!

84. I can finally stop eating alone!

85. I can finally stop sleeping alone!

86. I can finally stop traveling alone!

87. I can finally stop playing games alone!

88. I can finally stop taking selfies alone!

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