
## 一日一善功德句子 (92句)

1. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates bad deeds will surely have misfortune.

2. 一善之举,胜过千言万语。

One act of kindness is worth more than a thousand words.

3. 善行如春风,温暖人心;恶行如寒冰,刺骨入髓。

Kind deeds are like a spring breeze, warming the heart; evil deeds are like ice, piercing to the bone.

4. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

5. 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。

Sow good seeds and reap good fruits, sow bad seeds and reap bad fruits.

6. 行善积德,福报无穷。

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue brings endless blessings.

7. 施比受更有福。

Giving is more blessed than receiving.

8. 一颗善心,胜过千金。

A kind heart is worth more than a thousand gold coins.

9. 善念生善行,善行生善果。

Good thoughts lead to good actions, which lead to good results.

10. 德不孤,必有邻。

Virtue is not lonely, it will have neighbors.

11. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

12. 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。

Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil. It is not that they are not reported, but the time has not yet come.

13. 人心如水,善行如舟,乘善行之舟,渡人心之河。

The human heart is like water, and good deeds are like boats. Ride the boat of good deeds and cross the river of human hearts.

14. 与人为善,福报无边。

Being kind to others brings boundless blessings.

15. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates bad deeds will surely have misfortune.

16. 一善之举,胜过千言万语。

One act of kindness is worth more than a thousand words.

17. 善行如春风,温暖人心;恶行如寒冰,刺骨入髓。

Kind deeds are like a spring breeze, warming the heart; evil deeds are like ice, piercing to the bone.

18. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

19. 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。

Sow good seeds and reap good fruits, sow bad seeds and reap bad fruits.

20. 行善积德,福报无穷。

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue brings endless blessings.

21. 施比受更有福。

Giving is more blessed than receiving.

22. 一颗善心,胜过千金。

A kind heart is worth more than a thousand gold coins.

23. 善念生善行,善行生善果。

Good thoughts lead to good actions, which lead to good results.

24. 德不孤,必有邻。

Virtue is not lonely, it will have neighbors.

25. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

26. 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。

Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil. It is not that they are not reported, but the time has not yet come.

27. 人心如水,善行如舟,乘善行之舟,渡人心之河。

The human heart is like water, and good deeds are like boats. Ride the boat of good deeds and cross the river of human hearts.

28. 与人为善,福报无边。

Being kind to others brings boundless blessings.

29. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates bad deeds will surely have misfortune.

30. 一善之举,胜过千言万语。

One act of kindness is worth more than a thousand words.

31. 善行如春风,温暖人心;恶行如寒冰,刺骨入髓。

Kind deeds are like a spring breeze, warming the heart; evil deeds are like ice, piercing to the bone.

32. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

33. 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。

Sow good seeds and reap good fruits, sow bad seeds and reap bad fruits.

34. 行善积德,福报无穷。

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue brings endless blessings.

35. 施比受更有福。

Giving is more blessed than receiving.

36. 一颗善心,胜过千金。

A kind heart is worth more than a thousand gold coins.

37. 善念生善行,善行生善果。

Good thoughts lead to good actions, which lead to good results.

38. 德不孤,必有邻。

Virtue is not lonely, it will have neighbors.

39. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

40. 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。

Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil. It is not that they are not reported, but the time has not yet come.

41. 人心如水,善行如舟,乘善行之舟,渡人心之河。

The human heart is like water, and good deeds are like boats. Ride the boat of good deeds and cross the river of human hearts.

42. 与人为善,福报无边。

Being kind to others brings boundless blessings.

43. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates bad deeds will surely have misfortune.

44. 一善之举,胜过千言万语。

One act of kindness is worth more than a thousand words.

45. 善行如春风,温暖人心;恶行如寒冰,刺骨入髓。

Kind deeds are like a spring breeze, warming the heart; evil deeds are like ice, piercing to the bone.

46. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

47. 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。

Sow good seeds and reap good fruits, sow bad seeds and reap bad fruits.

48. 行善积德,福报无穷。

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue brings endless blessings.

49. 施比受更有福。

Giving is more blessed than receiving.

50. 一颗善心,胜过千金。

A kind heart is worth more than a thousand gold coins.

51. 善念生善行,善行生善果。

Good thoughts lead to good actions, which lead to good results.

52. 德不孤,必有邻。

Virtue is not lonely, it will have neighbors.

53. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

54. 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。

Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil. It is not that they are not reported, but the time has not yet come.

55. 人心如水,善行如舟,乘善行之舟,渡人心之河。

The human heart is like water, and good deeds are like boats. Ride the boat of good deeds and cross the river of human hearts.

56. 与人为善,福报无边。

Being kind to others brings boundless blessings.

57. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates bad deeds will surely have misfortune.

58. 一善之举,胜过千言万语。

One act of kindness is worth more than a thousand words.

59. 善行如春风,温暖人心;恶行如寒冰,刺骨入髓。

Kind deeds are like a spring breeze, warming the heart; evil deeds are like ice, piercing to the bone.

60. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

61. 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。

Sow good seeds and reap good fruits, sow bad seeds and reap bad fruits.

62. 行善积德,福报无穷。

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue brings endless blessings.

63. 施比受更有福。

Giving is more blessed than receiving.

64. 一颗善心,胜过千金。

A kind heart is worth more than a thousand gold coins.

65. 善念生善行,善行生善果。

Good thoughts lead to good actions, which lead to good results.

66. 德不孤,必有邻。

Virtue is not lonely, it will have neighbors.

67. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

68. 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。

Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil. It is not that they are not reported, but the time has not yet come.

69. 人心如水,善行如舟,乘善行之舟,渡人心之河。

The human heart is like water, and good deeds are like boats. Ride the boat of good deeds and cross the river of human hearts.

70. 与人为善,福报无边。

Being kind to others brings boundless blessings.

71. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates bad deeds will surely have misfortune.

72. 一善之举,胜过千言万语。

One act of kindness is worth more than a thousand words.

73. 善行如春风,温暖人心;恶行如寒冰,刺骨入髓。

Kind deeds are like a spring breeze, warming the heart; evil deeds are like ice, piercing to the bone.

74. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

75. 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。

Sow good seeds and reap good fruits, sow bad seeds and reap bad fruits.

76. 行善积德,福报无穷。

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue brings endless blessings.

77. 施比受更有福。

Giving is more blessed than receiving.

78. 一颗善心,胜过千金。

A kind heart is worth more than a thousand gold coins.

79. 善念生善行,善行生善果。

Good thoughts lead to good actions, which lead to good results.

80. 德不孤,必有邻。

Virtue is not lonely, it will have neighbors.

81. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

82. 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。

Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil. It is not that they are not reported, but the time has not yet come.

83. 人心如水,善行如舟,乘善行之舟,渡人心之河。

The human heart is like water, and good deeds are like boats. Ride the boat of good deeds and cross the river of human hearts.

84. 与人为善,福报无边。

Being kind to others brings boundless blessings.

85. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates bad deeds will surely have misfortune.

86. 一善之举,胜过千言万语。

One act of kindness is worth more than a thousand words.

87. 善行如春风,温暖人心;恶行如寒冰,刺骨入髓。

Kind deeds are like a spring breeze, warming the heart; evil deeds are like ice, piercing to the bone.

88. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be committed.

89. 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。

Sow good seeds and reap good fruits, sow bad seeds and reap bad fruits.

90. 行善积德,福报无穷。

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue brings endless blessings.

91. 施比受更有福。

Giving is more blessed than receiving.

92. 一颗善心,胜过千金。

A kind heart is worth more than a thousand gold coins.

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