
## 托福搞笑句子 (61句)

**1. 我朋友说我应该去参加选秀节目,我说我已经参加了,就是那个每天都对着镜子照的选秀。**

My friend told me I should go on a talent show. I said,"I already did, it's called looking in the mirror every day."

**2. 我今天早上在公交车上遇到一个很奇葩的人,他一边唱歌一边用小提琴演奏,而且还是在演奏《小苹果》!**

I met a strange guy on the bus this morning, he was singing and playing the violin at the same time, and he was playing"Little Apple"!

**3. 我的英语老师说我应该多看英语电影,但我最喜欢的电影是《功夫熊猫》...**

My English teacher told me to watch more English movies, but my favorite movie is"Kung Fu Panda"...

**4. 我的朋友说我应该减肥,我说:“我已经很瘦了,只是我的骨头比较重而已。”**

My friend told me I should lose weight. I said,"I'm already thin, it's just that my bones are heavy."

**5. 我今天去超市买了一瓶矿泉水,结果发现它上面写着“请勿饮用”。我:???**

I bought a bottle of mineral water from the supermarket today, and I found it says"Do not drink". Me: ???

**6. 我朋友说我应该去学游泳,我说:“我更喜欢泡在浴缸里,因为我怕水。”**

My friend said I should go swimming. I said,"I prefer to soak in the bathtub because I'm scared of water."

**7. 我今天在路上遇到了一只猫,它对着我喵喵叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买罐头的吗?**

I met a cat on the road today, it meowed at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you canned food?

**8. 我朋友说我应该去学开车,我说:“我更喜欢骑自行车,因为这样我就可以在街上自由穿梭。”**

My friend said I should learn to drive. I said,"I prefer to ride a bicycle, because I can ride freely on the street."

**9. 我今天去图书馆借了一本书,结果发现它上面写着“请勿阅读”。我:???**

I went to the library to borrow a book today, and I found it says"Do not read". Me: ???

**10. 我朋友说我应该去旅游,我说:“我已经去过很多地方了,比如我的床,我的沙发,我的冰箱。”**

My friend said I should travel. I said,"I've been to many places, like my bed, my sofa, my refrigerator."

**11. 我今天在街上遇到了一只狗,它对着我汪汪叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买骨头的吗?**

I met a dog on the street today, it barked at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you a bone?

**12. 我朋友说我应该去学弹钢琴,我说:“我更喜欢弹吉他,因为这样我就可以一边弹一边唱歌。”**

My friend said I should learn to play the piano. I said,"I prefer to play the guitar, because I can sing along while playing."

**13. 我今天去公园散步,结果发现地上有一堆屎,我心想:这难道是传说中的“狗屎运”吗?**

I went for a walk in the park today, and I found a pile of shit on the ground, I thought to myself: Is this the legendary"dog shit luck"?

**14. 我朋友说我应该去参加马拉松比赛,我说:“我更喜欢参加吃东西比赛,因为这样我就可以吃很多东西。”**

My friend said I should run a marathon. I said,"I prefer to participate in an eating contest, because I can eat a lot of food."

**15. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,结果发现菜单上写着“请勿食用”。我:???**

I went to a restaurant to eat today, and I found it says"Do not eat" on the menu. Me: ???

**16. 我朋友说我应该去学跳舞,我说:“我更喜欢唱歌,因为这样我就可以一边唱歌一边跳舞。”**

My friend said I should learn to dance. I said,"I prefer to sing, because I can dance while singing."

**17. 我今天在路上遇到了一只猴子,它对着我吱吱叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买香蕉的吗?**

I met a monkey on the road today, it chattered at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you a banana?

**18. 我朋友说我应该去学画画,我说:“我更喜欢写字,因为这样我就可以一边写字一边思考。”**

My friend said I should learn to draw. I said,"I prefer to write, because I can think while writing."

**19. 我今天去书店买了一本书,结果发现它上面写着“请勿阅读”。我:???**

I went to the bookstore to buy a book today, and I found it says"Do not read". Me: ???

**20. 我朋友说我应该去学编程,我说:“我更喜欢玩游戏,因为这样我就可以一边玩游戏一边思考。”**

My friend said I should learn to program. I said,"I prefer to play games, because I can think while playing games."

**21. 我今天去电影院看电影,结果发现电影院里面只有我一个人。我:???**

I went to the cinema to watch a movie today, and I found that I was the only one in the cinema. Me: ???

**22. 我朋友说我应该去学弹吉他,我说:“我更喜欢弹钢琴,因为这样我就可以一边弹钢琴一边唱歌。”**

My friend said I should learn to play the guitar. I said,"I prefer to play the piano, because I can sing while playing the piano."

**23. 我今天去公园散步,结果发现地上有一堆屎,我心想:这难道是传说中的“狗屎运”吗?**

I went for a walk in the park today, and I found a pile of shit on the ground, I thought to myself: Is this the legendary"dog shit luck"?

**24. 我朋友说我应该去学游泳,我说:“我更喜欢在浴缸里泡澡,因为我怕水。”**

My friend said I should go swimming. I said,"I prefer to take a bath in the bathtub because I'm scared of water."

**25. 我今天在路上遇到了一只猫,它对着我喵喵叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买罐头的吗?**

I met a cat on the road today, it meowed at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you canned food?

**26. 我朋友说我应该去学开车,我说:“我更喜欢骑自行车,因为这样我就可以在街上自由穿梭。”**

My friend said I should learn to drive. I said,"I prefer to ride a bicycle, because I can ride freely on the street."

**27. 我今天去图书馆借了一本书,结果发现它上面写着“请勿阅读”。我:???**

I went to the library to borrow a book today, and I found it says"Do not read". Me: ???

**28. 我朋友说我应该去旅游,我说:“我已经去过很多地方了,比如我的床,我的沙发,我的冰箱。”**

My friend said I should travel. I said,"I've been to many places, like my bed, my sofa, my refrigerator."

**29. 我今天在街上遇到了一只狗,它对着我汪汪叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买骨头的吗?**

I met a dog on the street today, it barked at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you a bone?

**30. 我朋友说我应该去学弹钢琴,我说:“我更喜欢弹吉他,因为这样我就可以一边弹一边唱歌。”**

My friend said I should learn to play the piano. I said,"I prefer to play the guitar, because I can sing along while playing."

**31. 我今天去公园散步,结果发现地上有一堆屎,我心想:这难道是传说中的“狗屎运”吗?**

I went for a walk in the park today, and I found a pile of shit on the ground, I thought to myself: Is this the legendary"dog shit luck"?

**32. 我朋友说我应该去参加马拉松比赛,我说:“我更喜欢参加吃东西比赛,因为这样我就可以吃很多东西。”**

My friend said I should run a marathon. I said,"I prefer to participate in an eating contest, because I can eat a lot of food."

**33. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,结果发现菜单上写着“请勿食用”。我:???**

I went to a restaurant to eat today, and I found it says"Do not eat" on the menu. Me: ???

**34. 我朋友说我应该去学跳舞,我说:“我更喜欢唱歌,因为这样我就可以一边唱歌一边跳舞。”**

My friend said I should learn to dance. I said,"I prefer to sing, because I can dance while singing."

**35. 我今天在路上遇到了一只猴子,它对着我吱吱叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买香蕉的吗?**

I met a monkey on the road today, it chattered at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you a banana?

**36. 我朋友说我应该去学画画,我说:“我更喜欢写字,因为这样我就可以一边写字一边思考。”**

My friend said I should learn to draw. I said,"I prefer to write, because I can think while writing."

**37. 我今天去书店买了一本书,结果发现它上面写着“请勿阅读”。我:???**

I went to the bookstore to buy a book today, and I found it says"Do not read". Me: ???

**38. 我朋友说我应该去学编程,我说:“我更喜欢玩游戏,因为这样我就可以一边玩游戏一边思考。”**

My friend said I should learn to program. I said,"I prefer to play games, because I can think while playing games."

**39. 我今天去电影院看电影,结果发现电影院里面只有我一个人。我:???**

I went to the cinema to watch a movie today, and I found that I was the only one in the cinema. Me: ???

**40. 我朋友说我应该去学弹吉他,我说:“我更喜欢弹钢琴,因为这样我就可以一边弹钢琴一边唱歌。”**

My friend said I should learn to play the guitar. I said,"I prefer to play the piano, because I can sing while playing the piano."

**41. 我今天在路上遇到了一只猫,它对着我喵喵叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买罐头的吗?**

I met a cat on the road today, it meowed at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you canned food?

**42. 我朋友说我应该去学开车,我说:“我更喜欢骑自行车,因为这样我就可以在街上自由穿梭。”**

My friend said I should learn to drive. I said,"I prefer to ride a bicycle, because I can ride freely on the street."

**43. 我今天去图书馆借了一本书,结果发现它上面写着“请勿阅读”。我:???**

I went to the library to borrow a book today, and I found it says"Do not read". Me: ???

**44. 我朋友说我应该去旅游,我说:“我已经去过很多地方了,比如我的床,我的沙发,我的冰箱。”**

My friend said I should travel. I said,"I've been to many places, like my bed, my sofa, my refrigerator."

**45. 我今天在街上遇到了一只狗,它对着我汪汪叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买骨头的吗?**

I met a dog on the street today, it barked at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you a bone?

**46. 我朋友说我应该去学弹钢琴,我说:“我更喜欢弹吉他,因为这样我就可以一边弹一边唱歌。”**

My friend said I should learn to play the piano. I said,"I prefer to play the guitar, because I can sing along while playing."

**47. 我今天去公园散步,结果发现地上有一堆屎,我心想:这难道是传说中的“狗屎运”吗?**

I went for a walk in the park today, and I found a pile of shit on the ground, I thought to myself: Is this the legendary"dog shit luck"?

**48. 我朋友说我应该去参加马拉松比赛,我说:“我更喜欢参加吃东西比赛,因为这样我就可以吃很多东西。”**

My friend said I should run a marathon. I said,"I prefer to participate in an eating contest, because I can eat a lot of food."

**49. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,结果发现菜单上写着“请勿食用”。我:???**

I went to a restaurant to eat today, and I found it says"Do not eat" on the menu. Me: ???

**50. 我朋友说我应该去学跳舞,我说:“我更喜欢唱歌,因为这样我就可以一边唱歌一边跳舞。”**

My friend said I should learn to dance. I said,"I prefer to sing, because I can dance while singing."

**51. 我今天在路上遇到了一只猴子,它对着我吱吱叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买香蕉的吗?**

I met a monkey on the road today, it chattered at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you a banana?

**52. 我朋友说我应该去学画画,我说:“我更喜欢写字,因为这样我就可以一边写字一边思考。”**

My friend said I should learn to draw. I said,"I prefer to write, because I can think while writing."

**53. 我今天去书店买了一本书,结果发现它上面写着“请勿阅读”。我:???**

I went to the bookstore to buy a book today, and I found it says"Do not read". Me: ???

**54. 我朋友说我应该去学编程,我说:“我更喜欢玩游戏,因为这样我就可以一边玩游戏一边思考。”**

My friend said I should learn to program. I said,"I prefer to play games, because I can think while playing games."

**55. 我今天去电影院看电影,结果发现电影院里面只有我一个人。我:???**

I went to the cinema to watch a movie today, and I found that I was the only one in the cinema. Me: ???

**56. 我朋友说我应该去学弹吉他,我说:“我更喜欢弹钢琴,因为这样我就可以一边弹钢琴一边唱歌。”**

My friend said I should learn to play the guitar. I said,"I prefer to play the piano, because I can sing while playing the piano."

**57. 我今天在路上遇到了一只猫,它对着我喵喵叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买罐头的吗?**

I met a cat on the road today, it meowed at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you canned food?

**58. 我朋友说我应该去学开车,我说:“我更喜欢骑自行车,因为这样我就可以在街上自由穿梭。”**

My friend said I should learn to drive. I said,"I prefer to ride a bicycle, because I can ride freely on the street."

**59. 我今天去图书馆借了一本书,结果发现它上面写着“请勿阅读”。我:???**

I went to the library to borrow a book today, and I found it says"Do not read". Me: ???

**60. 我朋友说我应该去旅游,我说:“我已经去过很多地方了,比如我的床,我的沙发,我的冰箱。”**

My friend said I should travel. I said,"I've been to many places, like my bed, my sofa, my refrigerator."

**61. 我今天在街上遇到了一只狗,它对着我汪汪叫,我心想:你难道是来求我给你买骨头的吗?**

I met a dog on the street today, it barked at me, I thought to myself: Are you asking me to buy you a bone?

以上就是关于托福搞笑句子61句(托福搞笑句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
