
## 东阳马生序重点句子及英文翻译**1. 余幼时即嗜学。**

I was fond of learning from my childhood.

**2. 家贫,无从致书以观,每假借于藏书之家,手自笔录,计日以还。**

My family was poor and I had no way to buy books to read. I would borrow them from those who had books, copying them by hand and returning them on the appointed day.

**3. 负薪如山,而不知其重也;**

I carried firewood like a mountain, but I did not feel its weight.

**4. 挟策读书,而不知其远也。**

I held my book and read, unaware of the distance I had traveled.

**5. 昼夜勤苦,不知疲倦。**

I worked hard day and night, never feeling tired.

**6. 既加冠,益慕圣贤之道,又患无硕师名人与游,尝趋百里外,从乡之先达执经叩问。**

After coming of age, I yearned even more for the Way of the Sages. I longed to learn from great teachers and famous scholars. I would travel a hundred miles to seek out local masters and ask them questions about the classics.

**7. 负笈远游,不避艰险。**

I carried my books on my back and traveled far, not avoiding hardship.

**8. 始得脱颖而出,遂成一代大儒。**

Finally, I emerged from obscurity and became a great scholar of my generation.

**9. 其学问之渊博,令人叹服。**

The depth of his learning was astounding.

**10. 其品行之高尚,令人敬佩。**

His noble character was worthy of admiration.

**11. 尝谓余曰:“古之学者,必有师资之尊卑,而今之学者,则不然。”**

He once said to me,"In the past, scholars always had teachers and students with a clear distinction between them. But today, this is not the case."

**12. 余问曰:“何也?”**

I asked,"Why is that?"

**13. 曰:“古之学者,其师资之尊卑,固然有之,然其师资之义,则无异也。**

He said,"In the past, scholars certainly had teachers and students with a clear distinction between them, but the relationship between them was the same."

**14. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**15. 其师资之尊卑,则无异也。**

The relationship between them is the same.

**16. 其师资之义,则不然。**

But the meaning of the relationship between them is different.

**17. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于传道授业解惑。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in transmitting knowledge, imparting skills, and resolving doubts.

**18. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**19. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**20. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**21. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**22. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**23. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**24. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**25. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**26. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**27. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**28. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**29. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**30. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**31. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**32. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**33. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**34. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**35. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**36. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**37. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**38. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**39. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**40. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**41. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**42. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**43. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**44. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**45. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**46. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**47. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**48. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**49. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**50. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**51. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

**52. 其师资之义,在于求名求利。**

The meaning of the relationship between teacher and student today lies in seeking fame and profit.

**53. 古之学者,其师资之义,在于求学问。**

In the past, the meaning of the relationship between teacher and student lay in seeking knowledge.

**54. 今之学者,则不然。**

But today, this is not the case.

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