
## 托业常用句子 (67句)

1. 我叫[姓名],很高兴认识你。
My name is [Name], it's a pleasure to meet you.

2. 你好,我是[姓名],来自[公司名称]。
Hello, I'm [Name], from [Company Name].

3. 你好,我是[姓名],是[职位名称]。
Hello, I'm [Name], I'm the [Job Title].

4. 你好吗?
How are you?

5. 我很好,谢谢。你呢?
I'm fine, thanks. And you?

6. 谢谢,很好。
Thanks, I'm good.

7. 请问,[问题]?
Excuse me, [Question]?

8. 你能告诉我[信息]吗?
Can you tell me [Information]?

9. 我能帮您什么吗?
Can I help you with anything?

10. 我需要[帮助]。
I need [Help].

11. 你能帮我[任务]吗?
Could you please help me with [Task]?

12. 请您再说一遍好吗?
Could you please repeat that?

13. 请您慢点说好吗?
Could you please speak more slowly?

14. 抱歉,我没听懂。
Sorry, I didn't understand.

15. 我不明白。
I don't understand.

16. 谢谢你的帮助。
Thank you for your help.

17. 不客气。
You're welcome.

18. 没问题。
No problem.

19. 好的。

20. 好的,我知道了。
Okay, I understand.

21. 请稍等。
Please wait a moment.

22. 请稍等一下。
Please wait a second.

23. 我会尽快完成。
I'll finish as soon as possible.

24. 我会尽快给您回复。
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

25. 请问您贵姓?
What is your last name?

26. 请问您哪里人?
Where are you from?

27. 请问您做什么工作?
What do you do for work?

28. 请问您住在哪里?
Where do you live?

29. 您去过[地点]吗?
Have you been to [Place]?

30. 我想去[地点]。
I want to go to [Place].

31. 你能推荐一些[类别]吗?
Can you recommend some [Category]?

32. 您有什么建议吗?
Do you have any suggestions?

33. 我需要[物品]。
I need [Item].

34. 请问您有[物品]吗?
Do you have [Item]?

35. 请问[价格]是多少?
How much is [Price]?

36. 我想买[物品]。
I'd like to buy [Item].

37. 请帮我把[物品]包起来。
Please wrap [Item] for me.

38. 谢谢,再见。
Thanks, goodbye.

39. 再见。

40. 祝您一切顺利。
Have a good day.

41. 您能给我一张名片吗?
Could you please give me your business card?

42. 请您留个电话号码。
Please leave your phone number.

43. 请问您什么时候有空?
When are you available?

44. 我明天有空。
I'm available tomorrow.

45. 我们什么时候见面?
When can we meet?

46. 我想预约一个[服务]。
I'd like to book a [Service].

47. 我需要一个[物品]。
I need a [Item].

48. 请您帮我[任务]。
Please help me with [Task].

49. 我需要一份[文件]。
I need a [Document].

50. 我需要[信息]。
I need [Information].

51. 请问[地点]在哪里?
Where is [Place]?

52. 如何去[地点]?
How do I get to [Place]?

53. 您能给我一份地图吗?
Could you give me a map?

54. 我迷路了。
I'm lost.

55. 我可以借用一下您的手机吗?
Can I borrow your phone?

56. 我需要打电话。
I need to make a call.

57. 请问您会说[语言]吗?
Do you speak [Language]?

58. 我不会说[语言]。
I don't speak [Language].

59. 请您再说一遍好吗?
Could you please repeat that?

60. 请您慢点说好吗?
Could you please speak more slowly?

61. 我不明白。
I don't understand.

62. 请您写下来好吗?
Could you please write it down?

63. 请您帮我翻译一下。
Could you please translate it for me?

64. 您能给我解释一下吗?
Could you please explain it to me?

65. 我很抱歉,打扰了。
I'm sorry to interrupt.

66. 请您稍等一下。
Please wait a moment.

67. 谢谢您的耐心。
Thank you for your patience.

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