
## 扔手雷押韵句子 (56句)

1. 手雷一掷,敌军魂魄飞逝。
2. 怒火燃烧,手雷炸响,敌军溃逃。
3. 闪光一现,爆炸声震,敌军闻风丧胆。
4. 敌军逞凶,手雷制胜,胜利在望。
5. 手雷飞舞,硝烟弥漫,敌军惊慌失措。
6. 奋勇杀敌,手雷助威,战无不胜。
7. 手雷炸响,敌人惨叫,胜利属于我们。
8. 手雷精准,打击敌人,势不可挡。
9. 敌军躲避,手雷追击,无处可逃。
10. 手雷爆破,敌军瓦解,胜利已定。
11. 敌军嚣张,手雷压制,一举歼灭。
12. 手雷威力,震慑敌军,所向披靡。
13. 敌军溃散,手雷功劳,功不可没。
14. 手雷在手,敌军颤抖,无计可施。
15. 敌军胆怯,手雷一击,灰飞烟灭。
16. 手雷出击,敌军崩溃,胜利属于英雄。
17. 敌军惊慌,手雷逼近,无路可退。
18. 手雷爆炸,敌军灭亡,正义战胜邪恶。
19. 手雷威力,势不可挡,敌军全军覆没。
20. 敌军狡猾,手雷击破,斩草除根。
21. 手雷爆破,敌军惨败,胜利指日可待。
22. 敌军狂妄,手雷制裁,落得下场凄惨。
23. 手雷出击,敌军惊恐,闻风丧胆。
24. 敌军伏击,手雷反击,赢得胜利。
25. 手雷精准,敌军倒下,胜利属于我们。
26. 敌军围攻,手雷突围,杀出一条血路。
27. 手雷在手,敌军惊惧,无处可逃。
28. 手雷爆炸,敌军崩溃,胜利指日可待。
29. 敌军狡诈,手雷揭穿,一网打尽。
30. 手雷威力,所向披靡,敌军节节败退。
31. 敌军顽固,手雷击溃,赢得最终胜利。
32. 手雷爆破,敌军绝望,无路可逃。
33. 敌军猖狂,手雷镇压,彻底消灭。
34. 手雷出击,敌军惊慌,四处逃窜。
35. 敌军防守,手雷突破,胜利就在眼前。
36. 手雷精准,敌军倒地,胜利属于我们。
37. 敌军溃败,手雷功劳,功不可没。
38. 手雷威力,势不可挡,敌军全军覆没。
39. 敌军顽强,手雷突破,最终取得胜利。
40. 手雷爆炸,敌军惊魂,溃不成军。
41. 敌军狡猾,手雷识破,一举歼灭。
42. 手雷出击,敌军惊慌,无计可施。
43. 敌军包围,手雷突围,杀出重围。
44. 手雷爆破,敌军溃散,胜利属于英雄。
45. 敌军溃败,手雷功劳,功不可没。
46. 手雷威力,震慑敌军,所向披靡。
47. 敌军胆怯,手雷一击,灰飞烟灭。
48. 手雷在手,敌军颤抖,无计可施。
49. 敌军逞凶,手雷制胜,胜利在望。
50. 手雷飞舞,硝烟弥漫,敌军惊慌失措。
51. 奋勇杀敌,手雷助威,战无不胜。
52. 手雷炸响,敌人惨叫,胜利属于我们。
53. 手雷精准,打击敌人,势不可挡。
54. 敌军躲避,手雷追击,无处可逃。
55. 手雷爆破,敌军瓦解,胜利已定。
56. 敌军嚣张,手雷压制,一举歼灭。

## 英文翻译

1. Grenade thrown, enemy souls fly away.

2. Anger burns, grenade explodes, the enemy flees.

3. A flash of light, the sound of explosion shakes, the enemy is terrified.

4. The enemy is rampant, grenades win, victory is in sight.

5. Grenades fly, smoke fills the air, the enemy is in panic.

6. Fight bravely, grenades cheer, invincible.

7. Grenade explodes, enemy screams, victory belongs to us.

8. Grenades are precise, attacking the enemy, unstoppable.

9. The enemy dodges, grenades chase, nowhere to escape.

10. Grenades explode, the enemy collapses, victory is certain.

11. The enemy is arrogant, grenades suppress, wipe them out.

12. The power of grenades, deterring the enemy, invincible.

13. The enemy is scattered, grenades are credited, their contributions are indispensable.

14. Grenades in hand, the enemy trembles, helpless.

15. The enemy is cowardly, grenades strike, vanish into thin air.

16. Grenades strike, the enemy collapses, victory belongs to heroes.

17. The enemy is scared, grenades approach, nowhere to retreat.

18. Grenades explode, the enemy perishes, justice triumphs over evil.

19. The power of grenades, unstoppable, the enemy is completely wiped out.

20. The enemy is cunning, grenades break through, eradicate them.

21. Grenades explode, the enemy is defeated, victory is imminent.

22. The enemy is arrogant, grenades punish, they end up miserable.

23. Grenades strike, the enemy is terrified, afraid of them.

24. The enemy ambushes, grenades counterattack, win victory.

25. Grenades are precise, the enemy falls, victory belongs to us.

26. The enemy besieges, grenades break through, fighting a bloody path.

27. Grenades in hand, the enemy is scared, nowhere to escape.

28. Grenades explode, the enemy collapses, victory is imminent.

29. The enemy is cunning, grenades expose them, capture them all.

30. The power of grenades, invincible, the enemy retreats.

31. The enemy is stubborn, grenades defeat them, win the final victory.

32. Grenades explode, the enemy is desperate, nowhere to escape.

33. The enemy is rampant, grenades suppress, completely eliminate them.

34. Grenades strike, the enemy is panicked, fleeing everywhere.

35. The enemy defends, grenades break through, victory is in sight.

36. Grenades are precise, the enemy falls, victory belongs to us.

37. The enemy is defeated, grenades are credited, their contributions are indispensable.

38. The power of grenades, unstoppable, the enemy is completely wiped out.

39. The enemy is tenacious, grenades break through, ultimately win.

40. Grenades explode, the enemy is terrified, in disarray.

41. The enemy is cunning, grenades expose them, wipe them out.

42. Grenades strike, the enemy is panicked, helpless.

43. The enemy surrounds, grenades break through, break out.

44. Grenades explode, the enemy scatters, victory belongs to heroes.

45. The enemy is defeated, grenades are credited, their contributions are indispensable.

46. The power of grenades, deterring the enemy, invincible.

47. The enemy is cowardly, grenades strike, vanish into thin air.

48. Grenades in hand, the enemy trembles, helpless.

49. The enemy is rampant, grenades win, victory is in sight.

50. Grenades fly, smoke fills the air, the enemy is in panic.

51. Fight bravely, grenades cheer, invincible.

52. Grenade explodes, enemy screams, victory belongs to us.

53. Grenades are precise, attacking the enemy, unstoppable.

54. The enemy dodges, grenades chase, nowhere to escape.

55. Grenades explode, the enemy collapses, victory is certain.

56. The enemy is arrogant, grenades suppress, wipe them out.

以上就是关于扔手雷押韵句子56句(扔手雷押韵句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
