
## 世间险恶的句子,60句,并翻译成英文:1. 人心叵测,世事无常。

Human hearts are inscrutable, and worldly affairs are fickle.

2. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。

It is better to be a broken jade than a complete tile.

3. 人心难测,防不胜防。

The human heart is unpredictable, and one can never be too cautious.

4. 人心如蛇蝎,不可不防。

The human heart is like a viper, and one must be wary.

5. 人心险恶,世态炎凉。

Human hearts are treacherous, and the world is cold and indifferent.

6. 人心难测,世事难料。

The human heart is unfathomable, and worldly affairs are unpredictable.

7. 人心不足蛇吞象。

Human greed knows no bounds, like a snake swallowing an elephant.

8. 人心隔肚皮,知人知面不知心。

The human heart is hidden behind the belly, and one can know a person's face but not their heart.

9. 人心险恶,防人之心不可无。

Human hearts are treacherous, and one must always be wary of others.

10. 人心难测,善恶难辨。

The human heart is inscrutable, and it is difficult to discern good from evil.

11. 人心如海,深不可测。

The human heart is like the ocean, deep and immeasurable.

12. 人心如狼,贪得无厌。

The human heart is like a wolf, insatiable in its greed.

13. 人心难测,不可轻信。

The human heart is unpredictable, and one should not easily trust others.

14. 人心如镜,照人照己。

The human heart is like a mirror, reflecting both oneself and others.

15. 人心叵测,防患于未然。

Human hearts are inscrutable, and one must prevent trouble before it arises.

16. 世事无常,福祸相依。

Worldly affairs are fickle, and fortune and misfortune are intertwined.

17. 世事难料,命运多舛。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, and fate is often capricious.

18. 世事如棋,局局难料。

Worldly affairs are like chess, with every move unpredictable.

19. 世事难预料,人心更难测。

Worldly affairs are difficult to predict, and human hearts are even more so.

20. 世事如梦,转瞬即逝。

Worldly affairs are like a dream, fleeting and ephemeral.

21. 世事无常,人生苦短。

Worldly affairs are fickle, and life is short.

22. 世事难料,莫强求。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't force things.

23. 世事无常,唯有珍惜眼前。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so cherish the present moment.

24. 世事如烟,转眼成空。

Worldly affairs are like smoke, vanishing in an instant.

25. 世事难料,莫要计较。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't dwell on them.

26. 世事无常,唯有随缘。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so just go with the flow.

27. 世事如梦,醒来皆空。

Worldly affairs are like a dream, and when one wakes up, all is empty.

28. 世事难料,莫要执着。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't be attached to them.

29. 世事无常,唯有顺其自然。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so just let things be.

30. 世事如棋,输赢皆是命。

Worldly affairs are like chess, and winning or losing is all fate.

31. 世事难料,莫要强求。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't force things.

32. 世事如梦,醒来皆空。

Worldly affairs are like a dream, and when one wakes up, all is empty.

33. 世事难料,莫要执着。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't be attached to them.

34. 世事无常,唯有顺其自然。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so just let things be.

35. 世事如棋,输赢皆是命。

Worldly affairs are like chess, and winning or losing is all fate.

36. 世事如梦,转眼成空。

Worldly affairs are like a dream, vanishing in an instant.

37. 世事难料,莫要计较。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't dwell on them.

38. 世事无常,唯有珍惜眼前。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so cherish the present moment.

39. 世事如烟,转眼成空。

Worldly affairs are like smoke, vanishing in an instant.

40. 世事难料,莫要计较。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't dwell on them.

41. 世事无常,唯有随缘。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so just go with the flow.

42. 世事如梦,醒来皆空。

Worldly affairs are like a dream, and when one wakes up, all is empty.

43. 世事难料,莫要执着。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't be attached to them.

44. 世事无常,唯有顺其自然。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so just let things be.

45. 世事如棋,输赢皆是命。

Worldly affairs are like chess, and winning or losing is all fate.

46. 世事难料,莫要强求。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't force things.

47. 世事如梦,醒来皆空。

Worldly affairs are like a dream, and when one wakes up, all is empty.

48. 世事难料,莫要执着。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't be attached to them.

49. 世事无常,唯有顺其自然。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so just let things be.

50. 世事如棋,输赢皆是命。

Worldly affairs are like chess, and winning or losing is all fate.

51. 世事无常,唯有珍惜眼前。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so cherish the present moment.

52. 世事如烟,转眼成空。

Worldly affairs are like smoke, vanishing in an instant.

53. 世事难料,莫要计较。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't dwell on them.

54. 世事无常,唯有随缘。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so just go with the flow.

55. 世事如梦,醒来皆空。

Worldly affairs are like a dream, and when one wakes up, all is empty.

56. 世事难料,莫要执着。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't be attached to them.

57. 世事无常,唯有顺其自然。

Worldly affairs are fickle, so just let things be.

58. 世事如棋,输赢皆是命。

Worldly affairs are like chess, and winning or losing is all fate.

59. 世事难料,莫要强求。

Worldly affairs are unpredictable, so don't force things.

60. 世事如梦,醒来皆空。

Worldly affairs are like a dream, and when one wakes up, all is empty.

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