
## 东土大唐而来搞笑句子,57句:**1. 悟空,你把我的金箍棒借我一下,我去买个菜。**

Wukong, lend me your golden staff, I'm going to buy some groceries.

**2. 唐僧,你为何总是念念有词?是不是在背诵《西游记》台词?**

Tang Sanzang, why are you always chanting? Are you memorizing your lines from"Journey to the West"?

**3. 八戒,你又偷吃东西了?这可是师父的零食!**

Bajie, you stole food again? It's Master's snack!

**4. 沙僧,你终于可以说话了!我以为你只会说“哦”。**

Sha Seng, you can finally speak! I thought you only knew how to say"oh".

**5. 我师父唐僧,他不仅会念经,还会讲冷笑话,简直是西游界的段子手!**

My Master, Tang Sanzang, not only knows how to chant scriptures, he also tells bad jokes. He's the comedian of the Journey to the West!

**6. 悟空,你这七十二变,怎么还没变成人民币啊?**

Wukong, you have seventy-two transformations, why haven't you transformed into RMB yet?

**7. 八戒,你猪八戒,怎么就不戒吃呢?**

Bajie, you're Pig Eight Precepts, why can't you stop eating?

**8. 沙僧,你老实巴交,怎么就被妖怪抓走了?**

Sha Seng, you're so honest and simple, how could you be captured by a monster?

**9. 悟空,你说你从石头里蹦出来,那你的户口本在哪?**

Wukong, you said you popped out of a rock, where's your household registration book?

**10. 唐僧,你的紧箍咒到底有什么用?怎么每次都被妖怪抓走?**

Tang Sanzang, what's the use of your tight hoop spell? Why are you always captured by monsters?

**11. 八戒,你这么胖,怎么还那么爱吃?**

Bajie, you're so fat, why do you still love to eat so much?

**12. 沙僧,你一直在河边,怎么还没学会游泳?**

Sha Seng, you've been by the river all this time, why haven't you learned how to swim?

**13. 悟空,你这金箍棒,怎么总是打不中妖怪?**

Wukong, your golden staff, why can't you ever hit the monsters?

**14. 唐僧,你念经念了这么久,怎么还没念完?**

Tang Sanzang, you've been chanting for so long, why haven't you finished yet?

**15. 八戒,你每次被妖怪抓走,都是因为你贪吃?**

Bajie, you're captured by monsters every time because you're greedy?

**16. 沙僧,你总是说“大师兄”,你怎么不叫师父?**

Sha Seng, you always say"Big Brother Monkey," why don't you call Master?

**17. 悟空,你这筋斗云,怎么总是飞到错误的地方?**

Wukong, your cloud that can make somersaults, why does it always fly to the wrong place?

**18. 唐僧,你每次被妖怪抓走,都是因为你太善良?**

Tang Sanzang, you're captured by monsters every time because you're too kind?

**19. 八戒,你每次被妖怪抓走,都是因为你太笨?**

Bajie, you're captured by monsters every time because you're too stupid?

**20. 沙僧,你每次被妖怪抓走,都是因为你太老实?**

Sha Seng, you're captured by monsters every time because you're too honest?

**21. 悟空,你说你打败了所有妖怪,怎么还被师父念紧箍咒?**

Wukong, you said you defeated all the monsters, why are you still being chanted on by Master's tight hoop spell?

**22. 唐僧,你说要去西天取经,怎么还没到?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you're going to the West to obtain scriptures, why haven't you arrived yet?

**23. 八戒,你说你是猪八戒,怎么还没变成猪?**

Bajie, you said you're Pig Eight Precepts, why haven't you turned into a pig yet?

**24. 沙僧,你说你会沙和尚功,怎么还没学会水上漂?**

Sha Seng, you said you know Sha Monk's Kung Fu, why haven't you learned how to walk on water yet?

**25. 悟空,你说你是齐天大圣,怎么还没成为宇宙之王?**

Wukong, you said you're the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, why haven't you become the king of the universe yet?

**26. 唐僧,你说你要去西天取经,怎么还没找到经书?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you're going to the West to obtain scriptures, why haven't you found the scriptures yet?

**27. 八戒,你说你要戒吃,怎么还在吃?**

Bajie, you said you're going to stop eating, why are you still eating?

**28. 沙僧,你说你会沙和尚功,怎么还在挑水?**

Sha Seng, you said you know Sha Monk's Kung Fu, why are you still carrying water?

**29. 悟空,你说你能七十二变,怎么还没变成美女?**

Wukong, you said you can transform in seventy-two ways, why haven't you transformed into a beautiful woman yet?

**30. 唐僧,你说你能念经,怎么还没念出个花来?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you can chant scriptures, why haven't you chanted out a flower yet?

**31. 八戒,你说你能吃,怎么还没吃出个地球来?**

Bajie, you said you can eat, why haven't you eaten the whole earth yet?

**32. 沙僧,你说你能挑水,怎么还没挑出个太平洋来?**

Sha Seng, you said you can carry water, why haven't you carried the whole Pacific Ocean yet?

**33. 悟空,你说你能打妖怪,怎么还没打出个和平世界来?**

Wukong, you said you can fight monsters, why haven't you fought for a peaceful world yet?

**34. 唐僧,你说你能取经,怎么还没取回个世界和平来?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you can obtain scriptures, why haven't you obtained world peace yet?

**35. 八戒,你说你能戒吃,怎么还没戒出个健康身材来?**

Bajie, you said you're going to stop eating, why haven't you stopped eating and gained a healthy body yet?

**36. 沙僧,你说你能挑水,怎么还没挑出个清澈世界来?**

Sha Seng, you said you can carry water, why haven't you carried a clear and clean world yet?

**37. 悟空,你说你能七十二变,怎么还没变出个亿万富翁来?**

Wukong, you said you can transform in seventy-two ways, why haven't you transformed into a billionaire yet?

**38. 唐僧,你说你能念经,怎么还没念出个世界大同来?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you can chant scriptures, why haven't you chanted a world of harmony yet?

**39. 八戒,你说你能吃,怎么还没吃出个美食王国来?**

Bajie, you said you can eat, why haven't you eaten a kingdom of delicious food yet?

**40. 沙僧,你说你能挑水,怎么还没挑出个天堂来?**

Sha Seng, you said you can carry water, why haven't you carried a paradise yet?

**41. 悟空,你说你从石头里蹦出来,那你妈妈是谁?**

Wukong, you said you popped out of a rock, who's your mother?

**42. 唐僧,你说你念经念了这么久,怎么还没成佛?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you've been chanting for so long, why haven't you become a Buddha yet?

**43. 八戒,你说你戒吃,怎么还吃那么多?**

Bajie, you said you're going to stop eating, why are you still eating so much?

**44. 沙僧,你说你能说话了,怎么还只会说“哦”?**

Sha Seng, you said you can finally speak, why can you still only say"oh"?

**45. 悟空,你说你打败了所有妖怪,怎么还这么穷?**

Wukong, you said you defeated all the monsters, why are you still so poor?

**46. 唐僧,你说你要去西天取经,怎么还没找到老婆?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you're going to the West to obtain scriptures, why haven't you found a wife yet?

**47. 八戒,你说你能戒吃,怎么还没戒出个男朋友来?**

Bajie, you said you're going to stop eating, why haven't you stopped eating and found a boyfriend yet?

**48. 沙僧,你说你会说话了,怎么还没说出一句情话?**

Sha Seng, you said you can finally speak, why haven't you said a sweet nothing yet?

**49. 悟空,你说你能七十二变,怎么还没变出个诺贝尔奖来?**

Wukong, you said you can transform in seventy-two ways, why haven't you transformed into a Nobel Prize winner yet?

**50. 唐僧,你说你能念经,怎么还没念出个世界冠军来?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you can chant scriptures, why haven't you chanted a world champion yet?

**51. 八戒,你说你能吃,怎么还没吃出个奥运金牌来?**

Bajie, you said you can eat, why haven't you eaten an Olympic gold medal yet?

**52. 沙僧,你说你能挑水,怎么还没挑出个世界纪录来?**

Sha Seng, you said you can carry water, why haven't you carried a world record yet?

**53. 悟空,你说你从石头里蹦出来,那你身份证号是多少?**

Wukong, you said you popped out of a rock, what's your ID number?

**54. 唐僧,你说你念经念了这么久,怎么还没学会开车?**

Tang Sanzang, you said you've been chanting for so long, why haven't you learned how to drive yet?

**55. 八戒,你说你戒吃,怎么还没学会减肥?**

Bajie, you said you're going to stop eating, why haven't you learned how to lose weight yet?

**56. 沙僧,你说你能说话了,怎么还没学会写字?**

Sha Seng, you said you can finally speak, why haven't you learned how to write yet?

**57. 悟空,你说你打败了所有妖怪,怎么还没学会做饭?**

Wukong, you said you defeated all the monsters, why haven't you learned how to cook yet?

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