
## 常回家看看老人家句子 (88句)


1. 常回家看看,陪陪老人,他们是最需要陪伴的人。
> Always go home to see your elders, spend time with them, they need your companionship most.
2. 父母在,人生尚有来处;父母去,人生只剩归途。常回家看看,别让遗憾成为永远。
> While your parents are alive, you still have a home; after they pass, you only have a journey to return to. Go home often, don't let regret become permanent.
3. 老人家最开心的事就是儿女回家,给他们带去温暖和陪伴。
> The happiest thing for the elderly is for their children to return home, bringing them warmth and companionship.
4. 常回家看看,别让老人家为我们操心,他们已经为我们操劳了大半辈子。
> Go home often, don't let your elders worry about you, they have already worked hard for you for most of their lives.
5. 陪伴是最长情的告白,常回家看看,和老人家聊聊天,听听他们讲故事。
> Companionship is the longest confession of love. Go home often, chat with your elders, and listen to their stories.
6. 父母的爱是无私的,他们为我们付出了一切,我们也要回报他们,常回家看看。
> The love of parents is selfless. They have given us everything, we should also repay them, go home often.
7. 家,永远是温暖的港湾,常回家看看,感受家的温暖。
> Home is always a warm harbor, go home often, feel the warmth of home.
8. 人生苦短,珍惜时间,常回家看看,别等到后悔才想起。
> Life is short, cherish your time, go home often, don't wait until you regret it to remember.


9. 老人家年纪大了,行动不便,我们更应该多关心他们,常回家看看。
> Elderly people are old and have difficulty moving around, we should care for them more and visit them often.
10. 父母的爱是世界上最无私的爱,我们要理解他们的付出,常回家看看,让他们安心。
> The love of parents is the most selfless love in the world. We should understand their efforts, visit them often, and give them peace of mind.
11. 老人家需要的是陪伴和理解,我们不要因为工作繁忙而忽略他们,常回家看看。
> Elderly people need companionship and understanding. We shouldn't neglect them because of our busy work, go home often.
12. 老人家经历了人生的风风雨雨,他们有丰富的阅历和智慧,我们应该尊重他们,常回家看看,向他们学习。
> Elderly people have experienced the ups and downs of life. They have rich experience and wisdom, we should respect them, go home often, and learn from them.


13. 老人家为我们付出了太多,我们应该感恩他们,常回家看看,表达我们的爱和敬意。
> Elderly people have given us so much, we should be grateful to them, go home often, and express our love and respect.
14. 老人家辛苦了一辈子,我们应该尽力孝顺他们,常回家看看,让他们安享晚年。
> Elderly people have worked hard their entire lives, we should do our best to be filial to them, go home often, and let them enjoy their later years.
15. 老人家是人生的宝贵财富,他们的人生阅历和智慧是我们学习的榜样,常回家看看,向他们学习,传承他们的精神。
> Elderly people are precious assets in life. Their life experience and wisdom are role models for us to learn from. Go home often, learn from them, and carry on their spirit.


16. 不要等到老人家不在了才后悔,常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的爱。
> Don't wait until your elders are gone to regret it. Go home often and let your elders feel your love.
17. 人生短暂,不要等到失去才珍惜,常回家看看,陪伴是最长情的告白。
> Life is short, don't wait until you lose someone to cherish them. Go home often, companionship is the longest confession of love.
18. 别让老人家孤独,常回家看看,他们最需要的是你的陪伴。
> Don't let your elders be lonely. Go home often, they need your companionship the most.
19. 不要把老人家当成负担,他们需要的是你的关爱,常回家看看,他们会很开心。
> Don't treat your elders as a burden. They need your care. Go home often, they will be happy.
20. 常回家看看,别让爱成为一种奢望,让老人家感受到你的爱,他们会感到幸福。
> Go home often, don't let love become a luxury. Let your elders feel your love, they will feel happy.


21. 孩子,常回家看看,爸爸妈妈最牵挂的就是你。
> Child, come home often, your father and mother miss you the most.
22. 孩子,你在外面要照顾好自己,常回家看看,爸爸妈妈想你。
> Child, take care of yourself outside, come home often, your father and mother miss you.
23. 孩子,别总想着赚钱,常回家看看,陪陪爸爸妈妈,我们只希望你过得好。
> Child, don't always think about making money, come home often, spend time with your father and mother. We just want you to be happy.
24. 孩子,你有了自己的家庭,也要记得常回家看看,我们永远是你的依靠。
> Child, you have your own family now, but remember to come home often, we will always be your support.
25. 孩子,无论你走多远,家永远是你最温暖的港湾,常回家看看,我们永远爱你。
> Child, no matter how far you go, home is always your warmest harbor. Come home often, we will always love you.


26. 常回家看看,别让老人家等得太久。
> Go home often, don't let your elders wait too long.
27. 常回家看看,给老人家一个惊喜。
> Go home often, give your elders a surprise.
28. 常回家看看,让老人家知道你爱他们。
> Go home often, let your elders know you love them.
29. 常回家看看,给老人家一个温暖的拥抱。
> Go home often, give your elders a warm hug.
30. 常回家看看,让老人家安心。
> Go home often, give your elders peace of mind.
31. 常回家看看,别让老人家为你的幸福操心。
> Go home often, don't let your elders worry about your happiness.
32. 常回家看看,给老人家一个美好的回忆。
> Go home often, give your elders a beautiful memory.
33. 常回家看看,感受亲情的温暖。
> Go home often, feel the warmth of family.
34. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的陪伴。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your companionship.
35. 常回家看看,别让距离成为彼此的隔阂。
> Go home often, don't let distance become a barrier between you.
36. 常回家看看,让老人家知道你一直都在。
> Go home often, let your elders know you are always there.
37. 常回家看看,让老人家感到你的关爱。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your care.
38. 常回家看看,让老人家不再孤单。
> Go home often, let your elders not be lonely anymore.
39. 常回家看看,给老人家一个温暖的家。
> Go home often, give your elders a warm home.
40. 常回家看看,让老人家的人生充满阳光。
> Go home often, let your elders' lives be filled with sunshine.
41. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的孝心。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your filial piety.
42. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的思念。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your longing.
43. 常回家看看,给老人家一个美好的未来。
> Go home often, give your elders a beautiful future.
44. 常回家看看,让老人家的人生充满意义。
> Go home often, let your elders' lives be filled with meaning.
45. 常回家看看,让老人家感到幸福和快乐。
> Go home often, let your elders feel happy and joyful.


46. 树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。常回家看看,别让遗憾留在心间。
> The tree desires stillness, but the wind does not stop. The child desires to care for their parents, but they are no longer there. Go home often, don't let regrets stay in your heart.
47. 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。常回家看看,别让老人家等得太久。
> The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it is nearing twilight. Go home often, don't let your elders wait too long.
48. 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。常回家看看,别让爱成为一种奢望。
> A loving mother's needle and thread, the wanderer's clothes. Go home often, don't let love become a luxury.
49. 家是温暖的港湾,常回家看看,让老人家不再孤单。
> Home is a warm harbor, go home often, let your elders not be lonely anymore.
50. 人生短暂,珍惜眼前人,常回家看看,别让遗憾成为永远。
> Life is short, cherish those around you, go home often, don't let regret become permanent.


51. 百善孝为先,常回家看看,尽孝道。
> Among all virtues, filial piety comes first. Go home often, fulfill your filial duty.
52. 老吾老以及人之老,常回家看看,关爱老人。
> Respect the elderly as you would your own parents. Go home often, care for the elderly.
53. 家和万事兴,常回家看看,增进亲情。
> When the family is harmonious, everything prospers. Go home often, enhance family affection.
54. 滴水之恩,涌泉相报,常回家看看,报答养育之恩。
> Repay a drop of kindness with a spring of water. Go home often, repay your parents for their nurturing love.
55. 孝敬父母,天经地义,常回家看看,尽孝心。
> It is a natural and righteous thing to be filial to your parents. Go home often, fulfill your filial duty.


56. 树高千丈,叶落归根,常回家看看,回归本源。
> A tree may grow a thousand feet tall, but its leaves fall back to its roots. Go home often, return to your roots.
57. 人老了,就盼着儿女回家,常回家看看,让老人家开心。
> When people get old, they long for their children to return home. Go home often, make your elders happy.
58. 儿行千里母担忧,常回家看看,让老人家安心。
> A mother worries about her child even when they travel a thousand miles. Go home often, give your elders peace of mind.
59. 孝顺父母,福寿绵长,常回家看看,福报无量。
> Be filial to your parents, and you will have long life and prosperity. Go home often, receive immeasurable blessings.
60. 父母在,不远游,常回家看看,尽孝道。
> When your parents are alive, don't travel far. Go home often, fulfill your filial duty.


61. 常回家看看,这是老人家最朴素的愿望。
> Go home often, this is the simplest wish of your elders.
62. 常回家看看,别让老人家成为你人生的遗憾。
> Go home often, don't let your elders become a regret in your life.
63. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的爱,你的温暖。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your love, your warmth.
64. 常回家看看,用行动去表达你的爱和孝心。
> Go home often, express your love and filial piety with actions.
65. 常回家看看,不要让老人家在孤独中等待你的到来。
> Go home often, don't let your elders wait for your arrival in loneliness.
66. 常回家看看,给老人家一个温暖的回忆,一个美好的未来。
> Go home often, give your elders a warm memory, a beautiful future.
67. 常回家看看,别让爱成为一种奢望,让老人家感受到你的陪伴,你的关爱。
> Go home often, don't let love become a luxury, let your elders feel your companionship, your care.
68. 常回家看看,用你的行动去证明你对老人的爱和孝心。
> Go home often, prove your love and filial piety to your elders with your actions.
69. 常回家看看,让老人家知道,无论你走到哪里,家永远是你最温暖的港湾。
> Go home often, let your elders know that no matter where you go, home is always your warmest harbor.
70. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的思念,你的爱,你的陪伴。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your longing, your love, your companionship.


71. 孩子,常回家看看,爸爸妈妈很想你。
> Child, come home often, your father and mother miss you very much.
72. 儿子,常回家看看,爸爸妈妈老了,需要你的陪伴。
> Son, come home often, your father and mother are old, they need your companionship.
73. 女儿,常回家看看,爸爸妈妈一直都在等你。
> Daughter, come home often, your father and mother are always waiting for you.
74. 孙子,常回家看看,爷爷奶奶想你了。
> Grandson, come home often, your grandparents miss you.
75. 孙女,常回家看看,爷爷奶奶很想念你。
> Granddaughter, come home often, your grandparents miss you very much.


76. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的爱和关心。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your love and care.
77. 常回家看看,让老人家不再孤单,感受到你的陪伴。
> Go home often, let your elders no longer be lonely, feel your companionship.
78. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的孝心,你的感恩。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your filial piety, your gratitude.
79. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的思念,你的爱,你的温暖。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your longing, your love, your warmth.
80. 常回家看看,让老人家感受到你的理解,你的尊重。
> Go home often, let your elders feel your understanding, your respect.


81. (英文) Go home often to see your elderly parents.
82. (日语) よく家に帰って、お年寄りをみてください。
83. (韩语) 자주 집에 가서 노인들을 보세요.
84. (法语) Rentrez souvent voir vos parents âgés.
85. (德语) Besuchen Sie Ihre alten Eltern oft.
86. (西班牙语) Vuelve a casa a menudo para ver a tus padres ancianos.
87. (意大利语) Torna a casa spesso per vedere i tuoi genitori anziani.
88. (俄语) Часто навещайте своих пожилых родителей.

## HTML 结构



Always go home to see your elders, spend time with them, they need your companionship most.


While your parents are alive, you still have a home; after they pass, you only have a journey to return to. Go home often, don't let regret become permanent.


The happiest thing for the elderly is for their children to return home, bringing them warmth and companionship.


Go home often, don't let your elders worry about you, they have already worked hard for you for most of their lives.


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