
## 带而的文言文句子,54句:

1. **子曰:学而时习之,不亦说乎?**
- The Master said,"Is it not pleasant to learn and then to practice what one has learned?"

2. **夫子之道,忠恕而已矣。**
- The Master's Way is simply this: loyalty and reciprocity.

3. **君子成人之美,不成人之恶。**
- The gentleman seeks to perfect the good in others, and does not seek to perfect the evil in others.

4. **天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**
- When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

5. **不患人之不己知,患不知人也。**
- Do not worry that people do not know you, worry that you do not know people.

6. **人无远虑,必有近忧。**
- Those who do not plan for the long term will surely have near-term anxieties.

7. **有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?**
- Is it not joyful to have friends come from afar?

8. **知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。**
- To know what you know, and to know that you don't know, that is true knowledge.

9. **学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。**
- To learn without thinking is labor lost; to think without learning is perilous.

10. **三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。**
- When three people walk together, there must be one whom I can learn from. Choose their good points and follow them; correct their bad points and change myself.

11. **仁者爱人,知者乐水。**
- The benevolent love men; the wise delight in water.

12. **己所不欲,勿施于人。**
- Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.

13. **富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫。**
- He who is not corrupted by riches and honors, not intimidated by poverty and meanness, not subdued by force, is a true man.

14. **志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。**
- Those who are ambitious and benevolent will not seek life at the expense of righteousness; they will gladly sacrifice their lives to achieve righteousness.

15. **岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。**
- Only in the severe winter can one see that the pine and cypress are the last to wither.

16. **穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。**
- When one is impoverished, one should cultivate oneself; when one is prosperous, one should help all under heaven.

17. **君子喻于义,小人喻于利。**
- The gentleman understands righteousness; the petty person understands only profit.

18. **言必信,行必果。**
- What you say must be true, and what you do must be decisive.

19. **知己知彼,百战不殆。**
- Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles.

20. **不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。**
- One cannot reach a thousand miles without taking the first step; one cannot create a river or sea without accumulating small streams.

21. **生于忧患,死于安乐。**
- Those born in times of hardship will survive; those born in times of comfort will perish.

22. **玉不琢,不成器;人不学,不知义。**
- Jade cannot be fashioned into a vessel without being carved; a man cannot understand righteousness without learning.

23. **天时不如地利,地利不如人和。**
- Favorable time is not as good as advantageous location, and advantageous location is not as good as harmony among the people.

24. **水滴石穿,绳锯木断。**
- Water drops can wear away a stone, and a rope saw can cut through wood.

25. **锲而不舍,金石可镂。**
- If you persevere without giving up, even gold and stone can be carved.

26. **不入虎穴,焉得虎子?**
- If you don't go into the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger's cub?

27. **天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**
- When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

28. **不患无位,患所以立;不患莫己知,患不己知。**
- Do not worry about having no position, worry about how to achieve it; do not worry that people do not know you, worry that you do not know yourself.

29. **故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**
- Therefore, when Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

30. **仁者不忧,智者不惑,勇者不惧。**
- The benevolent have no worries, the wise are not confused, and the courageous are not afraid.

31. **学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。**
- To learn without thinking is labor lost; to think without learning is perilous.

32. **君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。**
- The gentleman is open and upright, while the petty person is constantly worried.

33. **己所不欲,勿施于人。**
- Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.

34. **人无远虑,必有近忧。**
- Those who do not plan for the long term will surely have near-term anxieties.

35. **君子爱财,取之有道。**
- The gentleman loves wealth, but he acquires it in a righteous manner.

36. **生于忧患,死于安乐。**
- Those born in times of hardship will survive; those born in times of comfort will perish.

37. **天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**
- When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

38. **知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。**
- To know what you know, and to know that you don't know, that is true knowledge.

39. **三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。**
- When three people walk together, there must be one whom I can learn from. Choose their good points and follow them; correct their bad points and change myself.

40. **富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫。**
- He who is not corrupted by riches and honors, not intimidated by poverty and meanness, not subdued by force, is a true man.

41. **岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。**
- Only in the severe winter can one see that the pine and cypress are the last to wither.

42. **穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。**
- When one is impoverished, one should cultivate oneself; when one is prosperous, one should help all under heaven.

43. **君子喻于义,小人喻于利。**
- The gentleman understands righteousness; the petty person understands only profit.

44. **言必信,行必果。**
- What you say must be true, and what you do must be decisive.

45. **知己知彼,百战不殆。**
- Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles.

46. **不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。**
- One cannot reach a thousand miles without taking the first step; one cannot create a river or sea without accumulating small streams.

47. **水滴石穿,绳锯木断。**
- Water drops can wear away a stone, and a rope saw can cut through wood.

48. **锲而不舍,金石可镂。**
- If you persevere without giving up, even gold and stone can be carved.

49. **不入虎穴,焉得虎子?**
- If you don't go into the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger's cub?

50. **天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**
- When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

51. **故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**
- Therefore, when Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

52. **仁者不忧,智者不惑,勇者不惧。**
- The benevolent have no worries, the wise are not confused, and the courageous are not afraid.

53. **君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。**
- The gentleman is open and upright, while the petty person is constantly worried.

54. **君子爱财,取之有道。**
- The gentleman loves wealth, but he acquires it in a righteous manner.

## 英文翻译:

1. The Master said,"Is it not pleasant to learn and then to practice what one has learned?"

2. The Master's Way is simply this: loyalty and reciprocity.

3. The gentleman seeks to perfect the good in others, and does not seek to perfect the evil in others.

4. When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

5. Do not worry that people do not know you, worry that you do not know people.

6. Those who do not plan for the long term will surely have near-term anxieties.

7. Is it not joyful to have friends come from afar?

8. To know what you know, and to know that you don't know, that is true knowledge.

9. To learn without thinking is labor lost; to think without learning is perilous.

10. When three people walk together, there must be one whom I can learn from. Choose their good points and follow them; correct their bad points and change myself.

11. The benevolent love men; the wise delight in water.

12. Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.

13. He who is not corrupted by riches and honors, not intimidated by poverty and meanness, not subdued by force, is a true man.

14. Those who are ambitious and benevolent will not seek life at the expense of righteousness; they will gladly sacrifice their lives to achieve righteousness.

15. Only in the severe winter can one see that the pine and cypress are the last to wither.

16. When one is impoverished, one should cultivate oneself; when one is prosperous, one should help all under heaven.

17. The gentleman understands righteousness; the petty person understands only profit.

18. What you say must be true, and what you do must be decisive.

19. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles.

20. One cannot reach a thousand miles without taking the first step; one cannot create a river or sea without accumulating small streams.

21. Those born in times of hardship will survive; those born in times of comfort will perish.

22. Jade cannot be fashioned into a vessel without being carved; a man cannot understand righteousness without learning.

23. Favorable time is not as good as advantageous location, and advantageous location is not as good as harmony among the people.

24. Water drops can wear away a stone, and a rope saw can cut through wood.

25. If you persevere without giving up, even gold and stone can be carved.

26. If you don't go into the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger's cub?

27. When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

28. Do not worry about having no position, worry about how to achieve it; do not worry that people do not know you, worry that you do not know yourself.

29. Therefore, when Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

30. The benevolent have no worries, the wise are not confused, and the courageous are not afraid.

31. To learn without thinking is labor lost; to think without learning is perilous.

32. The gentleman is open and upright, while the petty person is constantly worried.

33. Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.

34. Those who do not plan for the long term will surely have near-term anxieties.

35. The gentleman loves wealth, but he acquires it in a righteous manner.

36. Those born in times of hardship will survive; those born in times of comfort will perish.

37. When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

38. To know what you know, and to know that you don't know, that is true knowledge.

39. When three people walk together, there must be one whom I can learn from. Choose their good points and follow them; correct their bad points and change myself.

40. He who is not corrupted by riches and honors, not intimidated by poverty and meanness, not subdued by force, is a true man.

41. Only in the severe winter can one see that the pine and cypress are the last to wither.

42. When one is impoverished, one should cultivate oneself; when one is prosperous, one should help all under heaven.

43. The gentleman understands righteousness; the petty person understands only profit.

44. What you say must be true, and what you do must be decisive.

45. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles.

46. One cannot reach a thousand miles without taking the first step; one cannot create a river or sea without accumulating small streams.

47. Water drops can wear away a stone, and a rope saw can cut through wood.

48. If you persevere without giving up, even gold and stone can be carved.

49. If you don't go into the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger's cub?

50. When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

51. Therefore, when Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility upon any man, it will first test his mind by suffering, toil his sinews and bones, expose him to hunger, subject him to poverty, and confound his undertakings; in this way, it stimulates his spirit and toughens his nature, and enables him to achieve what he would otherwise be incapable of.

52. The benevolent have no worries, the wise are not confused, and the courageous are not afraid.

53. The gentleman is open and upright, while the petty person is constantly worried.

54. The gentleman loves wealth, but he acquires it in a righteous manner.

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