
## 帮忙与不帮忙的句子 (74句)


1. 我可以帮忙吗? / Can I help you?
2. 需要我帮忙吗? / Do you need any help?
3. 让我来帮你。 / Let me help you.
4. 让我来试试。 / Let me try.
5. 我很乐意帮忙。 / I'd be happy to help.
6. 我能帮上忙吗? / Is there anything I can do to help?
7. 你需要我做什么? / What can I do for you?
8. 让我看看我能做些什么。 / Let me see what I can do.
9. 我会尽力帮忙的。 / I'll do my best to help.
10. 别客气,我愿意帮忙。 / Don't hesitate to ask, I'm happy to help.
11. 请告诉我需要我做什么。 / Please let me know what I can do.
12. 我可以为你做些什么? / What can I do for you?
13. 你需要我帮忙吗?/ Do you need a hand?
14. 我能帮忙拿一下吗? / Can I help you with that?
15. 我来帮你拿吧。 / Let me get that for you.
16. 别担心,我来帮你。 / Don't worry, I'll help you.
17. 我能帮你解决这个问题。 / I can help you solve this problem.
18. 我可以教你如何做。 / I can teach you how to do it.
19. 我可以帮你找到。 / I can help you find it.
20. 我可以帮您翻译一下。 / I can help you translate it.
21. 我可以帮你整理一下。 / I can help you organize it.
22. 我可以帮你修改一下。 / I can help you revise it.
23. 我可以帮你检查一下。 / I can help you check it.
24. 我可以帮你做笔记。 / I can help you take notes.
25. 我可以帮你拍照。 / I can help you take a picture.
26. 我可以帮你记录一下。 / I can help you record it.
27. 我可以帮你联系一下。 / I can help you contact them.
28. 我可以帮你安排一下。 / I can help you schedule it.
29. 我可以帮你预订一下。 / I can help you book it.
30. 我可以帮你购买一下。 / I can help you buy it.
31. 我可以帮你送一下。 / I can help you deliver it.
32. 我可以帮你搬一下。 / I can help you move it.
33. 我可以帮你修理一下。 / I can help you fix it.
34. 我可以帮你清洁一下。 / I can help you clean it.
35. 我可以帮你设计一下。 / I can help you design it.
36. 我可以帮你制作一下。 / I can help you create it.
37. 我可以帮你绘画一下。 / I can help you paint it.
38. 我可以帮你演奏一下。 / I can help you play it.
39. 我可以帮你唱歌一下。 / I can help you sing it.
40. 我可以帮你表演一下。 / I can help you perform it.
41. 我可以帮你写作一下。 / I can help you write it.
42. 我可以帮你编辑一下。 / I can help you edit it.
43. 我可以帮你证明一下。 / I can help you prove it.
44. 我可以帮你解释一下。 / I can help you explain it.
45. 我可以帮你解答一下。 / I can help you answer it.
46. 我可以帮你翻译一下。 / I can help you translate it.
47. 我可以帮你总结一下。 / I can help you summarize it.
48. 我可以帮你分析一下。 / I can help you analyze it.
49. 我可以帮你讨论一下。 / I can help you discuss it.
50. 我可以帮你研究一下。 / I can help you research it.


51. 我帮不了你。 / I can't help you.
52. 对不起,我做不到。 / Sorry, I can't do that.
53. 我现在没空。 / I'm busy right now.
54. 这不是我的工作。 / That's not my job.
55. 我不知道怎么帮你。 / I don't know how to help you.
56. 我没有能力帮你。 / I'm not capable of helping you.
57. 我没有资源帮你。 / I don't have the resources to help you.
58. 我对这方面不熟悉。 / I'm not familiar with that.
59. 我不确定我能帮上忙。 / I'm not sure I can help.
60. 我恐怕帮不了你。 / I'm afraid I can't help you.
61. 你应该去求助其他人。 / You should ask someone else.
62. 你应该自己解决这个问题。 / You should solve this problem yourself.
63. 我没有时间帮你。 / I don't have time to help you.
64. 我不想帮你。 / I don't want to help you.
65. 这不是我的责任。 / That's not my responsibility.
66. 我不能帮你做决定。 / I can't help you make a decision.
67. 我不能告诉你该怎么做。 / I can't tell you what to do.
68. 我不能给你建议。 / I can't give you advice.
69. 我不能保证我能帮你。 / I can't guarantee I can help you.
70. 我不能承担任何责任。 / I can't take any responsibility.
71. 我不能给你任何承诺。 / I can't make any promises.
72. 我不能违反规定。 / I can't break the rules.
73. 我不能泄露任何机密。 / I can't reveal any confidential information.
74. 我不能对你隐瞒真相。 / I can't hide the truth from you.

## 英文翻译版本


1. Can I help you?

2. Do you need any help?

3. Let me help you.

4. Let me try.

5. I'd be happy to help.

6. Is there anything I can do to help?

7. What can I do for you?

8. Let me see what I can do.

9. I'll do my best to help.

10. Don't hesitate to ask, I'm happy to help.

11. Please let me know what I can do.

12. What can I do for you?

13. Do you need a hand?

14. Can I help you with that?

15. Let me get that for you.

16. Don't worry, I'll help you.

17. I can help you solve this problem.

18. I can teach you how to do it.

19. I can help you find it.

20. I can help you translate it.

21. I can help you organize it.

22. I can help you revise it.

23. I can help you check it.

24. I can help you take notes.

25. I can help you take a picture.

26. I can help you record it.

27. I can help you contact them.

28. I can help you schedule it.

29. I can help you book it.

30. I can help you buy it.

31. I can help you deliver it.

32. I can help you move it.

33. I can help you fix it.

34. I can help you clean it.

35. I can help you design it.

36. I can help you create it.

37. I can help you paint it.

38. I can help you play it.

39. I can help you sing it.

40. I can help you perform it.

41. I can help you write it.

42. I can help you edit it.

43. I can help you prove it.

44. I can help you explain it.

45. I can help you answer it.

46. I can help you translate it.

47. I can help you summarize it.

48. I can help you analyze it.

49. I can help you discuss it.

50. I can help you research it.

**Not Helping**

51. I can't help you.

52. Sorry, I can't do that.

53. I'm busy right now.

54. That's not my job.

55. I don't know how to help you.

56. I'm not capable of helping you.

57. I don't have the resources to help you.

58. I'm not familiar with that.

59. I'm not sure I can help.

60. I'm afraid I can't help you.

61. You should ask someone else.

62. You should solve this problem yourself.

63. I don't have time to help you.

64. I don't want to help you.

65. That's not my responsibility.

66. I can't help you make a decision.

67. I can't tell you what to do.

68. I can't give you advice.

69. I can't guarantee I can help you.

70. I can't take any responsibility.

71. I can't make any promises.

72. I can't break the rules.

73. I can't reveal any confidential information.

74. I can't hide the truth from you.

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