
## 黑社会霸气句子,94句:

**1. 拳头硬,道理就不用讲。**

A strong fist, no need to reason.

**2. 惹我者,必亡!**

Those who provoke me will perish!

**3. 我这辈子,只信拳头!**

In my life, I only believe in fists!

**4. 我不惹事,但也不怕事!**

I don't start trouble, but I'm not afraid of it either!

**5. 我命由我不由天!**

My fate is in my own hands, not in the hands of heaven!

**6. 我是谁?你惹不起的人!**

Who am I? Someone you can't afford to mess with!

**7. 生死有命,富贵在天,但我的命,我自己掌控!**

Life and death are predetermined, wealth and nobility are bestowed by heaven, but my fate, I control it myself!

**8. 我站在黑暗中,但我的心,永远向光明!**

I stand in the darkness, but my heart, forever towards the light!

**9. 我不会让任何人,在我的面前耀武扬威!**

I won't let anyone show off in front of me!

**10. 我只相信实力,谁强谁说话!**

I only believe in strength, the strong have the say!

**11. 我的人生,由我自己书写!**

My life, I write it myself!

**12. 我不求天长地久,只求轰轰烈烈!**

I don't seek eternity, only glory!

**13. 我不怕死,但我怕输!**

I'm not afraid of death, but I fear losing!

**14. 我不是什么好人,但我也不做亏心事!**

I'm not a good person, but I don't do anything wrong!

**15. 我的字典里,没有认输二字!**

There's no such word as surrender in my dictionary!

**16. 我是黑夜里的王者!**

I am the king of the night!

**17. 我就是规矩!**

I am the rule!

**18. 你惹怒我,我会让你后悔活在这个世界上!**

You anger me, I'll make you regret living in this world!

**19. 我是黑暗中的幽灵,你永远无法捉摸!**

I am a ghost in the darkness, you can never catch me!

**20. 我要让所有人知道,我才是老大!**

I will make everyone know that I am the boss!

**21. 我会用我的拳头,打出一片天地!**

I will use my fists to carve a place for myself in this world!

**22. 没有人可以阻止我,除了我自己!**

No one can stop me, except myself!

**23. 我的目标,就是登上顶峰!**

My goal is to reach the peak!

**24. 我会用我的生命,去证明我的价值!**

I will use my life to prove my worth!

**25. 我会让所有人都臣服于我!**

I will make everyone submit to me!

**26. 我是这片土地上的王者!**

I am the king of this land!

**27. 我是黑暗中的秩序!**

I am the order in the darkness!

**28. 我会用我的方式,创造属于我的辉煌!**

I will create my own glory, in my own way!

**29. 我是无法被征服的!**

I am unconquerable!

**30. 我是这片天地的主宰!**

I am the master of this world!

**31. 我不畏惧任何挑战!**

I fear no challenge!

**32. 我会用我的血,染红这片土地!**

I will stain this land with my blood!

**33. 我会用我的生命,来证明我的力量!**

I will use my life to prove my strength!

**34. 我是黑暗中的火焰!**

I am the flame in the darkness!

**35. 我会让所有人知道,我的名字!**

I will make everyone know my name!

**36. 我是传奇!**

I am a legend!

**37. 我是这片土地上的神话!**

I am the myth of this land!

**38. 我会用我的方式,创造属于我的未来!**

I will create my own future, in my own way!

**39. 我是这片天地的奇迹!**

I am the miracle of this world!

**40. 我是无法被战胜的!**

I am invincible!

**41. 我的怒火,将燃烧整个世界!**

My anger will burn the whole world!

**42. 我会用我的生命,去创造奇迹!**

I will use my life to create miracles!

**43. 我是这片天地的王者!**

I am the king of this world!

**44. 我是黑暗中的光明!**

I am the light in the darkness!

**45. 我会用我的力量,改变这个世界!**

I will use my power to change this world!

**46. 我是这片天地的命运!**

I am the destiny of this world!

**47. 我会用我的血,染红这片天空!**

I will stain this sky with my blood!

**48. 我是这片天地的传奇!**

I am the legend of this world!

**49. 我是这片天地的神话!**

I am the myth of this world!

**50. 我是这片天地的王者!**

I am the king of this world!

**51. 我是这片天地的主宰!**

I am the master of this world!

**52. 我是这片天地的奇迹!**

I am the miracle of this world!

**53. 我是这片天地的希望!**

I am the hope of this world!

**54. 我是这片天地的未来!**

I am the future of this world!

**55. 我会用我的生命,去创造奇迹!**

I will use my life to create miracles!

**56. 我是这片天地的传奇!**

I am the legend of this world!

**57. 我是这片天地的神话!**

I am the myth of this world!

**58. 我是这片天地的王者!**

I am the king of this world!

**59. 我是这片天地的主宰!**

I am the master of this world!

**60. 我是这片天地的奇迹!**

I am the miracle of this world!

**61. 我是这片天地的希望!**

I am the hope of this world!

**62. 我是这片天地的未来!**

I am the future of this world!

**63. 我会用我的生命,去创造奇迹!**

I will use my life to create miracles!

**64. 我是这片天地的传奇!**

I am the legend of this world!

**65. 我是这片天地的神话!**

I am the myth of this world!

**66. 我是这片天地的王者!**

I am the king of this world!

**67. 我是这片天地的主宰!**

I am the master of this world!

**68. 我是这片天地的奇迹!**

I am the miracle of this world!

**69. 我是这片天地的希望!**

I am the hope of this world!

**70. 我是这片天地的未来!**

I am the future of this world!

**71. 我会用我的生命,去创造奇迹!**

I will use my life to create miracles!

**72. 我是这片天地的传奇!**

I am the legend of this world!

**73. 我是这片天地的神话!**

I am the myth of this world!

**74. 我是这片天地的王者!**

I am the king of this world!

**75. 我是这片天地的主宰!**

I am the master of this world!

**76. 我是这片天地的奇迹!**

I am the miracle of this world!

**77. 我是这片天地的希望!**

I am the hope of this world!

**78. 我是这片天地的未来!**

I am the future of this world!

**79. 我会用我的生命,去创造奇迹!**

I will use my life to create miracles!

**80. 我是这片天地的传奇!**

I am the legend of this world!

**81. 我是这片天地的神话!**

I am the myth of this world!

**82. 我是这片天地的王者!**

I am the king of this world!

**83. 我是这片天地的主宰!**

I am the master of this world!

**84. 我是这片天地的奇迹!**

I am the miracle of this world!

**85. 我是这片天地的希望!**

I am the hope of this world!

**86. 我是这片天地的未来!**

I am the future of this world!

**87. 我会用我的生命,去创造奇迹!**

I will use my life to create miracles!

**88. 我是这片天地的传奇!**

I am the legend of this world!

**89. 我是这片天地的神话!**

I am the myth of this world!

**90. 我是这片天地的王者!**

I am the king of this world!

**91. 我是这片天地的主宰!**

I am the master of this world!

**92. 我是这片天地的奇迹!**

I am the miracle of this world!

**93. 我是这片天地的希望!**

I am the hope of this world!

**94. 我是这片天地的未来!**

I am the future of this world!

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