
## 71句男友留言,英文翻译带p标签


1. 你是我生命中的阳光,照亮我每一天。

You are the sunshine in my life, brightening my every day.

2. 谢谢你出现在我的生命里,让我拥有如此美好的爱情。

Thank you for being in my life and giving me such wonderful love.

3. 想到你,我的嘴角就会情不自禁地向上扬。

Thinking about you makes my lips curve upwards involuntarily.

4. 你就像一首歌,在我耳边不停地回响。

You're like a song, constantly echoing in my ears.

5. 你是世界上最棒的男朋友,我爱你!

You are the best boyfriend in the world, I love you!

6. 每次和你在一起,我都会感到无比幸福。

I feel so happy whenever I'm with you.

7. 你是我最想要珍惜的人,我永远不会放手。

You are the person I want to cherish most, and I will never let go.

8. 你是我生命中的全部,没有你,我将一无所有。

You are my everything, without you, I would have nothing.

9. 你是我心里的甜蜜,永远不会消失。

You are the sweetness in my heart, forever.

10. 你是我永远的依靠,我会永远守护你。

You are my forever reliance, and I will always protect you.

11. 你的笑容,是我最大的幸福。

Your smile is my greatest happiness.

12. 你是我生命中最美好的礼物,感谢命运让我们相遇。

You are the best gift in my life, thank you fate for bringing us together.

13. 你是我永远的梦想,我将用一生去追寻。

You are my eternal dream, and I will spend my life pursuing it.

14. 我愿意为你付出所有,只希望你能够快乐。

I am willing to give you everything, I just hope you can be happy.

15. 你是我生命中的奇迹,让我感受到爱的真谛。

You are a miracle in my life, making me feel the true meaning of love.

16. 你的存在,让我的生活充满了色彩。

Your presence adds color to my life.

17. 你是我生命中的宝藏,我将永远守护你。

You are the treasure in my life, and I will protect you forever.

18. 你是我永远的挚爱,我将与你携手共度一生。

You are my forever love, and I will spend my life with you.

19. 你是我生命中最值得珍惜的人,我爱你胜过一切。

You are the most precious person in my life, I love you more than anything.

20. 你是我生命中的阳光,照亮我前行的路途。

You are the sunshine in my life, illuminating my path forward.


21. 想你,是一种甜蜜的折磨。

Missing you is a sweet torture.

22. 你在哪里,我的心就在哪里。

Where you are, my heart is there.

23. 每一分钟,每一秒,都在思念着你。

Every minute, every second, I miss you.

24. 希望时间快一点,让我可以早点见到你。

I hope time goes by faster so I can see you sooner.

25. 想你,是一种无法言喻的幸福。

Missing you is an inexpressible happiness.

26. 你不在我身边,我的心就无法平静。

My heart can't be at peace without you by my side.

27. 你就像一颗星星,照亮我孤独的夜空。

You are like a star, illuminating my lonely night sky.

28. 你的名字,是我的秘密,也是我最大的幸福。

Your name is my secret, and my greatest happiness.

29. 想你,是我每天必做的功课。

Missing you is my daily routine.

30. 每当夜深人静的时候,你的身影就会出现在我的脑海中。

Whenever the night is quiet, your figure appears in my mind.

31. 你在我心里,我永远不会忘记你。

You are in my heart, and I will never forget you.

32. 想你,是生命中最美好的体验。

Missing you is the most wonderful experience in life.

33. 你是我唯一的思念,我永远不会忘记你。

You are my only longing, and I will never forget you.

34. 你的音容笑貌,永远刻在我的脑海里。

Your voice, appearance, and smile are forever etched in my mind.

35. 想你的时候,我会看看你的照片,回忆我们在一起的甜蜜时光。

When I miss you, I will look at your photos and recall the sweet moments we shared together.

36. 我迫切地想要见到你,希望我们的距离可以缩短。

I am eager to see you, and I hope the distance between us can be shortened.

37. 你的声音,是世界上最美的旋律。

Your voice is the most beautiful melody in the world.

38. 你是我永远的牵挂,无论你在哪里,我都会默默地想念你。

You are my eternal concern, wherever you are, I will silently miss you.

39. 你的笑容,是我最大的动力,让我充满期待。

Your smile is my greatest motivation, filling me with anticipation.

40. 想你的时候,我会闭上眼睛,想象我们在一起的画面。

When I miss you, I will close my eyes and imagine us together.


41. 你真是个奇葩,但我喜欢!

You are such a weirdo, but I love it!

42. 你真是我的开心果,每次和你在一起,我都会笑得肚子疼。

You are my joy, every time I'm with you, I laugh until my stomach hurts.

43. 你真是个大笨蛋,但我爱你!

You are such a big fool, but I love you!

44. 你真是我的克星,每次都被你气得牙痒痒。

You are my nemesis, every time I am so angry I want to grind my teeth.

45. 你真是个奇葩,但你的奇葩让我着迷。

You are such a weirdo, but your weirdness fascinates me.

46. 你真是个大猪蹄子,但我爱你!

You are such a pig, but I love you!

47. 你真是个小可爱,但我喜欢你的小脾气。

You are such a little cute thing, but I like your little temper.

48. 你真是个笨蛋,但我爱你!

You are such a fool, but I love you!

49. 你真是个逗比,但你的逗比让我快乐。

You are such a goofball, but your goofiness makes me happy.

50. 你真是个大傻瓜,但我爱你!

You are such a big fool, but I love you!

51. 你真是个奇葩,但我喜欢你的奇葩。

You are such a weirdo, but I like your weirdness.

52. 你真是个大笨蛋,但我爱你!

You are such a big fool, but I love you!

53. 你真是我的开心果,每次和你在一起,我都会笑得合不拢嘴。

You are my joy, every time I'm with you, I can't stop smiling.

54. 你真是个逗比,但你的逗比让我爱不释手。

You are such a goofball, but your goofiness makes me love you even more.

55. 你真是个奇葩,但你的奇葩让我无法自拔。

You are such a weirdo, but your weirdness makes me fall for you.

56. 你真是个大猪蹄子,但我爱你!

You are such a pig, but I love you!

57. 你真是个小可爱,但我喜欢你的小毛病。

You are such a little cute thing, but I like your little flaws.

58. 你真是个笨蛋,但我爱你!

You are such a fool, but I love you!

59. 你真是个逗比,但你的逗比让我觉得生活充满了乐趣。

You are such a goofball, but your goofiness makes life feel fun.

60. 你真是个奇葩,但我喜欢你的与众不同。

You are such a weirdo, but I love your uniqueness.


61. 我相信你,你一定可以做到!

I believe in you, you can definitely do it!

62. 无论你做什么决定,我都会支持你。

Whatever decision you make, I will support you.

63. 你很棒,不要放弃你的梦想!

You are amazing, don't give up on your dreams!

64. 加油!我相信你会成功的!

Come on! I believe you will succeed!

65. 你永远是我的骄傲,我为你感到自豪。

You are always my pride, I am proud of you.

66. 你已经做得很好,继续努力!

You've done a great job, keep going!

67. 无论遇到什么困难,我都会陪在你身边。

No matter what difficulties you encounter, I will be by your side.

68. 我相信你,你一定能克服一切困难!

I believe in you, you can definitely overcome any difficulties!

69. 你永远是我的英雄,我爱你!

You are always my hero, I love you!

70. 你很棒,我永远支持你!

You are awesome, I will always support you!

71. 不要放弃,你还有我!

Don't give up, you still have me!

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