
## 黑羽快斗名言 73句 (中英双语)

1. 只要有想要保护的人,就会变得更强! - As long as there are people you want to protect, you will become stronger!

2. 我是魔术师,不是侦探! - I'm a magician, not a detective!

3. 我可不想输给那个笨蛋侦探! - I don't want to lose to that idiot detective!

4. 我就是喜欢挑战! - I just love challenges!

5. 只有强者才能够享受胜利的喜悦! - Only the strong can enjoy the joy of victory!

6. 别小看我! - Don't underestimate me!

7. 永远不要放弃希望! - Never give up hope!

8. 我要成为最棒的魔术师! - I will be the best magician!

9. 只要有决心,就能克服一切困难! - With determination, you can overcome any obstacle!

10. 我是不会被任何人打倒的! - I won't be defeated by anyone!

11. 为了守护重要的人,我会拼尽全力! - To protect the people who are important to me, I will give my all!

12. 不管是魔术还是生活,都要全力以赴! - Whether it's magic or life, give it your all!

13. 人生的舞台上,只有主角才能站在聚光灯下! - On the stage of life, only the protagonist can stand under the spotlight!

14. 即使只有一丝希望,也要坚持下去! - Even if there is only a sliver of hope, keep going!

15. 不要害怕失败,因为失败也是成功的一部分! - Don't be afraid of failure, because failure is also part of success!

16. 人生的道路上,充满了未知的挑战,但只有勇敢面对,才能创造属于自己的奇迹! - Life's path is filled with unknown challenges, but only by facing them bravely can you create your own miracles!

17. 我相信,只要努力,就能实现梦想! - I believe that with hard work, you can achieve your dreams!

18. 我喜欢挑战,我喜欢冒险,我喜欢让不可能变为可能! - I love challenges, I love adventure, I love making the impossible possible!

19. 真正的魔术师,是能够创造奇迹的人! - A true magician is someone who can create miracles!

20. 我要成为最耀眼的明星,照亮整个世界! - I will be the brightest star, illuminating the entire world!

21. 我相信,每个人都有闪耀的时刻! - I believe that everyone has their moment to shine!

22. 别以为我只有耍帅而已! - Don't think I'm just about being cool!

23. 我可不喜欢做普通人! - I don't like being ordinary!

24. 我要成为世界上最伟大的魔术师,没有之一! - I will become the greatest magician in the world, no exceptions!

25. 我是不会被任何人打倒的,因为我有我的信念! - I won't be defeated by anyone, because I have my beliefs!

26. 我要让全世界都为我的魔术而疯狂! - I will make the whole world go crazy for my magic!

27. 永远不要放弃追逐梦想! - Never give up on chasing your dreams!

28. 我是黑羽快斗,是魔术师,也是一个普通人! - I am Kaito Kuroba, a magician and a normal person!

29. 我要让所有人都见识到我的实力! - I will show everyone my strength!

30. 我的人生就像一场魔术表演,充满了惊喜! - My life is like a magic show, full of surprises!

31. 即使在逆境中,也要保持微笑! - Even in adversity, keep smiling!

32. 我要成为传奇,让我的名字永远被人们铭记! - I will become a legend, my name will be remembered forever!

33. 永远不要低估一个魔术师的力量! - Never underestimate the power of a magician!

34. 我的魔术,是用来带给人们欢乐和希望的! - My magic is used to bring joy and hope to people!

35. 我的人生,充满了挑战和冒险,但也充满了乐趣! - My life is full of challenges and adventures, but also full of fun!

36. 我要让世界变得更加美好,更加精彩! - I will make the world a better and more exciting place!

37. 即使面对强敌,也要勇敢面对! - Even in the face of strong opponents, face them bravely!

38. 我是不会被任何人吓倒的! - I won't be intimidated by anyone!

39. 我的目标,就是成为世界最伟大的魔术师! - My goal is to become the greatest magician in the world!

40. 我的人生,充满了无限的可能! - My life is full of infinite possibilities!

41. 我想要创造属于自己的奇迹! - I want to create my own miracles!

42. 我的人生,充满了挑战,但也充满了乐趣! - My life is full of challenges, but also full of fun!

43. 我想要成为一个传奇,一个让所有人铭记的名字! - I want to become a legend, a name that everyone remembers!

44. 即使面对困难,也要保持乐观的态度! - Even when facing difficulties, maintain an optimistic attitude!

45. 我的人生,充满了无限的可能性! - My life is full of infinite possibilities!

46. 我要让所有人都为我的魔术而欢呼! - I will make everyone cheer for my magic!

47. 我想要成为一个英雄,一个能够拯救世界的人! - I want to become a hero, someone who can save the world!

48. 我的人生,充满了惊喜和挑战! - My life is full of surprises and challenges!

49. 我想要用我的魔术,带给人们欢乐和希望! - I want to use my magic to bring joy and hope to people!

50. 即使失败了,也要笑着站起来! - Even if you fail, get back up with a smile!

51. 我的人生,充满了无限的可能性,只要勇敢追逐,就能实现梦想! - My life is full of infinite possibilities, as long as you chase your dreams bravely!

52. 我要用我的魔术,创造一个充满奇迹的世界! - I will use my magic to create a world full of miracles!

53. 我要成为一个传奇,一个让所有人铭记的名字! - I will become a legend, a name that everyone remembers!

54. 我的人生,充满了冒险和挑战,但我不会畏惧! - My life is full of adventures and challenges, but I will not be afraid!

55. 即使面对困难,也要坚持自己的信念! - Even when facing difficulties, stick to your beliefs!

56. 我要用我的魔术,让世界变得更加美好! - I will use my magic to make the world a better place!

57. 我想要成为一个英雄,一个能够拯救世界的人! - I want to become a hero, someone who can save the world!

58. 我的人生,充满了无限的可能性,只要勇敢追逐,就能实现梦想! - My life is full of infinite possibilities, as long as you chase your dreams bravely!

59. 我要用我的魔术,创造一个充满奇迹的世界! - I will use my magic to create a world full of miracles!

60. 我要成为一个传奇,一个让所有人铭记的名字! - I will become a legend, a name that everyone remembers!

61. 我的人生,充满了冒险和挑战,但我不会畏惧! - My life is full of adventures and challenges, but I will not be afraid!

62. 即使面对困难,也要坚持自己的信念! - Even when facing difficulties, stick to your beliefs!

63. 我要用我的魔术,让世界变得更加美好! - I will use my magic to make the world a better place!

64. 我想要成为一个英雄,一个能够拯救世界的人! - I want to become a hero, someone who can save the world!

65. 我的人生,充满了无限的可能性,只要勇敢追逐,就能实现梦想! - My life is full of infinite possibilities, as long as you chase your dreams bravely!

66. 我要用我的魔术,创造一个充满奇迹的世界! - I will use my magic to create a world full of miracles!

67. 我要成为一个传奇,一个让所有人铭记的名字! - I will become a legend, a name that everyone remembers!

68. 我的人生,充满了冒险和挑战,但我不会畏惧! - My life is full of adventures and challenges, but I will not be afraid!

69. 即使面对困难,也要坚持自己的信念! - Even when facing difficulties, stick to your beliefs!

70. 我要用我的魔术,让世界变得更加美好! - I will use my magic to make the world a better place!

71. 我想要成为一个英雄,一个能够拯救世界的人! - I want to become a hero, someone who can save the world!

72. 我的人生,充满了无限的可能性,只要勇敢追逐,就能实现梦想! - My life is full of infinite possibilities, as long as you chase your dreams bravely!

73. 我要用我的魔术,创造一个充满奇迹的世界! - I will use my magic to create a world full of miracles!

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