
## 黑执事经典语录(90句)

**1. 凡人总是贪婪的,即使他们知道会得到什么。**

Humans are always greedy, even when they know what they’ll get.

**2. 我所追求的,只有完美的执行。**

All I seek is perfect execution.

**3. 世界真是太棒了,因为充满了有趣的事。**

The world is truly wonderful because it’s full of interesting things.

**4. 即使是恶棍,也有值得被原谅的地方。**

Even villains have something worth forgiving.

**5. 死亡并非终点,而是新的开始。**

Death is not the end, but a new beginning.

**6. 命运就像一条河,它会把你带到它想让你去的地方。**

Fate is like a river, it takes you where it wants you to go.

**7. 痛苦就像一把锤子,它会把你塑造成你想要成为的人。**

Pain is like a hammer, it shapes you into the person you want to be.

**8. 真正的美丽,来自于内心的善良。**

True beauty comes from the kindness within.

**9. 不要害怕失败,因为失败也是一种学习。**

Don't be afraid of failure, because failure is also a kind of learning.

**10. 坚强的人,不会轻易被困难打倒。**

A strong person won't be easily defeated by difficulties.

**11. 勇敢不是没有恐惧,而是克服恐惧。**

Bravery isn't the absence of fear, but the overcoming of it.

**12. 爱情就像一阵风,它可以把你吹到任何地方。**

Love is like the wind, it can blow you anywhere.

**13. 世界上没有什么是永恒的,除了变化。**

Nothing in the world is eternal, except change.

**14. 人类的欲望是无止境的,即使他们拥有了一切。**

Human desires are endless, even if they have everything.

**15. 失去比拥有更令人痛苦。**

Losing is more painful than possessing.

**16. 孤独是世界上最可怕的惩罚。**

Loneliness is the most terrible punishment in the world.

**17. 只有真正了解你的人,才能真正理解你。**

Only those who truly know you can truly understand you.

**18. 永远不要放弃你的梦想,即使它看起来很遥远。**

Never give up on your dreams, even if they seem far away.

**19. 人生就像一场游戏,你需要学会如何玩它。**

Life is like a game, you need to learn how to play it.

**20. 不要害怕去追求你的梦想,因为你永远不知道你会遇到什么。**

Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams, because you never know what you might encounter.

**21. “你所珍视的东西,将成为你的弱点。”**

"What you cherish will become your weakness."

**22. “我永远忠诚于我的主人。”**

"I am forever loyal to my master."

**23. “死亡只是另一种形式的开始。”**

"Death is just another form of beginning."

**24. “你不能永远逃避你的过去。”**

"You cannot escape your past forever."

**25. “你不能改变过去,但你可以改变未来。”**

"You cannot change the past, but you can change the future."

**26. “不要轻视你的敌人,即使他们看起来很弱小。”**

"Do not underestimate your enemies, even if they seem weak."

**27. “信任是世界上最宝贵的财富。”**

"Trust is the most valuable treasure in the world."

**28. “不要让你的恐惧控制你。”**

"Do not let your fears control you."

**29. “每个人都有自己的秘密。”**

"Everyone has their own secrets."

**30. “真相往往是隐藏在表面之下。”**

"The truth is often hidden beneath the surface."

**31. “不要害怕面对你的恐惧。”**

"Don't be afraid to face your fears."

**32. “只有经历过痛苦,才能真正懂得快乐。”**

"Only after experiencing pain can one truly understand happiness."

**33. “不要放弃希望,即使一切都看起来很糟糕。”**

"Don't give up hope, even if everything seems bad."

**34. “每个人都有自己的故事要讲。”**

"Everyone has their own story to tell."

**35. “不要害怕犯错,因为每个人都会犯错。”**

"Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because everyone makes them."

**36. “你不能让过去控制你的未来。”**

"You cannot let the past control your future."

**37. “不要让你的过去定义你。”**

"Don't let your past define you."

**38. “你不能改变过去,但你可以改变你对它的看法。”**

"You cannot change the past, but you can change how you think about it."

**39. “不要害怕改变。”**

"Don't be afraid to change."

**40. “改变是生活中唯一不变的事。”**

"Change is the only constant in life."

**41. “不要害怕冒险。”**

"Don't be afraid to take risks."

**42. “冒险是值得的。”**

"Risks are worth taking."

**43. “不要害怕追求你的梦想。”**

"Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams."

**44. “你的梦想值得你为之奋斗。”**

"Your dreams are worth fighting for."

**45. “不要害怕失败。”**

"Don't be afraid to fail."

**46. “失败是成功的垫脚石。”**

"Failure is the stepping stone to success."

**47. “不要害怕犯错。”**

"Don't be afraid to make mistakes."

**48. “错误是学习的机会。”**

"Mistakes are opportunities to learn."

**49. “不要害怕问问题。”**

"Don't be afraid to ask questions."

**50. “提问是学习的开始。”**

"Asking questions is the beginning of learning."

**51. “不要害怕接受帮助。”**

"Don't be afraid to accept help."

**52. “接受帮助是力量的标志。”**

"Accepting help is a sign of strength."

**53. “不要害怕表达你的感情。”**

"Don't be afraid to express your feelings."

**54. “表达感情是健康的。”**

"Expressing your feelings is healthy."

**55. “不要害怕说‘不’。”**

"Don't be afraid to say 'no'."

**56. “说‘不’是保护自己的权利。”**

"Saying 'no' is a right to protect yourself."

**57. “不要害怕做你自己。”**

"Don't be afraid to be yourself."

**58. “做你自己是最好的。”**

"Being yourself is the best."

**59. “不要害怕做梦。”**

"Don't be afraid to dream."

**60. “梦是实现未来的基础。”**

"Dreams are the foundation of realizing the future."

**61. “不要害怕追求你的激情。”**

"Don't be afraid to pursue your passions."

**62. “激情是生活的动力。”**

"Passion is the driving force of life."

**63. “不要害怕改变世界。”**

"Don't be afraid to change the world."

**64. “改变世界始于你自己。”**

"Changing the world starts with yourself."

**65. “不要害怕去爱。”**

"Don't be afraid to love."

**66. “爱是生活中最宝贵的礼物。”**

"Love is the most precious gift in life."

**67. “不要害怕被伤害。”**

"Don't be afraid to be hurt."

**68. “被伤害是爱的代价。”**

"Being hurt is the price of love."

**69. “不要害怕冒险。”**

"Don't be afraid to take chances."

**70. “冒险是生命的乐趣。”**

"Taking chances is the fun of life."

**71. “不要害怕面对挑战。”**

"Don't be afraid to face challenges."

**72. “挑战是成长的机会。”**

"Challenges are opportunities to grow."

**73. “不要害怕失败。”**

"Don't be afraid to fail."

**74. “失败是学习的机会。”**

"Failure is an opportunity to learn."

**75. “不要害怕尝试新事物。”**

"Don't be afraid to try new things."

**76. “尝试新事物是生活的乐趣。”**

"Trying new things is the fun of life."

**77. “不要害怕表达自己。”**

"Don't be afraid to express yourself."

**78. “表达自己是健康的。”**

"Expressing yourself is healthy."

**79. “不要害怕让别人失望。”**

"Don't be afraid to disappoint others."

**80. “让别人失望是不可避免的。”**

"Disappointing others is inevitable."

**81. “不要害怕为你的信仰而战。”**

"Don't be afraid to fight for your beliefs."

**82. “为你的信仰而战是值得的。”**

"Fighting for your beliefs is worth it."

**83. “不要害怕质疑权威。”**

"Don't be afraid to question authority."

**84. “质疑权威是进步的标志。”**

"Questioning authority is a sign of progress."

**85. “不要害怕去爱。”**

"Don't be afraid to love."

**86. “爱是生活的动力。”**

"Love is the driving force of life."

**87. “不要害怕付出你的全部。”**

"Don't be afraid to give your all."

**88. “付出你的全部是值得的。”**

"Giving your all is worth it."

**89. “不要害怕去追寻你的幸福。”**

"Don't be afraid to pursue your happiness."

**90. “幸福是值得追寻的。”**

"Happiness is worth pursuing."

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