
## 左字组成的76个句子及其英文翻译

1. 左手握着书,右手轻轻翻页。

Left hand holding the book, right hand gently turning the page.

2. 左边的窗户被雨水打得噼啪作响。

The window on the left was hit by the rain with a crackling sound.

3. 左边是山,右边是水,风景如画。

Mountains on the left, water on the right, the scenery is picturesque.

4. 左心房收缩,将血液推入左心室。

The left atrium contracts, pushing blood into the left ventricle.

5. 左耳微微动了动,似乎听见了细微的声音。

The left ear moved slightly, as if it heard a faint sound.

6. 左边拐角处有一家小书店,里面藏着许多珍贵的书籍。

There is a small bookstore on the left corner, hiding many precious books.

7. 左边的道路通往繁华的都市,右边的道路通往宁静的乡村。

The road on the left leads to the bustling city, the road on the right leads to the peaceful countryside.

8. 左手轻轻抚摸着孩子的脸,眼中充满了温柔。

The left hand gently touched the child's face, eyes filled with tenderness.

9. 左边的那颗树木枝繁叶茂,仿佛一把巨大的绿伞。

The tree on the left is lush and leafy, like a giant green umbrella.

10. 左侧的墙壁上挂着一幅油画,画中的人物栩栩如生。

On the left wall hangs an oil painting, the figures in the painting are lifelike.

11. 左边是红色的,右边是蓝色的,形成鲜明的对比。

The left side is red, the right side is blue, forming a striking contrast.

12. 左手拿着笔,在纸上写下了自己的心声。

Left hand holding a pen, writing down one's thoughts on paper.

13. 左边的那个人总是喜欢戴着帽子,显得神秘莫测。

The person on the left always likes to wear a hat, making him appear mysterious.

14. 左边的灯光照亮了房间,驱散了黑暗。

The light on the left illuminated the room, dispelling the darkness.

15. 左侧的街道上车水马龙,热闹非凡。

The street on the left is bustling with traffic, full of activity.

16. 左边的那座房子古老而沧桑,仿佛见证了历史的变迁。

The house on the left is old and weathered, as if it has witnessed the changes of history.

17. 左边的那个人正在演奏钢琴,美妙的旋律在房间里回荡。

The person on the left is playing the piano, the beautiful melody echoes through the room.

18. 左边的天空万里无云,阳光明媚。

The sky on the left is cloudless, the sun is shining brightly.

19. 左边的那个人是一个作家,他用文字描绘着这个世界。

The person on the left is a writer, he uses words to depict the world.

20. 左边的那本书是关于历史的,里面记载着许多故事。

The book on the left is about history, it records many stories.

21. 左边的那位老师正在讲课,学生们认真地听着。

The teacher on the left is giving a lecture, the students are listening attentively.

22. 左边的那颗星星闪耀着光芒,照亮了夜空。

The star on the left shines with light, illuminating the night sky.

23. 左边的道路崎岖不平,充满了挑战。

The road on the left is rough and uneven, full of challenges.

24. 左边的那位画家正在作画,他的作品充满了创意。

The painter on the left is painting, his works are full of creativity.

25. 左边的窗户打开了,新鲜的空气涌了进来。

The window on the left opened, fresh air poured in.

26. 左边的那个人正在唱歌,他的歌声充满了感情。

The person on the left is singing, his singing is full of emotion.

27. 左边的那条河流蜿蜒流淌,景色优美。

The river on the left winds its way, the scenery is beautiful.

28. 左边的那片森林郁郁葱葱,充满了生机。

The forest on the left is lush and green, full of life.

29. 左边的灯塔照亮了航行的方向,指引着船只安全航行。

The lighthouse on the left illuminates the direction of navigation, guiding ships to sail safely.

30. 左边的那座桥连接着两个城市,方便了人们的出行。

The bridge on the left connects two cities, making it convenient for people to travel.

31. 左边的房间是书房,里面摆满了书籍和文件。

The room on the left is the study, filled with books and documents.

32. 左边的角落里放着一个花瓶,里面插着几朵鲜艳的玫瑰。

In the corner on the left stands a vase with a few bright roses.

33. 左边的那位老人正在散步,他的步伐缓慢而坚定。

The old man on the left is taking a walk, his steps are slow but steady.

34. 左边的那位摄影师正在拍照,他捕捉着瞬间的美好。

The photographer on the left is taking pictures, he captures the beauty of the moment.

35. 左边的那辆汽车正在行驶,它朝着目的地前进。

The car on the left is driving, it is heading towards its destination.

36. 左边的那位医生正在看病,他用精湛的医术帮助病人恢复健康。

The doctor on the left is seeing patients, he uses his superb medical skills to help patients recover.

37. 左边的树枝上停着一只小鸟,它正在欢快地歌唱。

A small bird is perched on the branch on the left, singing happily.

38. 左边的广场上人山人海,热闹非凡。

The square on the left is packed with people, bustling with activity.

39. 左边的房间是客厅,里面摆放着沙发、电视和茶几。

The room on the left is the living room, with a sofa, TV and coffee table.

40. 左边的墙壁上贴着一张照片,照片上的人笑容满面。

There is a photo on the left wall, the people in the photo are smiling.

41. 左边的那台电脑正在运行,屏幕上显示着各种信息。

The computer on the left is running, the screen displays various information.

42. 左边的桌子上有几本书,它们静静地等待着被人翻阅。

There are a few books on the table on the left, they are quietly waiting to be read.

43. 左边的柜子里放着许多衣服,它们整齐地排列着。

There are many clothes in the cabinet on the left, they are arranged neatly.

44. 左边的床头柜上放着一台闹钟,它准时地提醒着人们时间。

There is an alarm clock on the bedside table on the left, it reminds people of the time punctually.

45. 左边的门打开了,一个人走了进来。

The door on the left opened, and a person walked in.

46. 左边的窗户被风吹得呼呼作响。

The window on the left is rattling in the wind.

47. 左边的那条路通往山顶,风景壮丽。

The road on the left leads to the mountain top, the scenery is magnificent.

48. 左边的角落里放着一个垃圾桶,它默默地收集着人们丢弃的垃圾。

There is a trash can in the corner on the left, it silently collects the garbage discarded by people.

49. 左边的墙上挂着一幅画,画中描绘着美丽的田园风光。

There is a painting on the left wall, depicting the beautiful scenery of the countryside.

50. 左边的书架上摆满了书籍,它们散发着淡淡的墨香。

The bookshelf on the left is full of books, they exude a faint fragrance of ink.

51. 左边的桌子上有几个杯子,它们静静地等待着被用来盛放饮料。

There are several cups on the table on the left, they are quietly waiting to be used to hold drinks.

52. 左边的椅子上坐着一个人,他正在专心致志地看书。

There is a person sitting on the chair on the left, he is engrossed in reading.

53. 左边的灯光照亮了街道,让夜晚变得不再那么黑暗。

The lights on the left illuminate the street, making the night less dark.

54. 左边的街道上停着一辆汽车,它正在等待着红灯变绿灯。

A car is parked on the street on the left, waiting for the red light to turn green.

55. 左边的房子是一家商店,它里面售卖着各种商品。

The house on the left is a store, it sells various goods.

56. 左边的花园里开满了鲜花,它们争奇斗艳,美不胜收。

The garden on the left is full of blooming flowers, they compete for beauty and are breathtaking.

57. 左边的树林里栖息着许多动物,它们在树林里自由地奔跑。

Many animals live in the forest on the left, they run freely in the forest.

58. 左边的河流里游着几条鱼,它们在水中自由自在地游动。

There are a few fish swimming in the river on the left, they are swimming freely in the water.

59. 左边的天空飘着几朵云,它们在蓝天中自由地飘动。

There are a few clouds floating in the sky on the left, they are floating freely in the blue sky.

60. 左边的山峰高耸入云,令人叹为观止。

The mountain peak on the left towers into the clouds, it is breathtaking.

61. 左边的路口处有一个红绿灯,它提醒着人们遵守交通规则。

There is a traffic light at the intersection on the left, it reminds people to obey traffic rules.

62. 左边的墙壁上有一块黑板,上面写着老师的教学内容。

There is a blackboard on the left wall, which shows the teacher's teaching content.

63. 左边的椅子上放着一个包,它静静地等待着主人回来。

There is a bag on the chair on the left, it is quietly waiting for the owner to come back.

64. 左边的柜子里放着许多书籍,它们静静地等待着被人翻阅。

The cabinet on the left is full of books, they are quietly waiting to be read.

65. 左边的房间里有一个壁炉,它在寒冷的冬天为人们提供温暖。

There is a fireplace in the room on the left, it provides warmth for people in the cold winter.

66. 左边的窗台上放着一盆花,它在阳光下绽放着美丽的花朵。

There is a pot of flowers on the windowsill on the left, it blooms beautiful flowers under the sun.

67. 左边的墙壁上挂着一幅地图,它指引着人们探索世界的方向。

There is a map hanging on the left wall, it guides people to explore the world.

68. 左边的灯光照亮了舞台,让演员们在舞台上尽情表演。

The lights on the left illuminate the stage, allowing the actors to perform freely on the stage.

69. 左边的门打开了,一个人走了出来。

The door on the left opened, and a person walked out.

70. 左边的角落里放着一个箱子,它里面装着许多珍贵的物品。

There is a box in the corner on the left, it contains many precious items.

71. 左边的椅子上坐着一个老人,他正在回忆往事。

An old man is sitting on the chair on the left, he is reminiscing about the past.

72. 左边的窗户被雨水打得啪啪作响。

The window on the left is being hit by the rain with a clattering sound.

73. 左边的房间里有一台钢琴,它静静地等待着被人弹奏。

There is a piano in the room on the left, it is quietly waiting to be played.

74. 左边的墙壁上有一面镜子,它可以让人们看到自己的容颜。

There is a mirror on the left wall, it allows people to see their own appearance.

75. 左边的树枝上挂着一个鸟巢,它里面住着几只小鸟。

There is a bird's nest on the branch on the left, it houses a few young birds.

76. 左边的天空出现了彩虹,它将天空点缀得更加美丽。

A rainbow has appeared in the sky on the left, it makes the sky even more beautiful.

以上就是关于左字组个句子76句(左字组个句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
