
## 娘娘她总是不上进的句子(87句)

1. 每日除了吃喝玩乐,就是与宫女们闲聊八卦,哪有半分上进之心?

2. 她的字典里只有享乐,没有奋斗,真是让人失望。

3. 别人都在努力学习宫廷礼仪,她却只顾着修饰自己的容颜。

4. 她的目标就是每天都能睡到自然醒,吃香喝辣,毫无责任感可言。

5. 她的野心仅仅局限于后宫的争斗,根本没有远大的志向。

6. 她的生活像是被泡在蜜罐里,毫无挑战,毫无目标。

7. 她总是沉迷于美酒佳肴,对朝政大事漠不关心。

8. 她的眼界太过狭隘,只看到眼前的荣华富贵,看不到未来的危机。

9. 她总是在挥霍着皇家的财富,却毫无节制。

10. 她的脑袋里装满了虚荣,没有一丝智慧的光芒。

11. 她就像一只金丝雀,被关在笼子里,失去了飞翔的能力。

12. 她的心胸狭窄,只顾着自己,不为他人着想。

13. 她总是躲在自己的舒适区,不愿意走出一步。

14. 她对权力毫无兴趣,只想要过着安逸的生活。

15. 她的思想停滞不前,缺乏进取心。

16. 她总是把责任推卸给别人,不愿承担任何责任。

17. 她的心智就像一颗幼苗,始终无法成长。

18. 她缺乏远见卓识,只顾着眼前的利益。

19. 她总是把时间浪费在无意义的事情上。

20. 她总是以自我为中心,不懂得尊重他人。

21. 她对自己的未来毫无规划,只是一味地随波逐流。

22. 她对权力和财富的渴望远远超过了对知识和智慧的追求。

23. 她总是沉浸在自己的幻想中,不愿面对现实。

24. 她对一切事物都缺乏热情,只有对享乐感兴趣。

25. 她总是把自己的失败归咎于他人,不愿反省自己。

26. 她就像一只风筝,没有线,无法飞翔。

27. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在无聊的娱乐上。

28. 她总是沉迷于虚荣的追求,无法摆脱世俗的束缚。

29. 她对知识和学习毫无兴趣,只想要享受生活。

30. 她总是把自己的地位和身份看得比什么都重要。

31. 她总是以一种高高在上的姿态对待他人,让人厌恶。

32. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对自己的美丽感兴趣。

33. 她总是把自己的错误当作别人的过失,不愿承担责任。

34. 她就像一个玩偶,被人摆布,失去了自己的灵魂。

35. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在毫无意义的社交活动上。

36. 她总是沉迷于自己的幻想,无法面对现实的残酷。

37. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对美食感兴趣。

38. 她总是把自己的失败归咎于命运,不愿努力改变。

39. 她就像一个空壳,没有灵魂,没有思想。

40. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在无聊的宫廷斗争中。

41. 她总是沉迷于自己的虚荣,无法摆脱世俗的束缚。

42. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对自己的地位感兴趣。

43. 她总是把自己的错误当作别人的过失,不愿承担责任。

44. 她就像一个玩偶,被人摆布,失去了自己的灵魂。

45. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在毫无意义的社交活动上。

46. 她总是沉迷于自己的幻想,无法面对现实的残酷。

47. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对美食感兴趣。

48. 她总是把自己的失败归咎于命运,不愿努力改变。

49. 她就像一个空壳,没有灵魂,没有思想。

50. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在无聊的宫廷斗争中。

51. 她总是沉迷于自己的虚荣,无法摆脱世俗的束缚。

52. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对自己的地位感兴趣。

53. 她总是把自己的错误当作别人的过失,不愿承担责任。

54. 她就像一个玩偶,被人摆布,失去了自己的灵魂。

55. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在毫无意义的社交活动上。

56. 她总是沉迷于自己的幻想,无法面对现实的残酷。

57. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对美食感兴趣。

58. 她总是把自己的失败归咎于命运,不愿努力改变。

59. 她就像一个空壳,没有灵魂,没有思想。

60. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在无聊的宫廷斗争中。

61. 她总是沉迷于自己的虚荣,无法摆脱世俗的束缚。

62. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对自己的地位感兴趣。

63. 她总是把自己的错误当作别人的过失,不愿承担责任。

64. 她就像一个玩偶,被人摆布,失去了自己的灵魂。

65. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在毫无意义的社交活动上。

66. 她总是沉迷于自己的幻想,无法面对现实的残酷。

67. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对美食感兴趣。

68. 她总是把自己的失败归咎于命运,不愿努力改变。

69. 她就像一个空壳,没有灵魂,没有思想。

70. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在无聊的宫廷斗争中。

71. 她总是沉迷于自己的虚荣,无法摆脱世俗的束缚。

72. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对自己的地位感兴趣。

73. 她总是把自己的错误当作别人的过失,不愿承担责任。

74. 她就像一个玩偶,被人摆布,失去了自己的灵魂。

75. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在毫无意义的社交活动上。

76. 她总是沉迷于自己的幻想,无法面对现实的残酷。

77. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对美食感兴趣。

78. 她总是把自己的失败归咎于命运,不愿努力改变。

79. 她就像一个空壳,没有灵魂,没有思想。

80. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在无聊的宫廷斗争中。

81. 她总是沉迷于自己的虚荣,无法摆脱世俗的束缚。

82. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对自己的地位感兴趣。

83. 她总是把自己的错误当作别人的过失,不愿承担责任。

84. 她就像一个玩偶,被人摆布,失去了自己的灵魂。

85. 她总是把自己的时间浪费在毫无意义的社交活动上。

86. 她总是沉迷于自己的幻想,无法面对现实的残酷。

87. 她对任何事物都缺乏兴趣,只有对美食感兴趣。

## 句子英文翻译

1. She spends her days eating, drinking, and gossiping with the maids. Where is her ambition?

2. Her dictionary only contains"enjoyment," not"striving." It's truly disappointing.

3. Others are diligently learning palace etiquette, while she only cares about embellishing her appearance.

4. Her goal is to sleep in, eat delicious food, and have no sense of responsibility.

5. Her ambition is limited to the intrigues of the harem. She has no grand aspirations.

6. Her life is like being soaked in honey, without any challenge or goal.

7. She is always indulging in fine wine and delicacies, indifferent to matters of state.

8. Her vision is too narrow. She only sees the immediate wealth and glory, not the future crises.

9. She constantly squanders the royal fortune, with no sense of moderation.

10. Her head is filled with vanity, not a single spark of wisdom.

11. She is like a caged canary, deprived of the ability to fly.

12. Her heart is narrow, only concerned with herself, not caring for others.

13. She always hides in her comfort zone, unwilling to step outside.

14. She has no interest in power, only wanting a life of ease.

15. Her thinking is stagnant and lacks ambition.

16. She always shifts responsibility to others, refusing to take any accountability.

17. Her mind is like a seedling, unable to mature.

18. She lacks foresight, only caring about immediate gains.

19. She always wastes her time on meaningless things.

20. She is always self-centered, not understanding the importance of respecting others.

21. She has no plan for her future, simply drifting along with the current.

22. Her desire for power and wealth far surpasses her pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

23. She always immerses herself in her fantasies, unwilling to face reality.

24. She lacks passion for everything, only interested in enjoyment.

25. She always blames others for her failures, refusing to reflect on herself.

26. She is like a kite without a string, unable to fly.

27. She always wastes her time on boring entertainment.

28. She is always indulging in the pursuit of vanity, unable to break free from worldly shackles.

29. She has no interest in knowledge and learning, only wanting to enjoy life.

30. She always considers her status and identity more important than anything else.

31. She always treats others with a condescending attitude, which is repulsive.

32. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in her own beauty.

33. She always treats her mistakes as someone else's fault, unwilling to take responsibility.

34. She is like a doll, manipulated by others, losing her own soul.

35. She always wastes her time on meaningless social events.

36. She is always immersed in her fantasies, unable to face the harsh realities.

37. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in delicious food.

38. She always blames her failures on fate, unwilling to strive for change.

39. She is like an empty shell, with no soul, no thoughts.

40. She always wastes her time on boring palace intrigues.

41. She is always indulging in her vanity, unable to break free from worldly shackles.

42. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in her own status.

43. She always treats her mistakes as someone else's fault, unwilling to take responsibility.

44. She is like a doll, manipulated by others, losing her own soul.

45. She always wastes her time on meaningless social events.

46. She is always immersed in her fantasies, unable to face the harsh realities.

47. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in delicious food.

48. She always blames her failures on fate, unwilling to strive for change.

49. She is like an empty shell, with no soul, no thoughts.

50. She always wastes her time on boring palace intrigues.

51. She is always indulging in her vanity, unable to break free from worldly shackles.

52. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in her own status.

53. She always treats her mistakes as someone else's fault, unwilling to take responsibility.

54. She is like a doll, manipulated by others, losing her own soul.

55. She always wastes her time on meaningless social events.

56. She is always immersed in her fantasies, unable to face the harsh realities.

57. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in delicious food.

58. She always blames her failures on fate, unwilling to strive for change.

59. She is like an empty shell, with no soul, no thoughts.

60. She always wastes her time on boring palace intrigues.

61. She is always indulging in her vanity, unable to break free from worldly shackles.

62. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in her own status.

63. She always treats her mistakes as someone else's fault, unwilling to take responsibility.

64. She is like a doll, manipulated by others, losing her own soul.

65. She always wastes her time on meaningless social events.

66. She is always immersed in her fantasies, unable to face the harsh realities.

67. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in delicious food.

68. She always blames her failures on fate, unwilling to strive for change.

69. She is like an empty shell, with no soul, no thoughts.

70. She always wastes her time on boring palace intrigues.

71. She is always indulging in her vanity, unable to break free from worldly shackles.

72. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in her own status.

73. She always treats her mistakes as someone else's fault, unwilling to take responsibility.

74. She is like a doll, manipulated by others, losing her own soul.

75. She always wastes her time on meaningless social events.

76. She is always immersed in her fantasies, unable to face the harsh realities.

77. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in delicious food.

78. She always blames her failures on fate, unwilling to strive for change.

79. She is like an empty shell, with no soul, no thoughts.

80. She always wastes her time on boring palace intrigues.

81. She is always indulging in her vanity, unable to break free from worldly shackles.

82. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in her own status.

83. She always treats her mistakes as someone else's fault, unwilling to take responsibility.

84. She is like a doll, manipulated by others, losing her own soul.

85. She always wastes her time on meaningless social events.

86. She is always immersed in her fantasies, unable to face the harsh realities.

87. She lacks interest in anything, only interested in delicious food.

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