
## 娃子过生日句子 (70句)

** 生日快乐祝福 **

1. 今天是**宝贝**的生日,祝你生日快乐,永远快乐!

Happy birthday to our **sweet baby**, we wish you a happy birthday and joy forever!

2. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你健康快乐,幸福永远!

Happy birthday, **darling**! We hope you are healthy, happy, and blessed with happiness forever!

3. **小家伙**,生日快乐!希望你长大后能成为一个善良、勇敢、充满爱心的人!

Happy birthday, **little one**! We hope you will grow up to be a kind, brave, and loving person!

4. **宝贝**,今天是你的生日,我们为你准备了满满的祝福和爱!

Happy birthday, **honey**! We have prepared a lot of blessings and love for you today!

5. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你永远保持童真,快乐成长!

Happy birthday, **dear**! May you always stay innocent and grow up happily!

6. **小天使**,生日快乐!愿你永远像现在这样,纯真可爱!

Happy birthday, **little angel**! We hope you will always be as pure and lovely as you are now!

7. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你的人生充满阳光,充满希望!

Happy birthday, **sweetheart**! We wish your life full of sunshine and hope!

8. **小淘气**,生日快乐!愿你永远充满活力,快乐无限!

Happy birthday, **little rascal**! May you always be full of vitality and endless joy!

9. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你拥有美好的未来,实现你的梦想!

Happy birthday, **sweet one**! We hope you will have a bright future and realize your dreams!

10. **小公主**,生日快乐!愿你永远美丽,优雅,自信!

Happy birthday, **little princess**! We hope you will always be beautiful, elegant, and confident!

** 生日礼物祝福 **

11. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你喜欢这份礼物!

Happy birthday, **baby**! We hope you like this gift!

12. **宝贝**,这件礼物是爸爸妈妈用心为你准备的,希望你开心!

**Darling**, this gift is prepared for you with love from Mom and Dad. We hope you are happy with it!

13. **小家伙**,生日快乐!愿这份礼物能带给你无限快乐!

Happy birthday, **little one**! We hope this gift will bring you endless joy!

14. **宝贝**,这份礼物代表着我们对你的爱,希望你永远幸福快乐!

**Honey**, this gift represents our love for you. We hope you will always be happy and blessed!

15. **宝贝**,希望这份礼物能陪伴你度过一个美好的生日!

**Dear**, we hope this gift will accompany you to have a wonderful birthday!

16. **小天使**,生日快乐!这份礼物是专门为你准备的,希望你喜欢!

Happy birthday, **little angel**! This gift is specially prepared for you. We hope you like it!

17. **宝贝**,这份礼物是爸爸妈妈对你的祝福,希望你永远健康快乐!

**Sweetheart**, this gift is our blessing for you. We hope you will always be healthy and happy!

18. **小淘气**,生日快乐!这份礼物是爸爸妈妈对你的爱,希望你永远充满活力!

Happy birthday, **little rascal**! This gift is our love for you. We hope you will always be full of vitality!

19. **宝贝**,这份礼物是我们对你的期待,希望你拥有美好的未来!

**Sweet one**, this gift is our expectation for you. We hope you will have a bright future!

20. **小公主**,生日快乐!这份礼物是爸爸妈妈对你的爱,希望你永远美丽优雅!

Happy birthday, **little princess**! This gift is our love for you. We hope you will always be beautiful and elegant!

** 生日蛋糕祝福 **

21. **宝贝**,生日快乐!这块蛋糕是爸爸妈妈为你做的,希望你开心!

Happy birthday, **baby**! This cake is made by Mom and Dad for you. We hope you are happy!

22. **宝贝**,这块蛋糕代表着我们对你的爱,希望你永远幸福快乐!

**Darling**, this cake represents our love for you. We hope you will always be happy and blessed!

23. **小家伙**,生日快乐!这块蛋糕是专门为你准备的,希望你喜欢!

Happy birthday, **little one**! This cake is specially prepared for you. We hope you like it!

24. **宝贝**,希望这块蛋糕能带给你一个美好的生日!

**Honey**, we hope this cake will bring you a wonderful birthday!

25. **宝贝**,吹灭蜡烛,许下心愿,愿你的愿望都能实现!

**Dear**, blow out the candles, make a wish, and may all your wishes come true!

26. **小天使**,生日快乐!这块蛋糕是爸爸妈妈对你的祝福,希望你永远健康快乐!

Happy birthday, **little angel**! This cake is our blessing for you. We hope you will always be healthy and happy!

27. **宝贝**,这块蛋糕是爸爸妈妈为你准备的生日礼物,希望你喜欢!

**Sweetheart**, this cake is a birthday gift prepared by Mom and Dad for you. We hope you like it!

28. **小淘气**,生日快乐!这块蛋糕是爸爸妈妈对你的爱,希望你永远充满活力!

Happy birthday, **little rascal**! This cake is our love for you. We hope you will always be full of vitality!

29. **宝贝**,这块蛋糕是爸爸妈妈对你的期待,希望你拥有美好的未来!

**Sweet one**, this cake is our expectation for you. We hope you will have a bright future!

30. **小公主**,生日快乐!这块蛋糕是爸爸妈妈对你的爱,希望你永远美丽优雅!

Happy birthday, **little princess**! This cake is our love for you. We hope you will always be beautiful and elegant!

** 生日派对祝福 **

31. **宝贝**,生日快乐!祝你今天玩得开心!

Happy birthday, **baby**! We wish you have a great time today!

32. **宝贝**,今天是你的生日,我们为你准备了一个惊喜派对!

**Darling**, it's your birthday today and we have prepared a surprise party for you!

33. **小家伙**,生日快乐!希望你今天能和朋友们玩得尽兴!

Happy birthday, **little one**! We hope you have a blast with your friends today!

34. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你今天能感受到大家的祝福和爱!

Happy birthday, **honey**! We hope you can feel everyone's blessings and love today!

35. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你今天能留下美好的回忆!

Happy birthday, **dear**! We hope you can create some wonderful memories today!

36. **小天使**,生日快乐!希望你今天能玩得开心,留下美好的回忆!

Happy birthday, **little angel**! We hope you have a great time and make some wonderful memories today!

37. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你今天能感受到来自家人朋友的爱!

Happy birthday, **sweetheart**! We hope you can feel the love from your family and friends today!

38. **小淘气**,生日快乐!希望你今天能尽情玩耍,释放你的活力!

Happy birthday, **little rascal**! We hope you can have fun and release your energy today!

39. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你今天能感受到生日的快乐和幸福!

Happy birthday, **sweet one**! We hope you can feel the joy and happiness of your birthday today!

40. **小公主**,生日快乐!希望你今天能尽情享受你的生日!

Happy birthday, **little princess**! We hope you can enjoy your birthday to the fullest today!

** 生日感言 **

41. 今天是**宝贝**的生日,时间过得好快,宝贝已经长大了!

Today is **baby's** birthday, time flies by so fast, and our baby has grown up!

42. **宝贝**,生日快乐!爸爸妈妈看着你一天天长大,感到无比的幸福和自豪!

Happy birthday, **darling**! Mom and Dad are so happy and proud to see you grow up day by day!

43. **小家伙**,生日快乐!你已经长大了,爸爸妈妈希望你能健康快乐地成长!

Happy birthday, **little one**! You have grown up, and Mom and Dad hope you will grow up healthy and happily!

44. **宝贝**,生日快乐!爸爸妈妈永远爱你!

Happy birthday, **honey**! Mom and Dad will always love you!

45. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你的人生充满阳光和希望!

Happy birthday, **dear**! We wish your life full of sunshine and hope!

46. **小天使**,生日快乐!爸爸妈妈希望你永远快乐,永远健康!

Happy birthday, **little angel**! Mom and Dad hope you will always be happy and healthy!

47. **宝贝**,生日快乐!爸爸妈妈永远是你的坚强后盾!

Happy birthday, **sweetheart**! Mom and Dad will always be your strong backing!

48. **小淘气**,生日快乐!希望你永远保持童真,永远快乐!

Happy birthday, **little rascal**! We hope you will always stay innocent and happy!

49. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你拥有美好的未来!

Happy birthday, **sweet one**! We hope you will have a bright future!

50. **小公主**,生日快乐!爸爸妈妈希望你永远美丽,永远优雅!

Happy birthday, **little princess**! Mom and Dad hope you will always be beautiful and elegant!

** 生日祝福语 **

51. 祝**宝贝**生日快乐!愿你每天都充满阳光,充满快乐!

Happy birthday to **baby**! We wish you sunshine and happiness every day!

52. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你永远拥有童真,永远拥有快乐!

Happy birthday, **darling**! We hope you will always be innocent and joyful!

53. **小家伙**,生日快乐!愿你拥有一个充满爱和希望的未来!

Happy birthday, **little one**! We wish you a future full of love and hope!

54. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你的人生充满奇迹,充满惊喜!

Happy birthday, **honey**! We wish your life full of miracles and surprises!

55. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你永远健康,永远快乐!

Happy birthday, **dear**! We wish you will always be healthy and happy!

56. **小天使**,生日快乐!愿你永远像天使一样纯真,像天使一样美丽!

Happy birthday, **little angel**! We wish you will always be as pure and beautiful as an angel!

57. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你永远充满活力,永远充满自信!

Happy birthday, **sweetheart**! We wish you will always be energetic and confident!

58. **小淘气**,生日快乐!愿你永远充满活力,永远充满快乐!

Happy birthday, **little rascal**! We wish you will always be energetic and happy!

59. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你永远拥有梦想,永远拥有希望!

Happy birthday, **sweet one**! We wish you will always have dreams and hope!

60. **小公主**,生日快乐!愿你永远美丽,永远优雅,永远自信!

Happy birthday, **little princess**! We wish you will always be beautiful, elegant, and confident!

** 温馨祝福 **

61. **宝贝**,生日快乐!爸爸妈妈永远爱你!

Happy birthday, **baby**! Mom and Dad will always love you!

62. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你永远健康快乐!

Happy birthday, **darling**! We hope you will always be healthy and happy!

63. **小家伙**,生日快乐!愿你拥有美好的未来!

Happy birthday, **little one**! We wish you a bright future!

64. **宝贝**,生日快乐!祝你一切顺利!

Happy birthday, **honey**! We wish you all the best!

65. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你永远开心!

Happy birthday, **dear**! We hope you will always be happy!

66. **小天使**,生日快乐!愿你永远健康快乐!

Happy birthday, **little angel**! We wish you will always be healthy and happy!

67. **宝贝**,生日快乐!希望你拥有美好的未来!

Happy birthday, **sweetheart**! We wish you a bright future!

68. **小淘气**,生日快乐!希望你永远充满活力!

Happy birthday, **little rascal**! We hope you will always be full of vitality!

69. **宝贝**,生日快乐!愿你永远快乐,永远幸福!

Happy birthday, **sweet one**! We wish you will always be happy and blessed!

70. **小公主**,生日快乐!愿你永远美丽,永远优雅!

Happy birthday, **little princess**! We wish you will always be beautiful and elegant!

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