
## 姻缘财运句子,50句


1. 缘分天注定,幸福要把握。
2. 相识是缘,相爱是份,珍惜眼前人。
3. 真爱无价,用心去寻找。
4. 爱情需要经营,用心去呵护。
5. 缘来是你,余生请多指教。
6. 执子之手,与子偕老。
7. 你是我的唯一,我的全部。
8. 真爱不分年龄,不分身份。
9. 幸福的婚姻需要两个人共同经营。
10. 缘分到了,自然水到渠成。


11. 财源滚滚,财运亨通。
12. 发财致富,心想事成。
13. 努力赚钱,享受生活。
14. 投资理财,稳步增值。
15. 勤俭持家,财源广进。
16. 好运连连,财运亨通。
17. 财运亨通,心想事成。
18. 财源广进,财运亨通。
19. 财运亨通,事业兴隆。
20. 财运亨通,心想事成。


21. 姻缘美满,财运亨通。
22. 爱情甜蜜,生活富裕。
23. 心想事成,万事如意。
24. 幸福美满,财源滚滚。
25. 爱情事业双丰收。
26. 财运亨通,爱情甜蜜。
27. 幸福美满,生活富裕。
28. 心想事成,万事如意。
29. 爱情甜蜜,财运亨通。
30. 幸福美满,生活富裕。


31. 相信自己,你一定行。
32. 努力奋斗,梦想成真。
33. 积极乐观,好运相伴。
34. 勇敢追爱,幸福来临。
35. 坚持梦想,永不放弃。
36. 相信自己,一定能成功。
37. 努力奋斗,终将实现梦想。
38. 积极乐观,好运自然来。
39. 勇敢追爱,幸福就在眼前。
40. 坚持梦想,永不言败。


41. 祝你早日找到真爱,幸福美满。
42. 祝你财源滚滚,事业成功。
43. 祝你心想事成,万事如意。
44. 祝你幸福快乐,生活美满。
45. 祝你爱情甜蜜,财运亨通。
46. 祝你一生平安,幸福安康。
47. 祝你一切顺利,心想事成。
48. 祝你生活美满,幸福快乐。
49. 祝你心想事成,梦想成真。
50. 祝你万事顺心,幸福安康。

## 英文翻译

**Love and Fortune Sentences**


1. Destiny brings us together, happiness is in our hands.

2. Meeting is fate, loving is destiny, cherish the one you have.

3. True love is priceless, search for it with all your heart.

4. Love needs cultivation, nurture it with care.

5. It’s you, for the rest of my life, please give me more guidance.

6. Holding your hand, we grow old together.

7. You are my only, my everything.

8. True love knows no age, no status.

9. Happy marriage needs the joint efforts of two people.

10. When the time is right, it will come naturally.


11. Fortune rolls in, wealth is prosperous.

12. Make a fortune, your wishes come true.

13. Work hard to make money, enjoy life.

14. Invest wisely, steady growth.

15. Be thrifty and manage well, fortune comes in abundance.

16. Good fortune continuously, wealth is prosperous.

17. Wealth is prosperous, your wishes come true.

18. Fortune comes in abundance, wealth is prosperous.

19. Wealth is prosperous, business flourishes.

20. Wealth is prosperous, your wishes come true.


21. A harmonious love life, a prosperous fortune.

22. Sweet love, affluent life.

23. Your wishes come true, everything goes smoothly.

24. Happiness and harmony, fortune rolling in.

25. Love and career achieve double success.

26. Wealth is prosperous, love is sweet.

27. Happiness and harmony, affluent life.

28. Your wishes come true, everything goes smoothly.

29. Sweet love, wealth is prosperous.

30. Happiness and harmony, affluent life.


31. Believe in yourself, you can do it.

32. Work hard, your dreams come true.

33. Be optimistic, good fortune accompanies you.

34. Chase love bravely, happiness comes.

35. Hold onto your dreams, never give up.

36. Believe in yourself, you will succeed.

37. Work hard, you will achieve your dreams.

38. Be optimistic, good fortune comes naturally.

39. Chase love bravely, happiness is right in front of you.

40. Hold onto your dreams, never give up.


41. May you find your true love soon, and live a happy life.

42. May your fortune roll in, and your career be successful.

43. May your wishes come true, and everything goes smoothly.

44. May you be happy and joyful, and live a fulfilling life.

45. May your love be sweet, and your fortune be prosperous.

46. May you have peace and safety throughout your life, and live a healthy and happy life.

47. May everything go smoothly for you, and your wishes come true.

48. May your life be fulfilling, and you be happy and joyful.

49. May your wishes come true, and your dreams be realized.

50. May everything be smooth for you, and you live a happy and healthy life.

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