
## 短语笑话句子,66句

**1. 为什么企鹅不会飞?**


Why can't penguins fly?

Because they're too cold, their wings would freeze.

**2. 为什么蜗牛总带着房子?**


Why does a snail always carry its house?

Because they don't have a car.

**3. 为什么西瓜不能打电话?**


Why can't a watermelon make a phone call?

Because it doesn't have a mobile phone.

**4. 为什么兔子不能打篮球?**


Why can't rabbits play basketball?

Because they don't have hands.

**5. 为什么鸭子会走着走着突然停下来?**


Why do ducks suddenly stop walking?

Because they are tired.

**6. 为什么鱼不能骑自行车?**


Why can't fish ride a bicycle?

Because they would sink.

**7. 为什么小狗总是在地上闻来闻去?**


Why do puppies always sniff around on the ground?

Because they want to see what's happening.

**8. 为什么树木不能动?**


Why can't trees move?

Because they don't have feet.

**9. 为什么小猫喜欢吃鱼?**


Why do kittens like to eat fish?

Because fish are delicious.

**10. 为什么牛喜欢吃草?**


Why do cows like to eat grass?

Because they like to eat grass.

**11. 为什么眼镜蛇总爱戴眼镜?**


Why do cobras always wear glasses?

Because they want to see clearly.

**12. 为什么海豚总是笑?**


Why do dolphins always smile?

Because they're happy.

**13. 为什么树木没有头发?**


Why don't trees have hair?

Because they don't have heads.

**14. 为什么小鸟喜欢飞?**


Why do birds like to fly?

Because they like to fly.

**15. 为什么青蛙总是在水里?**


Why are frogs always in the water?

Because they like to swim.

**16. 为什么猫总爱睡觉?**


Why do cats always sleep?

Because they are tired.

**17. 为什么老鼠总爱偷东西?**


Why do mice always steal things?

Because they don't have money to buy them.

**18. 为什么蚂蚁总爱搬东西?**


Why do ants always carry things?

Because they like to work.

**19. 为什么乌龟总是走得很慢?**


Why do turtles always walk slowly?

Because they don't have cars.

**20. 为什么蜜蜂总爱采蜜?**


Why do bees always collect honey?

Because they like sweets.

**21. 为什么石头总爱躺着?**


Why do rocks always lie down?

Because they don't have feet.

**22. 为什么蜗牛总爱爬墙?**


Why do snails always climb walls?

Because they want to see the world outside.

**23. 为什么狗总爱追尾巴?**


Why do dogs always chase their tails?

Because they want to catch it.

**24. 为什么猫总爱吃老鼠?**


Why do cats always eat mice?

Because mice are delicious.

**25. 为什么小鸡总爱啄食?**


Why do chicks always peck at the ground?

Because they want to find food.

**26. 为什么星星总爱闪烁?**


Why do stars always twinkle?

Because they want to get our attention.

**27. 为什么月亮总是跟着我们?**


Why does the moon always follow us?

Because they like us.

**28. 为什么太阳总是那么热?**


Why is the sun always so hot?

Because they want to make us feel warm.

**29. 为什么风总是吹?**


Why does the wind always blow?

Because they want to make us feel cool.

**30. 为什么雨总是下?**


Why does the rain always fall?

Because they want to nourish the land.

**31. 为什么云朵总爱漂浮?**


Why do clouds always float?

Because they're light.

**32. 为什么河流总爱流动?**


Why do rivers always flow?

Because they want to reach the ocean.

**33. 为什么山峰总爱耸立?**


Why do mountains always stand tall?

Because they want to see the world around them.

**34. 为什么树木总爱向上生长?**


Why do trees always grow upwards?

Because they want to get closer to the sun.

**35. 为什么花朵总爱开放?**


Why do flowers always bloom?

Because they want to show off their beauty.

**36. 为什么小草总爱生长?**


Why does grass always grow?

Because they want to cover the earth.

**37. 为什么蜜蜂总爱采蜜?**


Why do bees always collect honey?

Because they want to make honey.

**38. 为什么蝴蝶总爱飞舞?**


Why do butterflies always flutter around?

Because they want to find flowers.

**39. 为什么蜘蛛总爱结网?**


Why do spiders always spin webs?

Because they want to catch prey.

**40. 为什么鱼总爱游动?**


Why do fish always swim?

Because they want to find food.

**41. 为什么鸟儿总爱唱歌?**


Why do birds always sing?

Because they want to express their happiness.

**42. 为什么小狗总爱摇尾巴?**


Why do puppies always wag their tails?

Because they want to express their friendliness.

**43. 为什么猫总爱舔毛?**


Why do cats always lick their fur?

Because they want to stay clean.

**44. 为什么青蛙总爱跳跃?**


Why do frogs always jump?

Because they want to move quickly.

**45. 为什么乌龟总爱爬行?**


Why do turtles always crawl?

Because they want to move slowly.

**46. 为什么蜗牛总爱分泌黏液?**


Why do snails always secrete mucus?

Because they want to crawl easily.

**47. 为什么蚂蚁总爱排队?**


Why do ants always line up?

Because they want to work together.

**48. 为什么蜜蜂总爱采花粉?**


Why do bees always collect pollen?

Because they want to make honey.

**49. 为什么蝴蝶总爱吸食花蜜?**


Why do butterflies always suck nectar from flowers?

Because they want to gain energy.

**50. 为什么蜘蛛总爱织网?**


Why do spiders always weave webs?

Because they want to catch prey.

**51. 为什么鱼总爱在水中游动?**


Why do fish always swim in the water?

Because they can only survive in water.

**52. 为什么鸟儿总爱在树枝上栖息?**


Why do birds always perch on branches?

Because they feel safe on branches.

**53. 为什么小狗总爱玩耍?**


Why do puppies always play?

Because they want to release their energy.

**54. 为什么猫总爱打盹?**


Why do cats always nap?

Because they want to rest.

**55. 为什么青蛙总爱在池塘边栖息?**


Why do frogs always live near ponds?

Because they feel safe near ponds.

**56. 为什么乌龟总爱躲在龟壳里?**


Why do turtles always hide in their shells?

Because they feel safe in their shells.

**57. 为什么蜗牛总爱爬行在潮湿的地方?**


Why do snails always crawl in moist places?

Because they need moisture to survive.

**58. 为什么蚂蚁总爱搬运食物?**


Why do ants always carry food?

Because they need food to survive.

**59. 为什么蜜蜂总爱采蜜?**


Why do bees always collect honey?

Because they need honey to survive.

**60. 为什么蝴蝶总爱吸食花蜜?**


Why do butterflies always suck nectar from flowers?

Because they need nectar to survive.

**61. 为什么蜘蛛总爱织网?**


Why do spiders always weave webs?

Because they need webs to catch prey.

**62. 为什么鱼总爱在水中游动?**


Why do fish always swim in water?

Because they need water to survive.

**63. 为什么鸟儿总爱在树枝上栖息?**


Why do birds always perch on branches?

Because they need branches to rest.

**64. 为什么小狗总爱玩耍?**


Why do puppies always play?

Because they need to play to grow up.

**65. 为什么猫总爱打盹?**


Why do cats always nap?

Because they need to rest to regain energy.

**66. 为什么青蛙总爱在池塘边栖息?**


Why do frogs always live near ponds?

Because they can find food near ponds.

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