
## 短语记忆的句子 (51句)

**1. 触类旁通**

chu4 lei4 pang2 tong1

To learn by analogy; to grasp the principle and apply it to other situations.

**2. 融会贯通**

rong2 hui4 guan4 tong1

To comprehend thoroughly and apply with flexibility.

**3. 举一反三**

ju3 yi1 fan3 san1

To learn from one example and apply it to many others; to generalize from a single instance.

**4. 触景生情**

chu4 jing3 sheng1 qing2

To be stirred by the sight of a scene; to be reminded of something by a certain sight.

**5. 妙语连珠**

miao4 yu3 lian2 zhu1

To speak with wit and eloquence; to be fluent and witty in speech.

**6. 妙笔生花**

miao4 bi3 sheng1 hua1

To write with extraordinary skill and artistry; to be a master of the art of writing.

**7. 妙手回春**

miao4 shou3 hui2 chun1

To cure a serious illness with skillful treatment; to be a brilliant doctor.

**8. 妙不可言**

miao4 bu4 ke3 yan2

To be so wonderful that words cannot describe it; to be inexpressibly beautiful or amazing.

**9. 豁然开朗**

huo4 ran2 kai1 lang3

To suddenly understand something; to have a sudden realization.

**10. 胸有成竹**

xiong1 you3 cheng2 zhu2

To have a clear plan and be confident of success; to be well-prepared.

**11. 心悦诚服**

xin1 yue4 cheng2 fu2

To be convinced and fully agree; to be completely satisfied.

**12. 心花怒放**

xin1 hua1 nu4 fang4

To be overjoyed; to be extremely happy.

**13. 心驰神往**

xin1 chi2 shen2 wang3

To be filled with longing; to be deeply attracted to something.

**14. 心旷神怡**

xin1 kuang4 shen2 yi2

To feel refreshed and happy; to be in a good mood.

**15. 心服口服**

xin1 fu2 kou3 fu2

To be completely convinced; to admit defeat willingly.

**16. 心猿意马**

xin1 yuan2 yi4 ma3

To be restless and unable to concentrate; to be distracted by other thoughts.

**17. 心惊胆战**

xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4

To be terrified; to be filled with fear.

**18. 心平气和**

xin1 ping2 qi4 he2

To be calm and composed; to be at peace.

**19. 心神不宁**

xin1 shen2 bu4 ning2

To be restless and uneasy; to be unable to relax.

**20. 心满意足**

xin1 man4 yi4 zu2

To be completely satisfied; to have no more desires.

**21. 另辟蹊径**

ling4 pi4 qi1 jing4

To open up a new path; to find a new approach.

**22. 另眼相看**

ling4 yan3 xiang1 kan4

To look at someone with special attention or favor; to treat someone differently.

**23. 另起炉灶**

ling4 qi3 lu2 zao4

To start something new from scratch; to begin anew.

**24. 另有玄机**

ling4 you3 xuan2 ji1

To have a hidden meaning; to be more than meets the eye.

**25. 另当别论**

ling4 dang1 bie2 lun4

To be considered separately; to be a different matter entirely.

**26. 眉开眼笑**

mei2 kai1 yan3 xiao4

To smile broadly; to be very happy.

**27. 眉目清秀**

mei2 mu4 qing1 xiu4

To have delicate and attractive features; to be good-looking.

**28. 眉飞色舞**

mei2 fei1 se4 wu3

To be extremely happy and excited; to be in high spirits.

**29. 眉心紧锁**

mei2 xin1 jin3 suo3

To frown; to be worried or concerned.

**30. 眉目传情**

mei2 mu4 chuan2 qing2

To communicate with one's eyes; to flirt.

**31. 眉飞色舞**

mei2 fei1 se4 wu3

To be extremely happy and excited; to be in high spirits.

**32. 眉间心事**

mei2 jian1 xin1 shi4

To have something on one's mind; to be troubled.

**33. 眉清目秀**

mei2 qing1 mu4 xiu4

To have a handsome or beautiful appearance.

**34. 眉目如画**

mei2 mu4 ru2 hua4

To have features that are as beautiful as a painting.

**35. 眉开眼笑**

mei2 kai1 yan3 xiao4

To smile broadly; to be very happy.

**36. 眉飞色舞**

mei2 fei1 se4 wu3

To be extremely happy and excited; to be in high spirits.

**37. 眉目传情**

mei2 mu4 chuan2 qing2

To communicate with one's eyes; to flirt.

**38. 眉间心事**

mei2 jian1 xin1 shi4

To have something on one's mind; to be troubled.

**39. 眉清目秀**

mei2 qing1 mu4 xiu4

To have a handsome or beautiful appearance.

**40. 眉目如画**

mei2 mu4 ru2 hua4

To have features that are as beautiful as a painting.

**41. 无可奈何**

wu2 ke3 nai4 he2

To be helpless; to have no choice.

**42. 无动于衷**

wu2 dong4 yu2 zhong1

To be indifferent; to be unmoved.

**43. 无可非议**

wu2 ke3 fei1 yi4

To be beyond criticism; to be blameless.

**44. 无所事事**

wu2 suo3 shi4 shi4

To have nothing to do; to be idle.

**45. 无可救药**

wu2 ke3 jiu4 yao4

To be beyond hope; to be incurable.

**46. 无微不至**

wu2 wei1 bu4 zhi4

To be extremely attentive; to be meticulous in care.

**47. 无懈可击**

wu2 xie4 ke3 ji1

To be flawless; to be invulnerable to attack.

**48. 无济于事**

wu2 ji4 yu2 shi4

To be of no use; to be useless.

**49. 无所不能**

wu2 suo3 bu4 neng2

To be capable of anything; to be omnipotent.

**50. 无所畏惧**

wu2 suo3 wei4 ju4

To be fearless; to be unafraid of anything.

**51. 无忧无虑**

wu2 you1 wu2 lu4

To be carefree and without worries.

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