
## 威风的老虎句子 (78句)

1. 虎啸山林,威风凛凛。

1. A tiger roars in the mountains, majestic and awe-inspiring.

2. 虎步雄风,气吞山河。

2. The tiger strides with powerful strides, its spirit swallowing mountains and rivers.

3. 虎视眈眈,锐不可当。

3. The tiger watches intently, its gaze sharp and unstoppable.

4. 虎威震慑,无人敢犯。

4. The tiger's might inspires fear, none dare to challenge it.

5. 虎啸龙吟,震耳欲聋。

5. The tiger roars and the dragon cries, the sound deafening.

6. 虎踞龙盘,威震四方。

6. The tiger squats and the dragon coils, their might shakes the four corners of the world.

7. 虎口拔牙,谈何容易。

7. To pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth is no easy feat.

8. 虎落平阳,被犬欺。

8. Even a fallen tiger can be bullied by dogs.

9. 虎视鹰扬,威风八面。

9. The tiger's gaze and the eagle's soaring, both exude an aura of majesty.

10. 虎头虎脑,威武不凡。

10. With a tiger's head and tiger's brain, it exudes an extraordinary aura of power.

11. 虎视眈眈,蓄势待发。

11. The tiger watches intently, waiting for the right moment to strike.

12. 虎啸山林,威震四方。

12. The tiger roars in the mountains, its might shakes the four corners of the world.

13. 虎踞龙盘,气吞山河。

13. The tiger squats and the dragon coils, their spirit swallows mountains and rivers.

14. 虎步龙行,威风凛凛。

14. The tiger walks with powerful strides like a dragon, majestic and awe-inspiring.

15. 虎啸震天,威势无穷。

15. The tiger's roar shakes the heavens, its power is boundless.

16. 虎视眈眈,锐不可当。

16. The tiger watches intently, its gaze sharp and unstoppable.

17. 虎威震慑,无人敢犯。

17. The tiger's might inspires fear, none dare to challenge it.

18. 虎啸龙吟,震耳欲聋。

18. The tiger roars and the dragon cries, the sound deafening.

19. 虎口拔牙,谈何容易。

19. To pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth is no easy feat.

20. 虎落平阳,被犬欺。

20. Even a fallen tiger can be bullied by dogs.

21. 虎视鹰扬,威风八面。

21. The tiger's gaze and the eagle's soaring, both exude an aura of majesty.

22. 虎头虎脑,威武不凡。

22. With a tiger's head and tiger's brain, it exudes an extraordinary aura of power.

23. 虎啸山林,威风凛凛。

23. A tiger roars in the mountains, majestic and awe-inspiring.

24. 虎步雄风,气吞山河。

24. The tiger strides with powerful strides, its spirit swallowing mountains and rivers.

25. 虎视眈眈,锐不可当。

25. The tiger watches intently, its gaze sharp and unstoppable.

26. 虎威震慑,无人敢犯。

26. The tiger's might inspires fear, none dare to challenge it.

27. 虎啸龙吟,震耳欲聋。

27. The tiger roars and the dragon cries, the sound deafening.

28. 虎踞龙盘,威震四方。

28. The tiger squats and the dragon coils, their might shakes the four corners of the world.

29. 虎口拔牙,谈何容易。

29. To pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth is no easy feat.

30. 虎落平阳,被犬欺。

30. Even a fallen tiger can be bullied by dogs.

31. 虎视鹰扬,威风八面。

31. The tiger's gaze and the eagle's soaring, both exude an aura of majesty.

32. 虎头虎脑,威武不凡。

32. With a tiger's head and tiger's brain, it exudes an extraordinary aura of power.

33. 虎啸山林,威风凛凛。

33. A tiger roars in the mountains, majestic and awe-inspiring.

34. 虎步雄风,气吞山河。

34. The tiger strides with powerful strides, its spirit swallowing mountains and rivers.

35. 虎视眈眈,锐不可当。

35. The tiger watches intently, its gaze sharp and unstoppable.

36. 虎威震慑,无人敢犯。

36. The tiger's might inspires fear, none dare to challenge it.

37. 虎啸龙吟,震耳欲聋。

37. The tiger roars and the dragon cries, the sound deafening.

38. 虎踞龙盘,威震四方。

38. The tiger squats and the dragon coils, their might shakes the four corners of the world.

39. 虎口拔牙,谈何容易。

39. To pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth is no easy feat.

40. 虎落平阳,被犬欺。

40. Even a fallen tiger can be bullied by dogs.

41. 虎视鹰扬,威风八面。

41. The tiger's gaze and the eagle's soaring, both exude an aura of majesty.

42. 虎头虎脑,威武不凡。

42. With a tiger's head and tiger's brain, it exudes an extraordinary aura of power.

43. 虎啸山林,威风凛凛。

43. A tiger roars in the mountains, majestic and awe-inspiring.

44. 虎步雄风,气吞山河。

44. The tiger strides with powerful strides, its spirit swallowing mountains and rivers.

45. 虎视眈眈,锐不可当。

45. The tiger watches intently, its gaze sharp and unstoppable.

46. 虎威震慑,无人敢犯。

46. The tiger's might inspires fear, none dare to challenge it.

47. 虎啸龙吟,震耳欲聋。

47. The tiger roars and the dragon cries, the sound deafening.

48. 虎踞龙盘,威震四方。

48. The tiger squats and the dragon coils, their might shakes the four corners of the world.

49. 虎口拔牙,谈何容易。

49. To pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth is no easy feat.

50. 虎落平阳,被犬欺。

50. Even a fallen tiger can be bullied by dogs.

51. 虎视鹰扬,威风八面。

51. The tiger's gaze and the eagle's soaring, both exude an aura of majesty.

52. 虎头虎脑,威武不凡。

52. With a tiger's head and tiger's brain, it exudes an extraordinary aura of power.

53. 虎啸山林,威风凛凛。

53. A tiger roars in the mountains, majestic and awe-inspiring.

54. 虎步雄风,气吞山河。

54. The tiger strides with powerful strides, its spirit swallowing mountains and rivers.

55. 虎视眈眈,锐不可当。

55. The tiger watches intently, its gaze sharp and unstoppable.

56. 虎威震慑,无人敢犯。

56. The tiger's might inspires fear, none dare to challenge it.

57. 虎啸龙吟,震耳欲聋。

57. The tiger roars and the dragon cries, the sound deafening.

58. 虎踞龙盘,威震四方。

58. The tiger squats and the dragon coils, their might shakes the four corners of the world.

59. 虎口拔牙,谈何容易。

59. To pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth is no easy feat.

60. 虎落平阳,被犬欺。

60. Even a fallen tiger can be bullied by dogs.

61. 虎视鹰扬,威风八面。

61. The tiger's gaze and the eagle's soaring, both exude an aura of majesty.

62. 虎头虎脑,威武不凡。

62. With a tiger's head and tiger's brain, it exudes an extraordinary aura of power.

63. 虎啸山林,威风凛凛。

63. A tiger roars in the mountains, majestic and awe-inspiring.

64. 虎步雄风,气吞山河。

64. The tiger strides with powerful strides, its spirit swallowing mountains and rivers.

65. 虎视眈眈,锐不可当。

65. The tiger watches intently, its gaze sharp and unstoppable.

66. 虎威震慑,无人敢犯。

66. The tiger's might inspires fear, none dare to challenge it.

67. 虎啸龙吟,震耳欲聋。

67. The tiger roars and the dragon cries, the sound deafening.

68. 虎踞龙盘,威震四方。

68. The tiger squats and the dragon coils, their might shakes the four corners of the world.

69. 虎口拔牙,谈何容易。

69. To pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth is no easy feat.

70. 虎落平阳,被犬欺。

70. Even a fallen tiger can be bullied by dogs.

71. 虎视鹰扬,威风八面。

71. The tiger's gaze and the eagle's soaring, both exude an aura of majesty.

72. 虎头虎脑,威武不凡。

72. With a tiger's head and tiger's brain, it exudes an extraordinary aura of power.

73. 虎啸山林,威风凛凛。

73. A tiger roars in the mountains, majestic and awe-inspiring.

74. 虎步雄风,气吞山河。

74. The tiger strides with powerful strides, its spirit swallowing mountains and rivers.

75. 虎视眈眈,锐不可当。

75. The tiger watches intently, its gaze sharp and unstoppable.

76. 虎威震慑,无人敢犯。

76. The tiger's might inspires fear, none dare to challenge it.

77. 虎啸龙吟,震耳欲聋。

77. The tiger roars and the dragon cries, the sound deafening.

78. 虎踞龙盘,威震四方。

78. The tiger squats and the dragon coils, their might shakes the four corners of the world.

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