
## 好热发朋友圈的句子,74句:

**1. 热到怀疑人生,怀疑自己是不是在非洲草原上奔跑。**

It's so hot, I'm starting to question my existence. I wonder if I'm running on the African savanna.

**2. 今天出门五分钟,流汗两小时。**

I was out for five minutes today, but I've been sweating for two hours.

**3. 热到连wifi信号都变弱了。**

It's so hot, even the wifi signal is weak.

**4. 出门就像蒸桑拿,在家就像烤箱。**

Going out is like taking a sauna, staying home is like being in an oven.

**5. 热到怀疑人生,怀疑自己是不是在火山旁边。**

It's so hot, I'm starting to question my existence. I wonder if I'm standing next to a volcano.

**6. 热到连头发丝都冒着热气。**

It's so hot, even my hair is steaming.

**7. 今天出门必须涂防晒,不然会被烤焦。**

I have to wear sunscreen when I go out today, otherwise I'll be roasted.

**8. 热到想吃冰棍,吃西瓜,吃一切凉的东西。**

I'm so hot, I want to eat popsicles, watermelon, anything cold.

**9. 热到只想待在空调房里,哪儿也不想去。**

I'm so hot, I just want to stay in the air-conditioned room and don't want to go anywhere.

**10. 这天气,真是让人热到没脾气。**

This weather is so hot, it makes me lose my temper.

**11. 我感觉自己像个烤鸡,正在被烤。**

I feel like a roasted chicken, being roasted.

**12. 夏天真是个让人又爱又恨的季节。**

Summer is a season that people both love and hate.

**13. 热到不想说话,只想静静地吹空调。**

I'm so hot, I don't want to talk, I just want to sit quietly and blow the air conditioner.

**14. 这天气,出门五分钟,感觉自己要融化了。**

In this weather, if you go out for five minutes, you'll feel like you're going to melt.

**15. 热到连手机都烫手了。**

It's so hot, even my phone is getting hot.

**16. 热到想把冰箱搬出去住。**

I'm so hot, I want to move the refrigerator outside to live.

**17. 这天气,真是让人热到失去理智。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people lose their minds.

**18. 热到连呼吸都觉得热。**

It's so hot, even breathing feels hot.

**19. 感觉自己快要被热化了。**

I feel like I'm about to melt.

**20. 这天气,真是让人热到不想活了。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people want to die.

**21. 热到连影子都消失不见了。**

It's so hot, even my shadow has disappeared.

**22. 热到想找个地方躲起来,静静地吹空调。**

I'm so hot, I want to find a place to hide and quietly blow the air conditioner.

**23. 这天气,真是让人热到不想动。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people not want to move.

**24. 热到连头发都湿了。**

It's so hot, even my hair is wet.

**25. 热到只想躺在床上,什么也不想做。**

I'm so hot, I just want to lie in bed and do nothing.

**26. 热到连衣服都不想穿了。**

I'm so hot, I don't even want to wear clothes.

**27. 热到感觉自己快要被烤焦了。**

I'm so hot, I feel like I'm about to be roasted.

**28. 热到连冰淇淋都融化了。**

It's so hot, even the ice cream is melting.

**29. 热到连蚊子都躲起来了。**

It's so hot, even the mosquitoes are hiding.

**30. 这天气,真是让人热到心烦。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people feel irritable.

**31. 热到连眼睛都睁不开。**

It's so hot, I can't even open my eyes.

**32. 热到连话都说不出来了。**

I'm so hot, I can't even speak.

**33. 热到感觉自己快要爆炸了。**

I'm so hot, I feel like I'm about to explode.

**34. 热到连汗都流不出来了。**

It's so hot, I can't even sweat anymore.

**35. 这天气,真是让人热到失去味觉。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people lose their taste buds.

**36. 热到连睡觉都睡不安稳。**

I'm so hot, I can't even sleep soundly.

**37. 热到连手机都拿不住了。**

I'm so hot, I can't even hold my phone.

**38. 这天气,真是让人热到怀疑人生。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people question their existence.

**39. 热到连衣服都粘在身上。**

I'm so hot, even my clothes are sticking to me.

**40. 热到连风都热的。**

It's so hot, even the wind is hot.

**41. 热到连西瓜都吃不下了。**

I'm so hot, I can't even eat watermelon anymore.

**42. 热到连空调都救不了我了。**

I'm so hot, even the air conditioner can't save me.

**43. 这天气,真是让人热到失去食欲。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people lose their appetite.

**44. 热到连走路都觉得累。**

I'm so hot, even walking feels tiring.

**45. 热到连饮料都喝不下去。**

I'm so hot, I can't even drink anything anymore.

**46. 热到连头发都卷了。**

I'm so hot, even my hair is curling.

**47. 热到连手机都开不了机。**

I'm so hot, my phone won't even turn on.

**48. 这天气,真是让人热到心慌。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people feel anxious.

**49. 热到连洗澡都觉得热。**

I'm so hot, even showering feels hot.

**50. 热到连蚊子都飞不动了。**

It's so hot, even the mosquitoes can't fly.

**51. 热到连树都枯萎了。**

It's so hot, even the trees are wilting.

**52. 热到连狗狗都躲在阴凉处。**

It's so hot, even the dogs are hiding in the shade.

**53. 热到连鸟都飞不起来了。**

It's so hot, even the birds can't fly.

**54. 热到连太阳都觉得热。**

It's so hot, even the sun feels hot.

**55. 热到连空气都变得粘稠。**

It's so hot, even the air is becoming thick.

**56. 热到连时间都过得慢了。**

It's so hot, even time is passing slowly.

**57. 热到连手机都自动关机了。**

It's so hot, my phone automatically shut down.

**58. 这天气,真是让人热到不想出门。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people not want to go out.

**59. 热到连冰淇淋都变得没味道了。**

It's so hot, even the ice cream tastes bland.

**60. 热到连西瓜都吃不下去。**

I'm so hot, I can't even eat watermelon anymore.

**61. 热到连空调都开到最低温度了。**

I'm so hot, I've turned the air conditioner to the lowest temperature.

**62. 热到连汗水都变成蒸汽了。**

It's so hot, even my sweat is becoming steam.

**63. 这天气,真是让人热到心烦意乱。**

This weather is so hot, it makes people feel restless and confused.

**64. 热到连走路都喘不过气。**

I'm so hot, I can't even breathe when I walk.

**65. 热到连水都喝不下了。**

I'm so hot, I can't even drink water anymore.

**66. 热到连头发都湿透了。**

I'm so hot, even my hair is soaked through.

**67. 热到连衣服都穿不住了。**

I'm so hot, I can't even wear clothes anymore.

**68. 热到连说话都觉得费力。**

I'm so hot, even talking feels like an effort.

**69. 热到连太阳都变得刺眼了。**

It's so hot, even the sun is glaring.

**70. 热到连蚊子都躲起来吹空调了。**

It's so hot, even the mosquitoes are hiding and blowing the air conditioner.

**71. 热到连植物都枯萎了。**

It's so hot, even the plants are wilting.

**72. 热到连动物都躲在阴凉处。**

It's so hot, even the animals are hiding in the shade.

**73. 热到连空气都变得沉重了。**

It's so hot, even the air is becoming heavy.

**74. 热到连时间都过得慢了。**

It's so hot, even time is passing slowly.

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