
## 轿车搭客句子 (82句)

**1. 乘客们安静地坐在轿车里,享受着窗外的风景。**

The passengers sat quietly in the sedan, enjoying the scenery outside the window.

**2. 他叫了一辆出租车,把行李放进后备箱。**

He hailed a taxi and put his luggage in the trunk.

**3. 轿车里挤满了乘客,他们都渴望到达目的地。**

The sedan was packed with passengers, all eager to reach their destination.

**4. 这位司机小心翼翼地驾驶着轿车,避免了任何危险。**

The driver carefully steered the sedan, avoiding any hazards.

**5. 他坐在后座上,闭目养神,等待着到达目的地。**

He sat in the back seat, closing his eyes and resting, waiting to reach his destination.

**6. 轿车的音响里播放着舒缓的音乐,乘客们都沉浸在其中。**

The sedan's stereo played soothing music, and the passengers were all immersed in it.

**7. 他打开车窗,享受着微风吹拂的感觉。**

He rolled down the window and enjoyed the feeling of the breeze.

**8. 乘客们互相交谈,分享着彼此的旅行经历。**

The passengers chatted with each other, sharing their travel experiences.

**9. 轿车在高速公路上飞驰,乘客们都感到兴奋。**

The sedan sped along the highway, and the passengers were all excited.

**10. 他突然意识到自己忘记带手机了,于是赶紧给司机打电话。**

He suddenly realized he had forgotten his phone and quickly called the driver.

**11. 乘客们都迫不及待地想要下车,开始他们的旅行。**

The passengers were all eager to get out of the car and begin their journey.

**12. 轿车在拥挤的街道上缓慢行驶,乘客们都感到焦躁不安。**

The sedan crawled along the congested streets, and the passengers were all impatient.

**13. 他打开车门,走下了轿车,迎接他的冒险之旅。**

He opened the car door, stepped out of the sedan, and greeted his adventure.

**14. 轿车停在路边,乘客们都下车,准备开始新的旅程。**

The sedan pulled over to the side of the road, and the passengers all got out, ready to begin a new journey.

**15. 乘客们在车里分享着食物和饮料,享受着旅途的乐趣。**

The passengers shared food and drinks in the car, enjoying the pleasures of the journey.

**16. 轿车的空调很凉爽,乘客们都感到舒适。**

The sedan's air conditioning was very cool, and the passengers all felt comfortable.

**17. 他打开了车顶,让阳光照进车里,享受着温暖的感觉。**

He opened the sunroof, letting the sunshine into the car, and enjoyed the warm feeling.

**18. 乘客们都在看手机,每个人都沉浸在自己的世界里。**

The passengers were all looking at their phones, each immersed in their own world.

**19. 他坐在车里,思考着人生的意义。**

He sat in the car, contemplating the meaning of life.

**20. 轿车里的气氛很安静,乘客们都沉浸在自己的思绪中。**

The atmosphere in the sedan was quiet, and the passengers were all lost in their own thoughts.

**21. 他看着窗外,欣赏着城市的夜景。**

He looked out the window and admired the city's night lights.

**22. 乘客们都感到疲倦,准备在车里休息一下。**

The passengers were all feeling tired and ready to take a break in the car.

**23. 他打开车里的储物盒,拿出了一本杂志,准备打发时间。**

He opened the storage box in the car, took out a magazine, and prepared to pass the time.

**24. 乘客们都感到兴奋,因为他们即将到达目的地。**

The passengers were all excited because they were about to reach their destination.

**25. 轿车缓缓地开进了停车场,乘客们都下车了。**

The sedan slowly drove into the parking lot, and the passengers all got out.

**26. 他向司机道谢,并付了车费。**

He thanked the driver and paid the fare.

**27. 乘客们都带着美好的回忆,结束了他们的旅程。**

The passengers all ended their journey with fond memories.

**28. 他坐在轿车里,回忆着过去的时光。**

He sat in the sedan, reminiscing about the past.

**29. 轿车在崎岖的山路上艰难地行驶,乘客们都感到紧张。**

The sedan struggled along the rugged mountain road, and the passengers all felt tense.

**30. 他打开车窗,感受着山间的清香。**

He rolled down the window and inhaled the fresh mountain air.

**31. 乘客们都感到兴奋,因为他们即将看到美丽的风景。**

The passengers were all excited because they were about to see the beautiful scenery.

**32. 轿车停在山顶,乘客们都下车,欣赏着壮丽的景色。**

The sedan stopped at the top of the mountain, and the passengers all got out to admire the magnificent view.

**33. 他打开车顶,让星空照进车里,享受着浪漫的感觉。**

He opened the sunroof, letting the stars shine into the car, and enjoyed the romantic feeling.

**34. 乘客们都感到寒冷,于是他打开了车里的暖气。**

The passengers were all cold, so he turned on the car's heater.

**35. 轿车在雪地里行驶,乘客们都感到兴奋。**

The sedan drove through the snow, and the passengers were all excited.

**36. 他打开车门,让乘客们下车,欣赏着雪景。**

He opened the car door, letting the passengers out to admire the snow scenery.

**37. 乘客们都感到寒冷,于是他拿出了毯子,给他们盖上。**

The passengers were all cold, so he took out blankets and covered them with them.

**38. 轿车在雨中行驶,乘客们都感到不安。**

The sedan drove through the rain, and the passengers all felt uneasy.

**39. 他打开了车里的雨刷,让视线更加清晰。**

He turned on the car's windshield wipers, making the view clearer.

**40. 乘客们都感到无聊,于是他开始给他们讲故事。**

The passengers were all bored, so he started telling them stories.

**41. 轿车里的气氛很活跃,乘客们都互相开着玩笑。**

The atmosphere in the sedan was lively, and the passengers were all joking with each other.

**42. 他打开了车里的音乐,让乘客们放松身心。**

He turned on the car's music to help the passengers relax.

**43. 乘客们都感到疲倦,于是他停下了车,让他们休息一下。**

The passengers were all tired, so he stopped the car and let them rest.

**44. 他在车里找到了一个小枕头,给乘客们垫着。**

He found a small pillow in the car and used it to cushion the passengers.

**45. 乘客们都感到饥饿,于是他拿出了一些零食,给他们吃。**

The passengers were all hungry, so he took out some snacks for them to eat.

**46. 轿车里充满了欢笑声,乘客们都感到开心。**

The sedan was filled with laughter, and the passengers were all happy.

**47. 他打开了车里的空调,让乘客们感到凉爽。**

He turned on the car's air conditioning to help the passengers feel cool.

**48. 乘客们都感到口渴,于是他拿出了水,给他们喝。**

The passengers were all thirsty, so he took out water for them to drink.

**49. 轿车里的座椅很舒服,乘客们都感到放松。**

The seats in the sedan were very comfortable, and the passengers all felt relaxed.

**50. 他打开了车里的遮阳板,让乘客们免受阳光的照射。**

He opened the car's sun visor to shield the passengers from the sun.

**51. 乘客们都感到兴奋,因为他们即将到达新的城市。**

The passengers were all excited because they were about to reach a new city.

**52. 轿车在城市里穿梭,乘客们都感到好奇。**

The sedan weaved through the city, and the passengers were all curious.

**53. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受城市的喧嚣。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers experience the city's hustle and bustle.

**54. 乘客们都感到兴奋,因为他们即将开始新的冒险。**

The passengers were all excited because they were about to begin a new adventure.

**55. 轿车在乡间小路上行驶,乘客们都感到放松。**

The sedan drove along the country road, and the passengers all felt relaxed.

**56. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受田园风光。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers experience the rural scenery.

**57. 乘客们都感到平静,因为他们远离了城市的喧嚣。**

The passengers all felt calm because they were far away from the city's noise.

**58. 轿车在海边行驶,乘客们都感到兴奋。**

The sedan drove by the seaside, and the passengers were all excited.

**59. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受海风的气息。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers feel the salty sea breeze.

**60. 乘客们都感到放松,因为他们沉浸在海边的景色中。**

The passengers all felt relaxed because they were immersed in the seaside scenery.

**61. 轿车在沙漠里行驶,乘客们都感到好奇。**

The sedan drove through the desert, and the passengers were all curious.

**62. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受沙漠的热浪。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers feel the heat of the desert.

**63. 乘客们都感到兴奋,因为他们即将看到沙漠的奇观。**

The passengers were all excited because they were about to see the wonders of the desert.

**64. 轿车在森林里行驶,乘客们都感到平静。**

The sedan drove through the forest, and the passengers all felt calm.

**65. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受森林的清香。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers feel the fresh scent of the forest.

**66. 乘客们都感到放松,因为他们沉浸在森林的宁静之中。**

The passengers all felt relaxed because they were immersed in the tranquility of the forest.

**67. 轿车在机场高速路上行驶,乘客们都感到紧张。**

The sedan drove on the airport highway, and the passengers all felt tense.

**68. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受飞机起降的声音。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers hear the sound of planes taking off and landing.

**69. 乘客们都感到兴奋,因为他们即将开始新的旅程。**

The passengers were all excited because they were about to begin a new journey.

**70. 轿车在火车站附近行驶,乘客们都感到兴奋。**

The sedan drove near the train station, and the passengers were all excited.

**71. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受火车进站的声音。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers hear the sound of trains arriving at the station.

**72. 乘客们都感到期待,因为他们即将开始新的冒险。**

The passengers were all looking forward to the new adventure that awaited them.

**73. 轿车在港口附近行驶,乘客们都感到好奇。**

The sedan drove near the harbor, and the passengers were all curious.

**74. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受海港的繁忙景象。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers see the bustling scene at the harbor.

**75. 乘客们都感到兴奋,因为他们即将开始新的旅程。**

The passengers were all excited because they were about to begin a new journey.

**76. 轿车在公园里行驶,乘客们都感到放松。**

The sedan drove through the park, and the passengers all felt relaxed.

**77. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受公园的清新空气。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers feel the fresh air of the park.

**78. 乘客们都感到舒适,因为他们沉浸在公园的宁静之中。**

The passengers all felt comfortable because they were immersed in the tranquility of the park.

**79. 轿车在博物馆附近行驶,乘客们都感到好奇。**

The sedan drove near the museum, and the passengers were all curious.

**80. 他打开了车窗,让乘客们感受博物馆的文化气息。**

He rolled down the window to let the passengers feel the cultural atmosphere of the museum.

**81. 乘客们都感到期待,因为他们即将参观博物馆。**

The passengers were all looking forward to visiting the museum.

**82. 轿车在剧院附近行驶,乘客们都感到兴奋。**

The sedan drove near the theater, and the passengers were all excited.

以上就是关于轿车搭客句子82句(轿车搭客句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
