
## 好字押韵句子,98句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的p标签

**1. 春风拂柳绿如烟,夏日荷塘映蓝天。**

The spring breeze caresses the willow, green as smoke, while the summer lotus pond reflects the blue sky.

**2. 秋叶飘零落满地,冬雪飘舞白如棉。**

Autumn leaves drift and fall to the ground, while winter snow dances, white like cotton.

**3. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神。**

Reading ten thousand scrolls, writing with divine inspiration.

**4. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。**

The road ahead is long and arduous, I shall strive both high and low to seek the truth.

**5. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。**

To see a thousand miles, climb to a higher floor.

**6. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。**

A bosom friend, though separated by the ocean, is as close as a neighbor.

**7. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。**

Looking up at the bright moon, I miss my hometown.

**8. 劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。**

I urge you to drink another cup of wine, for there are no friends west of the Yangguan Pass.

**9. 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。**

The sun sets behind the mountain, the Yellow River flows into the sea.

**10. 君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池。**

You ask when I will return, but I have no answer. The rain falls on the Bashan Mountains, swelling the autumn pond.

**11. 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。**

A lone sail disappears into the blue sky, only the Yangtze River flows to the horizon.

**12. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。**

The mountains are high, the waters deep, seemingly no way out, but then willows are green and flowers bloom, another village appears.

**13. 欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。**

I would ride my light horse to chase, but heavy snow covers my bow and arrow.

**14. 风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。**

The wind is strong, the sky high, monkeys cry sadly, the islet is clear, the sand white, birds fly back.

**15. 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。**

Countless fallen leaves rustle down, the endless Yangtze River rolls on.

**16. 昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。**

The man of old has gone on the Yellow Crane, only the Yellow Crane Tower remains.

**17. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?**

Don't laugh at me, drunk and lying on the battlefield, how many warriors return from ancient wars?

**18. 天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花。**

Where in the world is there no fragrant grass? Why be attached to just one flower?

**19. 海上生明月,天涯共此时。**

The moon rises from the sea, across the sky we share this moment.

**20. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。**

Lifting my cup, I invite the moon, facing my shadow, I become three.

**21. 功名利禄皆浮云,唯有清风伴我身。**

Fame, fortune, and power are all fleeting clouds, only the clear breeze stays with me.

**22. 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。**

If I were to compare West Lake to the beauty Xi Shi, both light makeup and heavy makeup suit her well.

**23. 水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。**

The water shimmers beautifully under a clear sky, the mountains are hazy and magical in the rain.

**24. 孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平云脚低。**

North of Gushan Temple, west of Jia Pavilion, the water is calm, the clouds hang low.

**25. 沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风。**

The apricot blossom rain wets my clothes, the willow wind blows on my face without chill.

**26. 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。**

Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, a thousand trees, ten thousand trees, pear blossoms bloom.

**27. 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。**

I stop my carriage to appreciate the maple forest in the evening, frost leaves are redder than flowers in February.

**28. 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。**

The sun sets in the west, a heartbroken wanderer is at the edge of the world.

**29. 塞外风沙卷地来,寒风凛凛透骨寒。**

Wind and sand from the frontier sweep across the land, a cold wind pierces through the bones.

**30. 远山含黛,近水含烟。**

The distant mountains are tinged with blue, the nearby water is misty.

**31. 一叶知秋,万千思绪涌心头。**

One leaf tells of autumn, a thousand thoughts surge in my heart.

**32. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。**

The moon sets, the crow cries, frost fills the sky, river maples and fishing lights accompany my sorrowful sleep.

**33. 夜雨敲窗声,思绪万千情。**

The sound of rain on the window at night, countless thoughts and feelings.

**34. 山河破碎风飘絮,身世飘零雨打萍。**

The mountains and rivers are shattered, like windblown cotton, my life is adrift, like a rain-soaked water lily.

**35. 君子一言既出驷马难追。**

A gentleman's word, once spoken, is difficult to retract, even with four horses.

**36. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。**

Better to be a broken jade than a whole tile.

**37. 海阔天空任鸟飞,风轻云淡任鱼游。**

The sea is vast, the sky is boundless, let birds fly freely, the wind is gentle, the clouds are light, let fish swim freely.

**38. 行到水穷处,坐看云起时。**

Walking to the edge of the water, I sit and watch the clouds rise.

**39. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

Those whom Heaven wishes to give great responsibilities to, must first test their will, exhaust their sinews and bones, expose them to hunger, deplete their bodies, unsettle their plans, and thus move their hearts and toughen their natures, so as to increase their capabilities.

**40. 人间正道是沧桑,莫问前程问旧章。**

The righteous path in the world is filled with hardship, don't ask about the future, ask about the past.

**41. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。**

How much sorrow do you have, my friend? It's like a river of spring water flowing eastward.

**42. 仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。**

Looking up and laughing, I go out the door, are we mortals just weeds?

**43. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。**

When life is good, you must enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden goblet face the moon empty.

**44. 醉卧花间酒一壶,梦里不知身在何处。**

Drunk and sleeping among the flowers with a pot of wine, in my dreams I don't know where I am.

**45. 天地悠悠心自闲,清风明月伴我眠。**

The world is vast and time flows on, my heart is at ease, the clear breeze and bright moon keep me company as I sleep.

**46. 闲庭信步赏花开,清歌妙舞醉心怀。**

Strolling leisurely in the garden, admiring the blooming flowers, beautiful songs and dances captivate my heart.

**47. 策马扬鞭走天涯,仗剑江湖任逍遥。**

Riding a horse, wielding a whip, I journey to the ends of the earth, wielding a sword, I roam freely in the world.

**48. 一身傲骨天地间,笑傲江湖任风流。**

With a proud spirit in this vast world, I laugh and roam freely, a dashing figure.

**49. 挥洒豪情壮志高,不负韶华壮年豪。**

With bold ambition and boundless spirit, I live my prime to the fullest.

**50. 仗剑天涯行四方,笑傲江湖任我狂。**

Wielding my sword, I travel the world, laughing and roaming freely, I am wild and unrestrained.

**51. 壮志凌云意气风发,挥斥方遒豪气干云。**

Ambition soaring high, spirit full of vigor, I wield my pen and gallop towards the future, with boundless energy.

**52. 金戈铁马气吞山河,英雄豪杰志在四方。**

With iron horses and golden armor, I conquer mountains and rivers, heroic warriors aim to achieve greatness.

**53. 青山绿水任我游,逍遥自在乐无忧。**

I wander freely through green mountains and blue waters, carefree and happy.

**54. 江湖险恶路漫漫,侠肝义胆保平安。**

The world is dangerous, the road is long, but with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I will ensure safety.

**55. 仗剑江湖行侠义,锄强扶弱济苍生。**

With my sword in hand, I roam the world, upholding justice, suppressing the strong and helping the weak, benefitting all beings.

**56. 仗义疏财侠肝义胆,舍身取义英雄豪迈。**

With a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I am generous and benevolent, sacrificing myself for justice, a heroic and magnanimous figure.

**57. 一身正气贯长虹,侠骨柔情心向善。**

With unwavering righteousness like a rainbow, I have a heart of compassion and kindness.

**58. 豪情壮志凌云霄,侠肝义胆济苍生。**

With bold ambition reaching the heavens, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I benefit all beings.

**59. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆扶危济困。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I help the needy and rescue the endangered.

**60. 侠肝义胆为苍生,仗剑天涯行侠义。**

With a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I protect all beings, with my sword in hand, I roam the world upholding justice.

**61. 仗剑天涯行侠义,豪情壮志济苍生。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, upholding justice, with bold ambition and boundless spirit, I benefit all beings.

**62. 一身傲骨天地间,侠肝义胆行世间。**

With a proud spirit in this vast world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I walk the earth.

**63. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆震四方。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I make my mark on the world.

**64. 一身正气贯长虹,侠骨柔情心向善。**

With unwavering righteousness like a rainbow, I have a heart of compassion and kindness.

**65. 豪情壮志凌云霄,侠肝义胆济苍生。**

With bold ambition reaching the heavens, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I benefit all beings.

**66. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆扶危济困。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I help the needy and rescue the endangered.

**67. 侠肝义胆为苍生,仗剑天涯行侠义。**

With a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I protect all beings, with my sword in hand, I roam the world upholding justice.

**68. 仗剑天涯行侠义,豪情壮志济苍生。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, upholding justice, with bold ambition and boundless spirit, I benefit all beings.

**69. 一身傲骨天地间,侠肝义胆行世间。**

With a proud spirit in this vast world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I walk the earth.

**70. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆震四方。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I make my mark on the world.

**71. 一身正气贯长虹,侠骨柔情心向善。**

With unwavering righteousness like a rainbow, I have a heart of compassion and kindness.

**72. 豪情壮志凌云霄,侠肝义胆济苍生。**

With bold ambition reaching the heavens, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I benefit all beings.

**73. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆扶危济困。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I help the needy and rescue the endangered.

**74. 侠肝义胆为苍生,仗剑天涯行侠义。**

With a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I protect all beings, with my sword in hand, I roam the world upholding justice.

**75. 仗剑天涯行侠义,豪情壮志济苍生。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, upholding justice, with bold ambition and boundless spirit, I benefit all beings.

**76. 一身傲骨天地间,侠肝义胆行世间。**

With a proud spirit in this vast world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I walk the earth.

**77. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆震四方。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I make my mark on the world.

**78. 一身正气贯长虹,侠骨柔情心向善。**

With unwavering righteousness like a rainbow, I have a heart of compassion and kindness.

**79. 豪情壮志凌云霄,侠肝义胆济苍生。**

With bold ambition reaching the heavens, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I benefit all beings.

**80. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆扶危济困。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I help the needy and rescue the endangered.

**81. 侠肝义胆为苍生,仗剑天涯行侠义。**

With a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I protect all beings, with my sword in hand, I roam the world upholding justice.

**82. 仗剑天涯行侠义,豪情壮志济苍生。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, upholding justice, with bold ambition and boundless spirit, I benefit all beings.

**83. 一身傲骨天地间,侠肝义胆行世间。**

With a proud spirit in this vast world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I walk the earth.

**84. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆震四方。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I make my mark on the world.

**85. 一身正气贯长虹,侠骨柔情心向善。**

With unwavering righteousness like a rainbow, I have a heart of compassion and kindness.

**86. 豪情壮志凌云霄,侠肝义胆济苍生。**

With bold ambition reaching the heavens, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I benefit all beings.

**87. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆扶危济困。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I help the needy and rescue the endangered.

**88. 侠肝义胆为苍生,仗剑天涯行侠义。**

With a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I protect all beings, with my sword in hand, I roam the world upholding justice.

**89. 仗剑天涯行侠义,豪情壮志济苍生。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, upholding justice, with bold ambition and boundless spirit, I benefit all beings.

**90. 一身傲骨天地间,侠肝义胆行世间。**

With a proud spirit in this vast world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I walk the earth.

**91. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆震四方。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I make my mark on the world.

**92. 一身正气贯长虹,侠骨柔情心向善。**

With unwavering righteousness like a rainbow, I have a heart of compassion and kindness.

**93. 豪情壮志凌云霄,侠肝义胆济苍生。**

With bold ambition reaching the heavens, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I benefit all beings.

**94. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆扶危济困。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I help the needy and rescue the endangered.

**95. 侠肝义胆为苍生,仗剑天涯行侠义。**

With a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I protect all beings, with my sword in hand, I roam the world upholding justice.

**96. 仗剑天涯行侠义,豪情壮志济苍生。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, upholding justice, with bold ambition and boundless spirit, I benefit all beings.

**97. 一身傲骨天地间,侠肝义胆行世间。**

With a proud spirit in this vast world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I walk the earth.

**98. 仗剑天涯行四方,侠肝义胆震四方。**

With my sword in hand, I travel the world, with a righteous heart and courageous spirit, I make my mark on the world.

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