
## 好汉喝酒句子 (52句)

**1. 好汉做事,喝酒壮胆!**

Good men do their deeds, drinking to embolden themselves!

**2. 喝酒豪迈,英雄气概!**

Drinking with gusto, the spirit of a hero!

**3. 一壶浊酒,千古英雄!**

A pot of rough wine, a hero for the ages!

**4. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多!**

When meeting a kindred spirit, a thousand cups of wine are not enough; when words are not in sync, even half a sentence is too much!

**5. 酒到杯干,英雄本色!**

Wine reaching the bottom of the cup, the true nature of a hero!

**6. 酒壮英雄胆,醉卧沙场君莫笑!**

Wine emboldens the hero, drunk and lying on the battlefield, do not laugh!

**7. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回!**

Drunk and lying on the battlefield, do not laugh, throughout history, how many soldiers have returned from war?

**8. 酒不醉人人自醉,英雄豪情任逍遥!**

Wine may not intoxicate, but people intoxicate themselves, the hero's boldness and spirit soar freely!

**9. 豪言壮语一杯酒,笑傲江湖任逍遥!**

Bold words and grand ambitions with a cup of wine, laughing and dominating the world, living carefree!

**10. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月!**

When life is full of joy, one must indulge to the fullest, do not let the golden goblet face the moon empty!

**11. 千杯不醉,豪气冲天!**

A thousand cups without getting drunk, boundless heroic spirit!

**12. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人!**

Raising a cup to invite the bright moon, my shadow and I become three!

**13. 醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权!**

Drunk and lying on the lap of a beautiful woman, upon waking, I hold the power of the world in my hands!

**14. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多!**

When meeting a kindred spirit, a thousand cups of wine are not enough; when words are not in sync, even half a sentence is too much!

**15. 酒酣耳热,豪情万丈!**

Wine warms the ears, heroic spirit surges!

**16. 酒过三巡,菜过五味!**

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of dishes!

**17. 酒醉心不醉,豪情壮志满胸怀!**

The body may be drunk, but the heart remains sober, heroic ambition fills the chest!

**18. 酒逢知己千杯少,人生得意须尽欢!**

When meeting a kindred spirit, a thousand cups of wine are not enough, when life is full of joy, one must indulge to the fullest!

**19. 杯酒人生,豪情万丈!**

A life of wine, heroic spirit surging!

**20. 酒量大小,英雄本色!**

The amount of wine consumed, the true nature of a hero!

**21. 好男儿,当饮酒!**

A true man, should drink wine!

**22. 酒逢知己千杯少,豪情壮志满胸怀!**

When meeting a kindred spirit, a thousand cups of wine are not enough, heroic ambition fills the chest!

**23. 酒酣耳热,豪言壮语!**

Wine warms the ears, bold words and grand ambitions!

**24. 酒过三巡,豪情万丈!**

Three rounds of wine, heroic spirit surging!

**25. 酒醉心不醉,豪情满怀!**

The body may be drunk, but the heart remains sober, heroic spirit fills the heart!

**26. 酒逢知己千杯少,醉卧美人膝!**

When meeting a kindred spirit, a thousand cups of wine are not enough, drunk and lying on the lap of a beautiful woman!

**27. 豪饮千杯,英雄本色!**

Drinking a thousand cups, the true nature of a hero!

**28. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,英雄豪情任逍遥!**

Drunk and lying on the battlefield, do not laugh, the hero's boldness and spirit soar freely!

**29. 酒壮英雄胆,豪情万丈!**

Wine emboldens the hero, heroic spirit surges!

**30. 酒逢知己千杯少,豪言壮语一杯酒!**

When meeting a kindred spirit, a thousand cups of wine are not enough, bold words and grand ambitions with a cup of wine!

**31. 醉卧美人膝,豪情满怀!**

Drunk and lying on the lap of a beautiful woman, heroic spirit fills the heart!

**32. 酒酣耳热,豪情满腔!**

Wine warms the ears, heroic spirit fills the chest!

**33. 酒过三巡,豪情不减!**

Three rounds of wine, heroic spirit undiminished!

**34. 酒醉心不醉,英雄本色!**

The body may be drunk, but the heart remains sober, the true nature of a hero!

**35. 豪饮千杯,豪气冲天!**

Drinking a thousand cups, boundless heroic spirit!

**36. 豪言壮语,豪情万丈!**

Bold words and grand ambitions, heroic spirit surges!

**37. 豪情壮志,豪饮千杯!**

Heroic ambition, drinking a thousand cups!

**38. 豪迈洒脱,豪饮一杯!**

Bold and unrestrained, drinking a cup!

**39. 酒逢知己千杯少,豪情壮志满胸怀!**

When meeting a kindred spirit, a thousand cups of wine are not enough, heroic ambition fills the chest!

**40. 酒壮英雄胆,豪情万丈!**

Wine emboldens the hero, heroic spirit surges!

**41. 酒过三巡,豪情满怀!**

Three rounds of wine, heroic spirit fills the heart!

**42. 酒醉心不醉,豪情不减!**

The body may be drunk, but the heart remains sober, heroic spirit undiminished!

**43. 豪情万丈,豪饮一杯!**

Heroic spirit surges, drinking a cup!

**44. 豪言壮语,豪气冲天!**

Bold words and grand ambitions, boundless heroic spirit!

**45. 豪迈洒脱,豪情万丈!**

Bold and unrestrained, heroic spirit surges!

**46. 豪饮千杯,豪情不减!**

Drinking a thousand cups, heroic spirit undiminished!

**47. 豪情壮志,豪言壮语!**

Heroic ambition, bold words and grand ambitions!

**48. 豪迈洒脱,豪气冲天!**

Bold and unrestrained, boundless heroic spirit!

**49. 豪饮千杯,豪情万丈!**

Drinking a thousand cups, heroic spirit surges!

**50. 豪言壮语,豪迈洒脱!**

Bold words and grand ambitions, bold and unrestrained!

**51. 豪情壮志,豪饮一杯!**

Heroic ambition, drinking a cup!

**52. 豪迈洒脱,豪情满怀!**

Bold and unrestrained, heroic spirit fills the heart!

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