
## 好心没有好报的句子 (97句)


1. 好心当成驴肝肺。
2. 别人不领情,还把你的好心当成了理所当然。
3. 你掏心掏肺对他好,他却把你当成傻子。
4. 你真心待人,却被别人利用,到头来还被误会。
5. 你热心帮助别人,却换来别人的冷眼和嘲讽。
6. 你一片好心,却被人当成了傻瓜。
7. 好心办坏事,好心没好报,真是让人寒心。
8. 你把真心都给了别人,却换来别人的欺骗和背叛。
9. 你尽心尽力地付出,却换来别人的无视和漠不关心。
10. 你真心实意地帮助别人,却被人当成了软弱可欺。
11. 你把真心都掏出来了,却换来别人的一脚踢开。
12. 你对别人好,别人却把你当成了工具。
13. 你对别人付出真心,却换来别人的伤害。
14. 你对别人好,别人却反过来伤害你。
15. 你无私奉献,却换来别人的冷酷无情。
16. 你帮助别人,却被人说成是图回报。
17. 你把好心都用在了别人身上,却换来别人的利用和欺骗。
18. 你对别人好,别人却对你不屑一顾。
19. 你真心实意地对待别人,却换来别人的冷漠和疏远。
20. 你对别人好,别人却对你视而不见。
21. 你对别人好,别人却对你漠不关心。
22. 你对别人好,别人却对你冷眼相待。
23. 你对别人好,别人却对你爱理不理。
24. 你对别人好,别人却对你心怀不满。
25. 你对别人好,别人却对你心存怨恨。
26. 你对别人好,别人却对你恩将仇报。
27. 你对别人好,别人却对你落井下石。
28. 你对别人好,别人却对你翻脸无情。
29. 你对别人好,别人却对你无情无义。
30. 你对别人好,别人却对你冷酷无情。
31. 你对别人好,别人却对你心狠手辣。
32. 你对别人好,别人却对你心怀歹意。
33. 你对别人好,别人却对你居心不良。
34. 你对别人好,别人却对你怀恨在心。
35. 你对别人好,别人却对你报复。
36. 你对别人好,别人却对你雪上加霜。
37. 你对别人好,别人却对你落井下石。
38. 你对别人好,别人却对你赶尽杀绝。
39. 你对别人好,别人却对你置之不理。
40. 你对别人好,别人却对你无动于衷。
41. 你对别人好,别人却对你视若无睹。
42. 你对别人好,别人却对你充耳不闻。
43. 你对别人好,别人却对你置若罔闻。
44. 你对别人好,别人却对你爱答不理。
45. 你对别人好,别人却对你敷衍了事。
46. 你对别人好,别人却对你漠不关心。
47. 你对别人好,别人却对你冷酷无情。
48. 你对别人好,别人却对你无情无义。
49. 你对别人好,别人却对你恩将仇报。
50. 你对别人好,别人却对你落井下石。
51. 你对别人好,别人却对你翻脸无情。
52. 你对别人好,别人却对你赶尽杀绝。
53. 你对别人好,别人却对你置之不理。
54. 你对别人好,别人却对你无动于衷。
55. 你对别人好,别人却对你视若无睹。
56. 你对别人好,别人却对你充耳不闻。
57. 你对别人好,别人却对你置若罔闻。
58. 你对别人好,别人却对你爱答不理。
59. 你对别人好,别人却对你敷衍了事。
60. 你对别人好,别人却对你漠不关心。
61. 你对别人好,别人却对你冷酷无情。
62. 你对别人好,别人却对你无情无义。
63. 你对别人好,别人却对你恩将仇报。
64. 你对别人好,别人却对你落井下石。
65. 你对别人好,别人却对你翻脸无情。
66. 你对别人好,别人却对你赶尽杀绝。
67. 你对别人好,别人却对你置之不理。
68. 你对别人好,别人却对你无动于衷。
69. 你对别人好,别人却对你视若无睹。
70. 你对别人好,别人却对你充耳不闻。
71. 你对别人好,别人却对你置若罔闻。
72. 你对别人好,别人却对你爱答不理。
73. 你对别人好,别人却对你敷衍了事。
74. 你对别人好,别人却对你漠不关心。
75. 你对别人好,别人却对你冷酷无情。
76. 你对别人好,别人却对你无情无义。
77. 你对别人好,别人却对你恩将仇报。
78. 你对别人好,别人却对你落井下石。
79. 你对别人好,别人却对你翻脸无情。
80. 你对别人好,别人却对你赶尽杀绝。
81. 你对别人好,别人却对你置之不理。
82. 你对别人好,别人却对你无动于衷。
83. 你对别人好,别人却对你视若无睹。
84. 你对别人好,别人却对你充耳不闻。
85. 你对别人好,别人却对你置若罔闻。
86. 你对别人好,别人却对你爱答不理。
87. 你对别人好,别人却对你敷衍了事。
88. 你对别人好,别人却对你漠不关心。
89. 你对别人好,别人却对你冷酷无情。
90. 你对别人好,别人却对你无情无义。
91. 你对别人好,别人却对你恩将仇报。
92. 你对别人好,别人却对你落井下石。
93. 你对别人好,别人却对你翻脸无情。
94. 你对别人好,别人却对你赶尽杀绝。
95. 你对别人好,别人却对你置之不理。
96. 你对别人好,别人却对你无动于衷。
97. 你对别人好,别人却对你视若无睹。


1. Kindness was taken for granted.

2. Others don't appreciate it, and they take your kindness for granted.

3. You pour your heart out to him, but he treats you like a fool.

4. You treat people with sincerity, but you are taken advantage of and misunderstood in the end.

5. You enthusiastically help others, but in return you get cold stares and ridicule.

6. You are kind-hearted, but people treat you like a fool.

7. Good intentions lead to bad results, kindness is not rewarded, it's really chilling.

8. You give your heart to others, but in return you get deceit and betrayal.

9. You put in your best effort, but in return you get ignored and indifference.

10. You genuinely help others, but people see you as weak and easy to bully.

11. You pour your heart out, but in return you get kicked away.

12. You are kind to others, but they use you as a tool.

13. You give your heart to others, but in return you get hurt.

14. You are kind to others, but they turn around and hurt you.

15. You are selfless, but in return you get cold-heartedness.

16. You help others, but people say you're looking for something in return.

17. You use your kindness on others, but in return you get used and deceived.

18. You are kind to others, but they look down on you.

19. You treat others with sincerity, but in return you get coldness and alienation.

20. You are kind to others, but they turn a blind eye to you.

21. You are kind to others, but they don't care about you.

22. You are kind to others, but they give you the cold shoulder.

23. You are kind to others, but they are indifferent to you.

24. You are kind to others, but they are unhappy with you.

25. You are kind to others, but they hold a grudge against you.

26. You are kind to others, but they repay you with ingratitude.

27. You are kind to others, but they kick you when you're down.

28. You are kind to others, but they turn their backs on you.

29. You are kind to others, but they are heartless and unfaithful.

30. You are kind to others, but they are cold-hearted.

31. You are kind to others, but they are cruel and ruthless.

32. You are kind to others, but they harbor ill will toward you.

33. You are kind to others, but they have ulterior motives.

34. You are kind to others, but they hold a grudge against you.

35. You are kind to others, but they retaliate.

36. You are kind to others, but they add insult to injury.

37. You are kind to others, but they kick you when you're down.

38. You are kind to others, but they drive you to the brink of destruction.

39. You are kind to others, but they ignore you.

40. You are kind to others, but they are unmoved.

41. You are kind to others, but they turn a blind eye to you.

42. You are kind to others, but they turn a deaf ear to you.

43. You are kind to others, but they ignore you completely.

44. You are kind to others, but they are indifferent to you.

45. You are kind to others, but they do a half-hearted job.

46. You are kind to others, but they don't care about you.

47. You are kind to others, but they are cold-hearted.

48. You are kind to others, but they are heartless and unfaithful.

49. You are kind to others, but they repay you with ingratitude.

50. You are kind to others, but they kick you when you're down.

51. You are kind to others, but they turn their backs on you.

52. You are kind to others, but they drive you to the brink of destruction.

53. You are kind to others, but they ignore you.

54. You are kind to others, but they are unmoved.

55. You are kind to others, but they turn a blind eye to you.

56. You are kind to others, but they turn a deaf ear to you.

57. You are kind to others, but they ignore you completely.

58. You are kind to others, but they are indifferent to you.

59. You are kind to others, but they do a half-hearted job.

60. You are kind to others, but they don't care about you.

61. You are kind to others, but they are cold-hearted.

62. You are kind to others, but they are heartless and unfaithful.

63. You are kind to others, but they repay you with ingratitude.

64. You are kind to others, but they kick you when you're down.

65. You are kind to others, but they turn their backs on you.

66. You are kind to others, but they drive you to the brink of destruction.

67. You are kind to others, but they ignore you.

68. You are kind to others, but they are unmoved.

69. You are kind to others, but they turn a blind eye to you.

70. You are kind to others, but they turn a deaf ear to you.

71. You are kind to others, but they ignore you completely.

72. You are kind to others, but they are indifferent to you.

73. You are kind to others, but they do a half-hearted job.

74. You are kind to others, but they don't care about you.

75. You are kind to others, but they are cold-hearted.

76. You are kind to others, but they are heartless and unfaithful.

77. You are kind to others, but they repay you with ingratitude.

78. You are kind to others, but they kick you when you're down.

79. You are kind to others, but they turn their backs on you.

80. You are kind to others, but they drive you to the brink of destruction.

81. You are kind to others, but they ignore you.

82. You are kind to others, but they are unmoved.

83. You are kind to others, but they turn a blind eye to you.

84. You are kind to others, but they turn a deaf ear to you.

85. You are kind to others, but they ignore you completely.

86. You are kind to others, but they are indifferent to you.

87. You are kind to others, but they do a half-hearted job.

88. You are kind to others, but they don't care about you.

89. You are kind to others, but they are cold-hearted.

90. You are kind to others, but they are heartless and unfaithful.

91. You are kind to others, but they repay you with ingratitude.

92. You are kind to others, but they kick you when you're down.

93. You are kind to others, but they turn their backs on you.

94. You are kind to others, but they drive you to the brink of destruction.

95. You are kind to others, but they ignore you.

96. You are kind to others, but they are unmoved.

97. You are kind to others, but they turn a blind eye to you.

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