
## 62句力所不及的句子及其英文翻译

1. 力所不及,心有余而力不足。

1. I am powerless to do it, I have the will but lack the strength.

2. 能力有限,望尘莫及。

2. My abilities are limited, I can't catch up.

3. 人各有志,力所不及者,不可强求。

3. Everyone has their own aspirations, don't force yourself to do what you're not capable of.

4. 心有余而力不足,望其项背而不可及也。

4. I have the will but lack the strength, I can see their back but cannot catch up.

5. 力不从心,事不可为。

5. My strength is not enough, the task is impossible.

6. 能力有限,难以胜任。

6. I am not capable enough to handle this.

7. 力不能及,只好作罢。

7. I can't do it, I have to give up.

8. 心有余力不足,徒劳无功。

8. I have the will but lack the strength, it's all in vain.

9. 力不从心,奈何天意。

9. My strength is not enough, what can I do against fate?

10. 力所不及,唯有尽力而为。

10. I am not capable enough, but I can only do my best.

11. 力不能及,却不能放弃希望。

11. I am not capable enough, but I cannot give up hope.

12. 力所不及,但心向往之。

12. I am not capable enough, but my heart yearns for it.

13. 力不足而心不甘,何日方能功成名就?

13. I lack the strength but my heart is not reconciled, when will I achieve success?

14. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着期待。

14. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with anticipation.

15. 力不能及,但心中依然有着追求。

15. I am not capable enough, but my heart still holds onto the pursuit.

16. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着梦想。

16. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with dreams.

17. 力不足,但心依旧坚定不移。

17. I lack the strength, but my heart remains steadfast.

18. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着勇气。

18. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with courage.

19. 力不从心,但心中依然燃烧着希望的火焰。

19. My strength is not enough, but the flame of hope still burns in my heart.

20. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对未来的憧憬。

20. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with longing for the future.

21. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对美好生活的向往。

21. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with yearning for a better life.

22. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对生命的热爱。

22. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with love for life.

23. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对未来的渴望。

23. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a longing for the future.

24. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对爱情的憧憬。

24. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with longing for love.

25. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对自由的向往。

25. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with longing for freedom.

26. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对成功的渴望。

26. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with a longing for success.

27. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对知识的渴求。

27. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a thirst for knowledge.

28. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对美的追求。

28. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a pursuit of beauty.

29. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对善的向往。

29. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with longing for goodness.

30. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对真理的探索。

30. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with the exploration of truth.

31. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对生命的思考。

31. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with reflections on life.

32. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对世界的探索。

32. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with the exploration of the world.

33. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对未来的展望。

33. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with visions for the future.

34. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对生命的感悟。

34. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with insights into life.

35. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对人生的思考。

35. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with reflections on life.

36. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对爱的思考。

36. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with reflections on love.

37. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对幸福的追求。

37. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a pursuit of happiness.

38. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对生命的感悟。

38. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with insights into life.

39. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对未来的希望。

39. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with hope for the future.

40. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对美好事物的追求。

40. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a pursuit of good things.

41. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对人生的感悟。

41. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with reflections on life.

42. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对真理的探索。

42. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with the exploration of truth.

43. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对人生的思考。

43. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with reflections on life.

44. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对未来的憧憬。

44. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with longing for the future.

45. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对生命的热爱。

45. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with love for life.

46. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对成功的渴望。

46. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with a longing for success.

47. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对美好的追求。

47. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a pursuit of good things.

48. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对真善美的追求。

48. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.

49. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对理想的坚持。

49. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a commitment to my ideals.

50. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对未来的展望。

50. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with visions for the future.

51. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对生命的思考。

51. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with reflections on life.

52. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对人生的感悟。

52. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with insights into life.

53. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对爱情的憧憬。

53. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with longing for love.

54. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对幸福的追求。

54. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with a pursuit of happiness.

55. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对未来的希望。

55. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with hope for the future.

56. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对美好生活的向往。

56. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with yearning for a better life.

57. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对梦想的执着。

57. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a persistence in pursuing my dreams.

58. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对未来的期盼。

58. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with anticipation for the future.

59. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对人生的思考。

59. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with reflections on life.

60. 力不能及,但心中依然充满着对生命的感悟。

60. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with insights into life.

61. 力所不及,但心中依然充满着对真爱的追求。

61. I am not capable enough, but my heart is still filled with a pursuit of true love.

62. 力不足,但心中依然充满着对未来的希望。

62. I lack the strength, but my heart is still filled with hope for the future.

以上就是关于力所不及句子62句(力所不及句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
