
## 剑指南山 86 句

**1. 剑指南山,意气风发。**

The sword points to the mountain, full of spirit and ambition.

**2. 青山不老,剑气纵横。**

The green mountains never age, the sword's energy fills the air.

**3. 凌云壮志,一剑破天。**

Ambition soars to the clouds, one sword breaks through the heavens.

**4. 锋芒毕露,天下无敌。**

Sharpness shines brightly, invincible in the world.

**5. 绝世神兵,无人可挡。**

Divine weapon, unparalleled, none can stand against it.

**6. 纵横天下,唯我独尊。**

Dominate the world, I stand alone.

**7. 出鞘利刃,势不可挡。**

Drawn blade, unstoppable force.

**8. 拔剑出鞘,一鸣惊人。**

Drawing the sword, a single cry shakes the world.

**9. 挥剑斩风,气吞山河。**

Swinging the sword against the wind, swallowing mountains and rivers.

**10. 剑锋所指,所向披靡。**

Wherever the sword points, nothing can stand in its way.

**11. 傲视群雄,天下唯我。**

Looking down at all heroes, the world belongs to me.

**12. 傲骨铮铮,不屈不挠。**

Strong bones and unwavering spirit, never yielding.

**13. 孤胆英雄,独步江湖。**

Lone hero, walking alone in the world.

**14. 剑舞轻歌,笑傲江湖。**

Sword dances with light song, laughing and dominating the world.

**15. 剑胆琴心,侠骨柔情。**

Heart of courage, soul of music, chivalry with gentleness.

**16. 快意恩仇,仗剑走天涯。**

Free and easy, drawing the sword, wandering the world.

**17. 仗剑行侠,路见不平一声吼。**

Traveling with the sword, roaring at injustice.

**18. 行侠仗义,扶危济困。**

Helping the weak, saving the oppressed.

**19. 义薄云天,肝胆相照。**

Loyal and righteous, sincere and true.

**20. 心怀天下,侠肝义胆。**

Heart for the world, righteous and courageous.

**21. 舍身取义,大义凛然。**

Sacrifice oneself for righteousness, noble and awe-inspiring.

**22. 正邪不两立,血战到底。**

Good and evil cannot coexist, fight to the death.

**23. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。**

Better to break like jade than to remain whole like a tile.

**24. 生死看淡,去留无意。**

Life and death are trivial, no attachment to staying or leaving.

**25. 天下英雄,尽入吾彀。**

All heroes of the world fall into my net.

**26. 纵使千军万马,我自岿然不动。**

Even facing a million soldiers, I stand firm and unyielding.

**27. 孤影独行,不畏强敌。**

Alone and wandering, fearless of strong enemies.

**28. 纵横沙场,所向无敌。**

Dominating the battlefield, invincible in all directions.

**29. 血染征袍,战功赫赫。**

Blood stains the battle robe, glorious achievements.

**30. 马革裹尸,死而后已。**

Die on the battlefield, never surrender.

**31. 功成名就,名垂青史。**

Achieve great things, leave a lasting name in history.

**32. 铁骨铮铮,豪情壮志。**

Strong bones and unwavering spirit, bold ambition.

**33. 傲视天下,无人可及。**

Look down on the world, none can reach my height.

**34. 纵横天下,无人能挡。**

Dominate the world, none can stop me.

**35. 睥睨天下,唯我独尊。**

Looking down on the world, I stand alone.

**36. 天下风云,唯我独掌。**

The world's fate, only I control.

**37. 挥剑斩风,气吞山河。**

Swinging the sword against the wind, swallowing mountains and rivers.

**38. 纵横捭阖,指点江山。**

Strategizing and maneuvering, controlling the world.

**39. 运筹帷幄,决胜千里。**

Planning and strategizing, winning a thousand miles away.

**40. 傲骨铮铮,不屈不挠。**

Strong bones and unwavering spirit, never yielding.

**41. 天下英雄,尽入彀中。**

All heroes of the world fall into my net.

**42. 挥斥方遒,指点江山。**


**43. 谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。**

With a smile and a laugh, warships turn to ash and smoke.

**44. 豪情壮志,指点江山。**

Bold ambition, controlling the world.

**45. 功成名就,名垂青史。**

Achieve great things, leave a lasting name in history.

**46. 纵横天下,无人能敌。**

Dominate the world, none can match me.

**47. 天下英雄,尽皆臣服。**

All heroes of the world submit to me.

**48. 傲视群雄,无人可挡。**

Looking down at all heroes, none can stand against me.

**49. 舍我其谁,唯我独尊。**

Who else but me, I stand alone.

**50. 剑锋所指,所向披靡。**

Wherever the sword points, nothing can stand in its way.

**51. 纵横沙场,无人能敌。**

Dominating the battlefield, none can match me.

**52. 一剑在手,天下我有。**

With this sword in hand, the world is mine.

**53. 挥剑斩风,气吞山河。**

Swinging the sword against the wind, swallowing mountains and rivers.

**54. 天下英雄,尽皆俯首。**

All heroes of the world bow their heads to me.

**55. 傲视群雄,唯我独尊。**

Looking down at all heroes, I stand alone.

**56. 剑锋所指,所向披靡。**

Wherever the sword points, nothing can stand in its way.

**57. 纵横沙场,无人能敌。**

Dominating the battlefield, none can match me.

**58. 天下英雄,尽入彀中。**

All heroes of the world fall into my net.

**59. 挥斥方遒,指点江山。**


**60. 谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。**

With a smile and a laugh, warships turn to ash and smoke.

**61. 豪情壮志,指点江山。**

Bold ambition, controlling the world.

**62. 功成名就,名垂青史。**

Achieve great things, leave a lasting name in history.

**63. 纵横天下,无人能敌。**

Dominate the world, none can match me.

**64. 天下英雄,尽皆臣服。**

All heroes of the world submit to me.

**65. 傲视群雄,无人可挡。**

Looking down at all heroes, none can stand against me.

**66. 舍我其谁,唯我独尊。**

Who else but me, I stand alone.

**67. 剑锋所指,所向披靡。**

Wherever the sword points, nothing can stand in its way.

**68. 纵横沙场,无人能敌。**

Dominating the battlefield, none can match me.

**69. 一剑在手,天下我有。**

With this sword in hand, the world is mine.

**70. 挥剑斩风,气吞山河。**

Swinging the sword against the wind, swallowing mountains and rivers.

**71. 天下英雄,尽皆俯首。**

All heroes of the world bow their heads to me.

**72. 傲视群雄,唯我独尊。**

Looking down at all heroes, I stand alone.

**73. 剑锋所指,所向披靡。**

Wherever the sword points, nothing can stand in its way.

**74. 纵横沙场,无人能敌。**

Dominating the battlefield, none can match me.

**75. 天下英雄,尽入彀中。**

All heroes of the world fall into my net.

**76. 挥斥方遒,指点江山。**


**77. 谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。**

With a smile and a laugh, warships turn to ash and smoke.

**78. 豪情壮志,指点江山。**

Bold ambition, controlling the world.

**79. 功成名就,名垂青史。**

Achieve great things, leave a lasting name in history.

**80. 纵横天下,无人能敌。**

Dominate the world, none can match me.

**81. 天下英雄,尽皆臣服。**

All heroes of the world submit to me.

**82. 傲视群雄,无人可挡。**

Looking down at all heroes, none can stand against me.

**83. 舍我其谁,唯我独尊。**

Who else but me, I stand alone.

**84. 剑锋所指,所向披靡。**

Wherever the sword points, nothing can stand in its way.

**85. 纵横沙场,无人能敌。**

Dominating the battlefield, none can match me.

**86. 一剑在手,天下我有。**

With this sword in hand, the world is mine.

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